The cabuliwallah. The Cabuliwallah: by Rabindranath Tagore 2022-10-25

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The Cabuliwallah is a story about a traveling salesman from Afghanistan who visits Calcutta every year to sell his wares. The story follows the relationship between the Cabuliwallah and a young girl named Mini who he has been visiting for the past five years.

The Cabuliwallah is a kind and gentle man who is always welcomed warmly by Mini and her family. He brings gifts for Mini and tells her stories about his homeland and his travels. Despite the fact that he is a stranger, the Cabuliwallah has a special place in Mini's heart and she looks forward to his visits every year.

One year, however, the Cabuliwallah does not visit Mini and she is devastated. Her father, who is a businessman, tries to explain to Mini that the Cabuliwallah is just a simple salesman and that his absence is not a big deal. But Mini cannot understand why the Cabuliwallah would break his promise and not visit her.

As the days pass, Mini becomes more and more upset and starts to question the value of relationships. She begins to wonder if the Cabuliwallah truly cared about her or if he was just using her for his own benefit.

But just when Mini has given up hope, the Cabuliwallah reappears and explains that he was unable to visit because he was in prison for a crime he did not commit. His absence was not a choice, but rather a result of circumstances beyond his control.

Hearing this, Mini is filled with joy and relief. She realizes that the Cabuliwallah's absence was not a reflection of his feelings towards her, but rather a result of external factors. She also learns that relationships are not always easy, but they are worth fighting for and maintaining.

In the end, the Cabuliwallah's return reaffirms Mini's faith in the value of relationships and teaches her the importance of forgiveness and understanding. The Cabuliwallah's love and kindness towards Mini, despite the challenges he faced, serve as a reminder of the power of human connection and the enduring nature of true friendship.

The Cabuliwallah : A Classic Story

the cabuliwallah

Assimilation Before reading this text I used to think that peddlers are cheaters, they are only doing for money, they have lousy thinking as well as whatever they do their aim is to relate to earning money. The Cabuliwallah had overcome the child's first terror by a judicious bribery of nuts and almonds, and the two were now great friends. This touch of his own little daughter had been always on his heart, as he had come year after year to Calcutta, to sell his wares in the streets. I have a dried leaf in my hands and I turn it, look at it and then at the sky; I have it in my hands for hours as I sit there lost in my thoughts beside the river and eventually throw it away. Ramdayal the door-keeper calls a crow a krow! When he asked with the writer to meet Mini, the writer rejected. Will you give them to her? One day Kabuliwala is sent behind bars for eight years for injuring a man with a dagger. And already the corner of her little sari was stuffed with almonds and raisins, the gift of her visitor.


The Cabuliwallah

the cabuliwallah

And besides, what might not have happened to her in these eight years? I had never before talked with one who had wounded his fellow, and my heart shrank within itself when I realised this; for I felt that the day would have been better-omened had he not turned up. Assuredly he would not find her as he used to know her. I had never before talked with one who had wounded his fellow, and my heart shrank within itself, when I realised this, for I felt that the day would have been better-omened had he not turned up. After the rains, there was a sense of ablution in the air, and the sun-rays looked like pure gold. Tears came to my eyes.


The cabuliwallah Free Essays

the cabuliwallah

In the presence of this Cabuliwallah I was immediately transported to the foot of arid mountain peaks, with narrow little defiles twisting in and out amongst their towering heights. A book cover for a new edition of "Kabuliwala". This was so beautifully worded. When she saw this, overcome by terror, she fled to her mother's protection, and disappeared. He was a very important person so I feel a bit puzzled why I was not impressed by this story.


The Hungry Stones and Other Stories/The Cabuliwallah

the cabuliwallah

Could you perhaps come another day? He then took out a handprint of his daughter from his pocket and explains that he also has a daughter like Mini; whom he misses very much. I read it two weeks ago and I almost forgot its plot. Years had passed away. This year, however, he could always find time to come and see Mini. At last, he denies buying the shawl. The impression of an ink-smeared hand laid flat on the paper. After eight years again Rahman wanted to meet Mini as well as again make friends with her.


The Cabuliwallah Four Levels

the cabuliwallah

But this was not enough, and her dread persisted. The story realises that humans, no matter what their nationality or background, are all the same, as symbolised by filial affection- the deep love that every father have for their children One of the best thing I learn from this story is that if people can love without thinking about the age, then friendship. But she would not show it, and with ready tact replied: "Are you going there? He could not revive their old friendship. However, soon she overcomes her fears as Kabuliwala comes to see her everyday. Even after all these years of experience, she is not able to overcome her terror. This touch of his own little daughter had been always on his heart, as he had come year after year to Calcutta to sell his wares in the streets.


Stories from Tagore/The Cabuliwallah

the cabuliwallah

Time passed away, and he was not remembered. But this was not enough, and her dread persisted. Also, it gives a real picture of the relationship. I Liked the story. One morning, a few days before he had made up his mind to go, I was correcting my proof sheets in my study. There were blood-stains on the clothes of the Cabuliwallah, and one of the policemen carried a knife.


The Cabuliwallah by Rabindranath Tagore

the cabuliwallah

After seeing the real love of Cabuliwallah who thought Mini like his own daughter Pārbati, the writer let Cabuliwallah meet with Mini. The man accepted the money without demur, and slipped it into his pocket. The idea had suddenly come to him that his daughter too must have grown in this long time, and that he would have to make friends with her anew. Once a year in the middle of January Rahmun, the Cabuliwallah, was in the habit of returning to his country, and as the time approached he would be very busy, going from house to house collecting his debts. Since Indian classic are close to my heart, I decided to do review one of the masterpiece of Rabindranath Tagore's 'Kabuliwala'.


The Cabuliwallah Flashcards

the cabuliwallah

In that time, she could not understand the meaning. The child had seated herself at my feet near my table, and was playing softly, drumming on her knees. Does a man leave his children freely with a stranger? I could not have the electric lights I had intended, nor the military band, and the ladies of the house were despondent at it. So bright were they that they gave a beautiful radiance even to the sordid brick walls of our Calcutta lanes. While music is being played for Mini's wedding, Kabuliwala slouches on the floor remembering the land of his birth and his daughter. There was no end of hurry and excitement. This touch of his own little daughter had been always on his heart, as he had come year after year to Calcutta to sell his wares in the streets.


The Cabuliwallah

the cabuliwallah

She at once therefore proceeded to the next question: "Are you going to the father-in-law's house? When she had gone, Rahmun heaved a deep sigh, and sat down on the floor. The idea had suddenly come to him that his daughter too must have grown in this long time, and that he would have to make friends with her anew. Once a year in the middle of January Rahmun, the Cabuliwallah, was in the habit of returning to his country, and as the time approached he would be very busy, going from house to house collecting his debts. So she was full of doubts about the Cabuliwallah, and used to beg me to keep a watchful eye on him. And so my own talk with her is always lively.
