Third party intervention in conflict resolution. Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution: Dispute Between Bangladesh and India over Control of the Ganges River 2022-11-03

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Conflict resolution is the process of finding a peaceful and mutually satisfactory way to end a disagreement or dispute. In some cases, it may be necessary to bring in a third party to help facilitate the resolution of the conflict. Third party intervention refers to the involvement of an individual or group that is not directly involved in the conflict, but is able to facilitate communication and negotiation between the parties in order to resolve the issue.

There are several ways in which third parties can be involved in conflict resolution. One common approach is through mediation, where a neutral mediator helps the parties communicate and find a mutually acceptable solution. The mediator does not make decisions or impose solutions, but rather helps the parties come to an agreement on their own.

Another way in which third parties can be involved in conflict resolution is through arbitration. In this process, an arbitrator is chosen by the parties to hear their arguments and make a binding decision. This can be an effective way to resolve disputes when the parties are unable to come to an agreement on their own.

A third way in which third parties can be involved in conflict resolution is through negotiation assistance. In this case, the third party helps the parties negotiate a settlement, but does not make decisions or impose solutions. This can be an effective way to resolve disputes when the parties are willing to compromise, but need help in finding a solution.

There are several advantages to using third party intervention in conflict resolution. One advantage is that it can help the parties come to an agreement more quickly and efficiently. A third party can provide objective perspective and help the parties see the issue from a different angle, which can facilitate a resolution.

Another advantage of third party intervention is that it can help the parties maintain a working relationship. When conflicts are resolved through third party intervention, the parties are more likely to feel that their concerns were heard and addressed, which can help rebuild trust and improve the relationship moving forward.

Finally, third party intervention can also be effective in cases where the parties are unable to resolve the conflict on their own. In these cases, the third party can provide the necessary skills and expertise to help the parties find a resolution.

Overall, third party intervention can be a valuable tool in the resolution of conflicts. By providing objective perspective, facilitating communication and negotiation, and helping the parties find mutually acceptable solutions, third parties can play a crucial role in resolving disputes and maintaining positive relationships.

(PDF) Conflict Resolution: An Introduction to Third Party Intervention. pdf

third party intervention in conflict resolution

A Video-Based Analysis of the Effect of Third-Party Intervention on the Continuation of Interpersonal Conflict Behaviour The British Journal of Criminology Oxford Academic We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. A third party mediator initiates leadership capabilities to resolve a standing conflict. Tentative agreements and bargains can be struck and time frames can be agreed. The main purpose of third-party interventions is to help parties in conflict reach a resolution. The desire to use mediation can be seen as a collaborative approach to resolving conflict.



third party intervention in conflict resolution

Robustness of model The influence of in-group physically forceful intervention on the continuation of conflict behaviour odds ratio with varying lengths of time segments. If he will not agree, then collective agreement cannot be written; neither can we call it collective bargaining outcome. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Mediation Mediation is a process in which a mediator helps two or more parties in conflict to reach a resolution. The ambition of this article is to investigate if third-party intervention has an effect on the continuation of conflict behaviour by antagonists of interpersonal conflicts.



third party intervention in conflict resolution

Essentially, it seeks to determine whether such interventions reduce or increase the duration of dissolving the prevalent conflict. A study on the roles of a third party in the Ganges River water conflict between Bangladesh and India in Japanese. The mediator meets with both employees separately and then together. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Sometimes, inadequate information, insincerity on the part of one or all the parties in the conflict, regarding commitment to peace, including the complex nature of a particular conflict may present skeptical conditions of having a conflict resolved.


Third party interventions: Mediation and Arbitration

third party intervention in conflict resolution

The analysis furthermore finds that while physically forceful intervention stops conflict behaviour, expressions of disapproval have no noticeable effect. This is because arbitration, unlike mediation, does not require co-operation between those in conflict. One question, though, is figuring out how to influence a third party to step in between the feuding sides and introduce incentives to cooperate. Mediation and facilitation have traditionally been the most common forms of non- coercive third-party intervention in armed conflicts. The most extreme form of third-party conflict resolution is known as litigation.


Third Party Intervention in Conflict

third party intervention in conflict resolution

Some advantages to litigation include that both parties are subject to court rules and procedures, can be used to enforce agreements and may be the only option available when one party refuses to cooperate. Annals of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 47 B , 13. The first independent variable of the analysis is intervention towards the antagonist in the preceding time segment. Work Cited Byrne, Sean. Three commonly used methods of third-Party conflict resolution are known as mediation, arbitration, and litigation.



third party intervention in conflict resolution

This means that the actively intervening third parties are not acting in vain, but rather shape the way conflicts develop and help restore order when a situation has gone awry. Future studies might investigate this further by examining if this also holds true for the initiation of conflict. Out of the original sample of 165 situations, 25 did not depict a conflict, 36 lacked sufficiently high resolution, and 72 had parts of the conflict missing the categories are not mutually exclusive. One of the main advantages is that it is a faster and cheaper way to resolve a dispute than going to court. However, there are cases in which unsystematic and immature third-party intervention efforts have led countries towards either the recurrence of violent conflict within a few years of signing a peace agreement or the failure of the implementation of the peace agreement.


Does Third

third party intervention in conflict resolution

Similarly, court judges are well versed in the law and may provide a more fair outcome than an arbitrator or mediator. For each of these segments, I first record the presence or absence of conflict behaviour by that specific antagonist within the time segment. The judge hears both sides of the story and then makes a decision. While the social relationship is a factor that has proved to be influential in past research of third-party behaviour e. However, unlike mediation, many arbitrations end up with winners and losers. Expressed disapproval lag 1 1. To demonstrate the strategic influence a third party can have on negotiations, a formal approach to resolving a complex conflict is applied to an important international water resources controversy.


Third Parties in Conflict Resolution

third party intervention in conflict resolution

Matrix representation of solution concepts in multiple decision maker graph models. There are 88 observations where an out-group third party makes a physically forceful intervention. If that is not the case, there are no observations of continued engagement in the conflict and it is impossible to measure whether the intervention influences the likelihood that the antagonist continues to engage in the conflict or not. Both the facilitator and consultant roles allow for minimal involvement from the third party. This alternative specification reduces the number of observations in the analysis because the number of observations here is limited to the number of segments preceded by violent behaviours instead of conflict behaviour in general.


Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution: Dispute Between Bangladesh and India over Control of the Ganges River

third party intervention in conflict resolution

Consequently, arbitration is a riskier approach unless you are willing to live with completely losing. Hence, it could be of use for conflict resolution researchers as well. Although parties may often have lawyers in mediation and arbitration, they are especially effective in court due to their advanced knowledge of the formal procedures and rules. . One of the circumstances that lead third parties to hesitate to intervene in a conflict is that they do not feel confident that they have the skills to intervene effectively Previous studies on third-party intervention have indicated that there is a bidirectional relationship between third-party intervention and the behaviour of the antagonist: conflict behaviour by the antagonist motivates third-party intervention, while intervention influences the conflict behaviour. They discuss the issue and try to find a resolution that is acceptable to both parties.


Third Party Conflict Resolution: Strategies & Explanation

third party intervention in conflict resolution

A handbook for integrated water resources management in basins, published by GWP and INBO, 2009. Equilibrium points in n-player games. A fourth aspect that could influence the outcome of the model is the fact that the analysis only includes intervention behaviours from the directly preceding time segment. They hire a lawyer and go to court. While this research used controlled experiments to investigate basic psychological processes related to dispute resolution, Halevy and Halali hope to extend their work to real-world ethno-political conflicts, such as in the current conflicts in Middle East. In addition, arbitration is often used in situations where the parties have unequal bargaining power, which can give one party an advantage over the other.
