A good argument. What Makes a Good Argument? Essay Example 2022-10-11

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The relationship between Odysseus and Telemachus in Homer's epic poem The Odyssey is a complex and multifaceted one. On the one hand, Odysseus is Telemachus' father, and as such, he is a source of guidance, inspiration, and support for the young man. On the other hand, the two men are separated for much of the poem, with Odysseus away from home, fighting in the Trojan War and then struggling to return to Ithaca.

At the beginning of the poem, Telemachus is a young man who is just beginning to come into his own. He is searching for his identity and trying to understand his place in the world. He is also struggling to find a way to deal with the fact that his father has been gone for so long, and with the suitors who have taken over his home and are trying to win the hand of his mother, Penelope.

In this time of uncertainty and confusion, Telemachus looks to his father as a model and a source of strength. He knows that Odysseus is a great hero, and he hopes to emulate his father's courage and determination. He also knows that Odysseus is a skilled strategist and a clever thinker, and he hopes to learn these skills from his father as well.

As the poem progresses, Telemachus goes on a journey of his own, traveling to different parts of the Mediterranean in search of news of his father. Along the way, he meets a number of people who tell him stories about Odysseus and help him to better understand the man he is trying to find. Through these interactions, Telemachus comes to see his father in a new light, and he begins to develop a deeper appreciation for the many challenges that Odysseus has faced and overcome.

Eventually, after many trials and tribulations, Odysseus returns to Ithaca, and the father and son are reunited. At this point, their relationship has deepened and evolved significantly. Telemachus has grown and matured during his journey, and he is now able to see his father as a full and complex person, rather than just a hero from a distant past. For his part, Odysseus is proud of the man that his son has become and is grateful for the support and loyalty that Telemachus has shown him.

In the end, the relationship between Odysseus and Telemachus is one of mutual respect and admiration. It is a relationship that has been tested and strengthened by the many challenges that the two men have faced together, and it is a relationship that will endure long into the future.

What is a Good Argument? Flashcards

a good argument

What could be better for our family? So one parent might believe this school does have adequate sporting facilities, whereas the other parent might not believe that. The government official gets payed, too. Satan cannot create anything. Bo Seo: Yeah, exactly, exactly. Something deeper is triggering this argument. The conclusion of the argument is the thesis that the argument is intended to convince you of. If not, agree to come back to it at another time.



a good argument

Enter my guest, Bo Seo. Here are three of the most common types of evidence that help build strong arguments: One: A wide range of examples The more evidence you collect from a wide variety of sources that support your conclusion, the stronger your conclusion is. So of course, we care about what our spouse or our partner or our friend thinks generally, but is this particular argument important enough to justify the disagreement? What was going on there? You can read more about this What Types of Evidence Makes a Strong Premise? Strong: An argument is strong if there are ways for the premises to be true and conclusion false at the same time, but they're all unlikely. Expert opinion is extremely important, but so is the opinion of every day, average people. Do not harass the Industry reps Please do not be rude or harassing to verified industry reps. Take a deep breath and stick to the issue.


How to Make a Good Argument

a good argument

You can read more about this However, if you can rally a wide variety of examples from a wide variety of sources that support your claim, the stronger your argument. It could have a dubious premise or beg the question. Why Did People Use DDT? Often arguments have indicator words that signal a premise or conclusion is near. A debate round is pretty simple, really. Who has not been the victim of a bias he stubbornly refused to relinquish until it became too obviously ridiculous to persist? But in the end, for the ultimate decision, they have to just consult their conscience on one question only which is, which of the two sides persuaded them. Whether the premises are reasonable to believe, or whether there is good evidence for the premises, or whether someone is justified in believing all the premises, is another, separate issue. Sometimes when an argument feels especially convincing, it is because it is based on claims that appeal to our own individual psychology, rather than because it is a truly convincing argument.


What Makes a Good Argument? Essay Example

a good argument

The more willing you are to accept influence, the better an agument goes. References Philosophy of Science, 87 The Myth of the Rational Voter Mind 4 The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Philosophy of Science, 87 The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Scientific Reasoning: The Bayesian Approach The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Philpeople. You almost tripped over them getting up at night. It came… I think I charted in the book to sort of the rise of the written writing requirement at universities, and this was in the 1800s, and there were probably lots of different reasons for it, one of it was the universities themselves becoming much larger, there being this trend towards standardization in the education system. Anything Satan does is a copy which he warps in perversity.


Podcast #814: How to Make a Good Argument

a good argument

And for much of the early years of this republic and of many parliamentary democracies around the world, it was a feature of the school system that you would learn rhetoric, and that as part of a well-rounded education, you would engage and… They had different names like disputation and debates, but they were essentially opportunities to argue your case before an audience, before an opponent whose task it was to disagree with you and to handle yourself in that kind of exchange. What is a competitive debate like? But the argument is still strong and cogent, at least for most audiences. Given that, we should know enough to be wary of still having a blind spot or two or three, or four…. A religious professional should not be used to provide expert opinion for medical matters, unless the matter is a religious view on certain medical issues. Who has not eventually changed his mind after stubbornly refusing to do so? If we take the time to think about it, we should realize name calling or Similarly, if we hear a clergyman constantly denigrating other faiths instead of promoting his own, we should refuse to listen to that clergyman. She reminds people of the importance in family unity and togetherness. To distinguish between fact and opinion in an argument you must check the form, the validity of the argument, and whether or not the premise has any truth.


A good argument for bags over jars. 1/8th of Mount Hood Magic : FLMedicalTrees

a good argument

These forms do, however, bear some superficial resemblance to some valid argument forms. Bo Seo, welcome to the show. Also big nugs are over rated AF. Also very concerning to them was the fact that the main scientist speaking in favor of DDT was a spokesperson for various chemical corporations. Decide that the most important part of fighting is to preserve the relationship. And i know all of you are millionaires who smoke ounces of 710 a day and wont touch weed over an hour old. There is no swearing, yelling, name-calling, blaming, throwing up the past or disrespect.


Good And Bad Arguments Argumentative Essay Example (400 Words)

a good argument

When has it happened before? So it takes on average probably two hours to do a debate round, and in a debate competition, in a typical tournament, you would have two to three of those per day, and you would do that probably for a week end, and at some point, it will get to a knockout stage until one team in the competition is named the winner. Experts Usually Have Accountability Mechanisms Therefore, while experts are not perfect, can be biased, and sometimes spread misleading information, they are less likely to do so than someone who has not undergone rigorous training in their field; has not been required to prove their knowledge to other experts in it; and is not held accountable for spreading false or misleading information. And now back to the show. This post is about how to do that. Valid: An argument is valid if it is impossible for the premises to be true and conclusion false at the same time; otherwise it is invalid. Listen ad-free on Podcast Sponsors Read the Transcript Brett McKay: Brett McKay here and welcome to another edition of The Art of Manliness podcast.


How to Have a Good Argument

a good argument

Also, their gas runtz is set to drop relatively soon from what I've heard. All giveaways must be approved by the mod team before posting Message the mod team through mod mail before doing any kind of giveaway. An invalid argument that is not strong is weak. Your approach should be what we call soft, not harsh. Valid Arguments When the premises, if they were true, guarantee that the conclusion be true, then the argument is valid.


Arguments: Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

a good argument

Just more of a chance for mold and other defects imo. Why Expert Testimony is Important Expert testimony is important because people who hold a degree or have significant professional experience in the field have. For example, a medical doctor certainly has medical expertise, but her expertise should not be used to support religious conclusions. Modus tollens is the form in which an argument affirms if- p-then- q and affirms not- q, and on that basis, concludes not- p. What is not a good argument? Brett McKay: And you provide this really useful rubric.
