Thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines. Free Essay: THE IMPACT of K 2022-10-17

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The K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines has been a controversial topic since its implementation in 2013. The K to 12 program aims to provide a more relevant and holistic education for Filipino students by adding two years to the basic education cycle. It aims to give students a strong foundation in core subjects such as math, science, and language, while also providing opportunities for hands-on learning and skills development through technical-vocational and elective courses.

One of the main arguments in favor of the K to 12 curriculum is that it aligns with international standards and will better prepare students for higher education and the workforce. The additional two years allow for a deeper and more thorough understanding of core subjects, and the inclusion of technical-vocational courses gives students the opportunity to gain practical skills that can be immediately applied in the real world.

Another argument in favor of the K to 12 curriculum is that it aims to address the issues of overcrowding and underfunding in the Philippine education system. By adding two years to the basic education cycle, it is hoped that the number of students in each grade level will be reduced, leading to smaller class sizes and potentially better learning outcomes. The additional years also allow for more time to be spent on each subject, potentially improving the quality of education.

However, the K to 12 curriculum has also faced criticism and backlash. One major concern is the financial burden it places on families, as the additional two years mean more expenses for tuition, uniforms, and other school-related costs. Some critics argue that the K to 12 program disproportionately affects low-income families and may exacerbate inequality in the education system.

There have also been concerns about the readiness of the education system to implement the K to 12 curriculum. The program requires the hiring of additional teachers and the construction of more classrooms, which has put a strain on the government's budget. Some have argued that these resources could be better spent on improving the quality of education in the existing system rather than expanding it.

In conclusion, the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines has the potential to provide a more relevant and holistic education for students, but it also carries financial and logistical challenges. While it is too early to fully assess the long-term effects of the program, it is important for the government and educators to continue to address and address these challenges in order to ensure that all students have access to a high-quality education.

1. Issue: Implementing K to 12 education system in the Philippines Stand: AgainstClaims: Lack of facilities, inadequacy of teacher

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

More than 90 percent of the elementary schools and 60 percent of the secondary schools are publicly owned. That is very terrible education for them. Kindergarten will start in school year 2011 — 2012. Do you think that the k to 12 program affect your daily living? Results and Discussion With regard to the trend in the literature in measuring college-level readiness of students, the competencies of the respondents were tested using the SATA questionnaire with six subtests: i nonverbal reasoning NV , ii quantitative reasoning QR , iii reading vocabulary RV , iv reading comprehension RC , v mathematical capacity MC , and vi mathematical applications MA. According to the statistics and researches the U.


Evaluating the Academic Performance of K

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

Due to an enhanced curriculum that will provide relevant content and attuned with the changing needs of the times, basic education will ensure sufficient mastery of core subjects to its graduates such that graduates may opt to pursue higher education if they choose to. K — 12 program is part of the proposed educational reforms of the Philippines present President which shifts Philippine Basic Education system to twelve years plus kinder from the current ten years. What are the perceived problems of students regarding the the implementation of the K-12 program Assumptions This study was premised on the following assumptions. This will spell financial disaster for many private Higher Education Institutions HEIs. CONCLUSION According to the study, the following conclusions are proven; 1 The parents of the students that are involved in the study said that the implementation of the K12 program that it is a must, because the primary objective of the program is to improve the quality of education so that, when the students finished the basic education they will be more productive.


Free Essay: THE IMPACT of K

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

Quality of implementation completely depends on the quality of the school operator and their ability to architect new learning environments from scratch. K+12 will facilitate mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals following the Washington Accord and the Bologna Accord. Two factors were considered in the study: i K-12 program type and ii SATA subtest. Reaction Paper About K-12 Second, k12 gives everyone great opportunities, a student can apply for TESDA Certificates of Competency COCs and National Certificates NCs to provide you with better work opportunities, Partnerships with different companies will be offered for technical and vocational courses, one can now get work experience while studying; and companies can even hire you after you graduate, Entrepreneurship courses will now be included. Preparation of the Instruments. Steven Barnett provides an overview of the problems in the U.


Improving K

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

Education in the Philippines is something that is given a great importance by the Filipinos. This study aims to answer these following questions; 1 what are the advantages and disadvantages of the K-12 program or the additional 2 years to Basic Education? With anything, there are pros and cons to my predetermined thesis. Several studies have shown that the improvements in the quality of education will increase GDP growth by as much as 2%. Many countries are the best of education system. DISADVANTAGES 1 Parents have to shell out more money for transportation and food for education of their children. Luistro, 2010 The administration asserts that with the implementation of such program, the problem of unemployment in the country will be resolved. Students can show evidence of their learning at any time.


K To 12 Curriculum Essay

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

However, the gap widens in terms of the number of graduates for the said courses. Our children deserve to receive the best education our country can provide for them and our economy depends on an educated and skilled workforce to be successful in the global market. Discussion Paper on the Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program. The SATA is a standardized instrument that measures the cognitive and psychological factors thought to underlie academic competence as well as rate the skills closely associated with academic accomplishment. The following values and attitudes are to be honed as well: accuracy, creativity, objectivity, perseverance, and productivity. Chapter III Methodology This chapter contains the research design and the methodology used in the conduct of this study. The primary source of these laws is the 1987 constitution.


The Impact of K

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. This is attributed to the increase in both the number of schools built and the level of enrollment in these schools. The final phase of the new K-12 education in the Philippines is to completely implement the Senior High School grades eleven and twelve. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Problem-Focused Coping 1174 Words 5 Pages In our educational system, students who do not excel academically are a persistent problem. These changes have rooted from problems that made it impossible for us to develop and progress as a country. A separate Article of education is provided in the 1987 constitution. ABSTRACT The objective of this research paper is to know what is the impact of K-12 in Philippine Education.


Thesis Statement Of K

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

Education shapes our future as Filipinos, its our duty to be aware of reforms in basic education that will move our country forward. Themes: Education General topic: K to 12 Narrowed Topic: Perception of parents of the students affected by the implementation of the K to 12 program during the course of 2011-2016. He said: We are underrated by other countries, our educational system. The simpler the solution, the more it is to give ease to the members of the academic society. But no matter how good these intentions are, there would still be parts of the society who would give them a hard time making this education amendment. The researcher has gone through intensive readings of materials, both printed and downloaded through internet which has a great significance to problem during the course of thesis writing. I agree in K+12 it is because that students will have more time to choose the right course that best suits in their skills and they will be more capable and matured to confront college career, which is a new special field endeavor.


Thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the Philippines

thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

This system is a vital part of the development of children into the young adults who are the future of this country. If not, the DepEd should instead enhance what we already have and not add to the burden of education. Data Availability The data used to support the findings of this study are included in the manuscript. It will also help high school students to be given a chance to specialize in science and technology, music and arts, agriculture, fisheries, sports, business entrepreneurship, and others. Theory of Constructivism Is generally attributed to Jean Piaget 1980 , who articulated mechanism by which knowledge is internalized by learners.



thesis about k to 12 curriculum in the philippines

In this study it refers to the basis of the creation of K — 12 program. To give the Filipino people a good quality of education and for the Filipinos to be more globally competitive. Will the parents agree or disagree to the K- 12 program? Many countries give priority to the education for their population. The objective of this research paper is to know what is the impact of K-12 in Philippine Education. The paper evaluates the status of the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines using a standardized approach.
