The development of management thought. Development of Management Thought 2022-10-25

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Management thought refers to the ideas and theories about how organizations should be managed and how managers should behave. These ideas have evolved over time and have been influenced by a variety of factors, including economic, social, and technological changes.

The earliest theories of management can be traced back to the early 20th century, when Frederick Winslow Taylor introduced the concept of scientific management. Taylor argued that there was a "one best way" to do every task and that managers should use scientific methods to determine the most efficient way to perform each task. This approach focused on increasing efficiency and productivity through the use of specialized knowledge and the division of labor.

Another early theory of management was the bureaucratic model, developed by Max Weber. Weber argued that organizations should be structured like a bureaucracy, with a clear hierarchy, strict rules and regulations, and a focus on efficiency and effectiveness. This model was based on the idea that organizations should be run like a machine, with each part working together to achieve the overall goals of the organization.

In the mid-20th century, management thought began to shift towards a more humanistic approach. This was largely influenced by the work of Douglas McGregor, who developed the theory of X and Y. According to McGregor, there were two different approaches to managing people: Theory X, which assumed that employees were lazy and needed to be controlled and motivated through punishment, and Theory Y, which assumed that employees were motivated and responsible and could be trusted to work independently. This theory had a major impact on management practices and helped to shift the focus from simply increasing efficiency to also considering the well-being and satisfaction of employees.

Over time, management thought has continued to evolve and has been influenced by a variety of factors. The rise of globalization and technology has led to the development of new management theories, such as the concept of knowledge management, which emphasizes the importance of sharing and leveraging knowledge within an organization. In addition, the increasing focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility has led to the development of theories such as stakeholder management, which emphasizes the importance of considering the needs and interests of all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

Today, management thought is a complex and multifaceted field that encompasses a wide range of ideas and approaches. While some management theories may be more relevant or useful in certain situations, it is important for managers to be aware of a variety of different approaches and to be able to adapt and apply them in different contexts. Ultimately, the goal of management thought is to help organizations operate more effectively and efficiently, while also considering the well-being and satisfaction of employees and other stakeholders.

Evolution of Management Thought

the development of management thought

Rather his working behavior is more influenced by his social and psychological needs. In the final analysis, self-development is an important component of any management development programme. He is best known in the world of management for his study of time and motion. To the efficiency expert, synergy is achieved when two employees, working together on a task, can do more work than two employees working independently. This was creating lot of problems. Fayol, opposed that view and argued that management could be taught once its underlying principles were understood and a general theory of management was formulated. This experiment was conducted between the period of 1931 to 1932, at the Hawthorne plant.


Development of Management Thought

the development of management thought

Fayol believed that when an employee reported to more than one superior, conflicts in instruction and confusion of authority would result. The whole process of managing the workforce starting with the hiring of staff to the promotion of employees is done on a scientific method. W, Taylor around 1910. With all the differences between classical approach theories it draw the picture of the practical manager. PRE-CLASSICISTS In the nineteenth century, Robert Owen and Charles Babbage seriously addressed the quest for the development.


History of Management Thought

the development of management thought

To measure the qualifications various parameters such as the basis of knowledge, work experience, and expertise are considered. In what follows in this lesson, the evolution of management thought over the years is discussed in a chronological way. So studying these theories is very important to managers to understand the development of management thinking and to base on it when dealing with different parties of the organization. It helps in maintaining discipline among employees, controlling their activities, fixing responsibility and not allowing them to sidetrack responsibility. Robert Owen focused on increasing the productivity of any organisation by creating a favourable environment for the employees and workers. As such, Theory X and Y has been extremely helpful in promoting management understanding of supervisory styles and employee motivational assumptions. He suggested the principles of scientific management.


Development of Management Theory

the development of management thought

To facilitate survival, a system may be viewed as consisting of four basic elements- inputs, transformation process, outputs, and feedback -as demonstrated in Figure 1. Premium Evolution Of Management Thoughts to the development of management thought Notable among them were James Watt, Robert Owen, Charles Babbage, Henry Robinson Town etc. This structure is identically suited for construction and project driven companies. Division of labor: To get benefits of specialization principle of division of labor is followed in bureaucratic organization. In addition a record was kept of daily events, including their conversations and other forms of interaction.



the development of management thought

This will ensure optimum utilisation of human capital. Premium History Of Management Thought Revision Two is to begin with the work of Frederick W. Here we are dealing only some of those ideas that have made important role to the management thoughts. They produce the famous brands Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo. Whatever we presently have gets refined and improved as management thoughts and theories.


The Development of Management Thought from the Early Time (500 Words)

the development of management thought

One type of manager, Theory X, has a negative view of employees assuming they are lazy, untrustworthy and incapable of assuming responsibility while the other type of Manager, Theory Y, assumes employees are trustworthy and capable of assuming responsibility having high levels of motivation. With the increase in efficiency brought the reduced cost per unit thus maximizing the profits of the organization. Entrepreneurs then had access to production factors like land, labor, and capital. Management thought refers to the theory that guides management of people in the organization. Henry Fayol is considered as the father of modern management.


Evolution of Management Thought: Theories with Examples

the development of management thought

This initial research produced theories, concepts, and practices which are referred to as classical approach. The girls too were informed and consulted about the changes that were introduced in the experimental. All in all a systematic framework in any organisation is quintessential for its success. Behavioral Science Approach: The term behavioral science approach may be defined as systematic as well as scientific analysis of human behavior with a view to determine causes of working behavior of an individual. As production increases, economies of scale set in and the cost per unit of output will decrease.


Development of Management Thoughts

the development of management thought

The American congress had even called Taylor for an explanation. Words: 2309 Management Is a discipline. Taylor, Henry Fayol, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth did not achieve sufficient production efficiency and industrial harmony at the work place. The five terms given by him for administrative activities are to plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control. The Evolution of Management Science Management evolution started with civilization, and the evolution of management science is the entire concept involving several theories behind it.


Development of Management Thought Assignment free sample

the development of management thought

The experiments began by introducing various changes, each of which was continued for a test period of 4 to 12 weeks. During the old style time frame, the executives believed was centered around work content, normalization, the division of work, and a logical methodology towards the association. The principle is epitomized by the modern assembly line. Harmony not discord: All the departments and workers area a part of an organization. The four main approaches of management thinking are: 1- The Management Reflection Management is a concept that dates back to early civilizations. . Modern Approach to Management: Modern approach of management represents latest developments, which took place after 1950.
