Tom shiftlet. Tom Shiftlet Character Analysis 2022-10-20

Tom shiftlet Rating: 6,6/10 1045 reviews

Tom Shiftlet is a character in Flannery O'Connor's short story "The Life You Save May Be Your Own." The story, set in rural Georgia in the 1940s, follows Tom Shiftlet as he arrives at a farm in search of work and a place to stay. Shiftlet is a drifter and a con artist who is always on the lookout for his next scam.

At first, Tom Shiftlet appears to be a charming and likable character. He is handsome, well-spoken, and has a way with words that wins over the farm's owner, Mrs. Crater, and her disabled daughter, Lucynell. Shiftlet tells them that he is a carpenter and mechanic, and he quickly sets to work repairing the farm's old truck and fixing up the dilapidated house.

As the story unfolds, however, it becomes clear that Shiftlet is not who he claims to be. He is a manipulative and selfish man who is only interested in getting what he can from Mrs. Crater and Lucynell. When he learns that Mrs. Crater is wealthy and that Lucynell is the sole heir to her fortune, Shiftlet sees an opportunity to take advantage of them. He begins to court Lucynell, promising to marry her and take care of her for the rest of her life.

Despite her disability, Lucynell is a kind and innocent young woman who is easily swayed by Shiftlet's charms. Mrs. Crater, on the other hand, is suspicious of Shiftlet's intentions and tries to warn her daughter against him. But Lucynell is determined to marry Shiftlet and live a normal life, and she ignores her mother's warnings.

In the end, Shiftlet's true nature is revealed when he leaves the farm in the middle of the night, stealing Mrs. Crater's money and abandoning Lucynell. The story ends with Lucynell sitting alone on the porch, waiting for Shiftlet to return and realizing that she has been duped.

Overall, Tom Shiftlet is a complex and fascinating character who represents the dangers of greed and the temptation of easy money. Despite his charming exterior, Shiftlet is ultimately a dishonest and selfish man who takes advantage of those who trust him. His actions serve as a cautionary tale about the importance of being careful and discerning in the face of deceit and manipulation.

The Life You Save May Be Your Own Summary

tom shiftlet

Shiftlet orders Lucynell a plate of food and she immediately falls asleep in the empty restaurant. Shiftlet Was Happy with the Craters and Felt Like Part of the Family, but Lucynell Jr. He is hardly a menacing presence. Shiftlet fixes parts of the house and begins to work on the car. Shiftlet's pale sharp glance had already passed over everything in the yard—the pump near the corner of the house and the big fig tree that three or four chickens were preparing to roost in—and had moved to a shed where he saw the square rusted back of an automobile.


Tom Shiftlet's The Life You Save May Be Your Own

tom shiftlet

Tom Shiftlet, a drifter, wanders onto the farm of Lucynell Crater and her daughter, also named Lucynell, who is deaf. . The area was about eighteen miles northwest of Philadelphia making it a good place to stay and watch over the British troops. Crater starts trying to force tom to marry her daughter, he starts becoming uncomfortable with the situation. Crater as a repairman, and he is enamored with the late Mr. In exchange, she gives him a car and some money for them.


Tom Shiftlet Was Happy with the Craters

tom shiftlet

And nope, we don't source our examples from our editing service! Shiftlet's head like a group of buzzards in the top of a tree. One reason why the author is a pessimist is because Tom mentions that he has no friends a few times throughout the …show more content… He also tries to make people feel sorry for him. He tells the waiter to give the food to her when she wakes up. What Tom really wanted was to feel loved and needed without being controlled. Crater gives her daughter's hand in marriage over to Mr. Crater and Tom come to agreement that Tome will marry Lucynell.


The Life You Save May Be Your Own

tom shiftlet

Instead, she has to also be 15. Love and truth keep creeping upon him, which makes the satirical style direct and vital. In this way, her writing is intrinsically esoteric, in that it contains knowledge that is hidden to all but those who have been instructed as to how and where to look for it, i. The car is painted green which suggests life or charity and has a yellow band which some observers have suggested represents betrayal or deceit. Shiftlet is chronically afraid of responsibility. The question most readers would ask is why would he go through all the trouble to fix all of these things? Although he seems to have an overly keen interest in their automobile, which seems suspicious, he makes an effort to make life easier for Lucynell Sr.


Tom Shiftlet Character Analysis in The Life You Save May Be Your Own

tom shiftlet

While the daughter looks on innocently, Shiftlet and Mrs. In The Life You Save May Be Your Own, he told Mrs. The combination of these two items fashioned both her outlook on life and on her characters. He swung both his whole and his short arm up slowly so that they indicated an expanse of sky and his figure formed a crooked cross. The author demonstrates that we realise what we have only when a shattering event occurs. Quickly, Shiftlet abandons Lucynell at a roadside restaurant and continues on alone with the car.


Mrs. Crater Character Analysis in The Life You Save May Be Your Own

tom shiftlet

A Every soldier was needed and haven been stricken with illness made every healthy soldier a necessity. They drive back to the farm, where Shiftlet drops Mrs. . In the evening he sits on the porch and talks while Mrs. Crater to let go of Lucynell and the car! Shiftlet to want to marry Lucynell. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. .


Tom T. Shiftlet Was Happy with the Craters and Felt Like...

tom shiftlet

Approximately 1800 to 2500 men had lost their lives to the wide spread disease so even the smallest attempt to help fight the war was very much appreciated. They get in the car. An old woman and her daughter are sitting on their porch when a stranger, Mr. He proclaims his masculinity despite his disability, which seem linked together in his mind. Even her name suggests the emptiness of her character. Before saying anything to Mrs. Lucynell Crater is an old widow who lives on a remote farm with her disabled daughter who is also named Lucynell Crater.


Tom T. Shiftlet's The Life You Save May Be Your Own

tom shiftlet

Crater asks Shiftlet to teach Lucynell another word. Crater hears a strange noise and rushes into the shed, thinking Lucynell is having a fit. I would expect this to be a not so good place, but it turns out to be a diner. This may mean that he wants to change, or it may mean that he wants to start over altogether. Because Shiftlet does not maintain a strict adherence to the ideals of Christian faith, he cannot form the completed cross. Shiftlet is hurt by Mrs.


Tom Shiftlet Character Analysis

tom shiftlet

The men had to build huts for twelve men to live in. It wants its goblet back and will roar, destroy, and potentially kill until it gets it back. Crater certainly would like for that to be the case. Shiftlet has the desire to be good, and conquer his own problems, but has not found the courage or the ability to do so. He even tries to go on as if nothing had happened and keep living as they were, but that does not work and Mrs. Check out our The essays in our library are intended to serve as content examples to inspire you as you write your own essay.


The Life You Save May Be Your Own Characters

tom shiftlet

Shiftlet is so shocked he drives for a while with the door open. He also ends up running away from Mrs. While he seems to contemplate turning back towards Lucynell, he eventually chooses to drive onward, refusing the grace from God that he prayed for as he tries to outrun a gathering storm. Shiftlet and Lucynell are married at the courthouse. Crater begins scheming to get them to marry. He asks which word and Mrs. Later, they both go away, Mr.
