The abyss also gazes into you. The Abyss Gazes Also Into You : RedLetterMedia 2022-10-27

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The phrase "the abyss also gazes into you" is a reference to the concept that while one may stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares back. This phrase is often attributed to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, though it is not found in any of his written works. Despite this, the phrase has become closely associated with Nietzsche's philosophy, particularly his concept of the "eternal recurrence."

The idea of the eternal recurrence is the belief that everything that has happened will happen again, in exactly the same way, an infinite number of times. This includes all of the joy, suffering, and moments of triumph and defeat that make up a person's life. According to Nietzsche, the eternal recurrence is the ultimate expression of the will to power, as it represents a complete acceptance of one's life and all of the experiences that make it up.

The phrase "the abyss also gazes into you" can be seen as a reflection of the eternal recurrence, as it suggests that while we may try to gaze into the abyss of existence, the abyss is also gazing back at us. It is a reminder that our actions and choices have consequences, and that we are constantly being shaped and influenced by the world around us.

In this sense, the abyss represents the ultimate truth of existence, a truth that can be difficult to confront and accept. By gazing into the abyss, we are forced to confront the full reality of our lives, including all of the suffering and pain that we may have tried to ignore or avoid. At the same time, however, the abyss also offers a sense of hope, as it suggests that even the most difficult and challenging experiences can be transformed and integrated into our lives.

Ultimately, the phrase "the abyss also gazes into you" is a reminder that we are all a part of a larger, interconnected web of existence. It is a call to embrace the fullness of our lives, even the parts that are difficult or painful, and to find meaning and purpose in all of our experiences. So, it is a beautiful and thought-provoking phrase that invites us to ponder the deeper truths of life and to live with purpose and intention.

The Abyss Gazes Also Into You : RedLetterMedia

the abyss also gazes into you

It was devastating for us. How great evil can be practised in the name of liberty, goodness and defence not only of the realm but all of mankind. We stared into that abyss and found that, as parents, we not only had voices, but that those voices could be effective. Should he tell them? And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. His jokes barely got laughs and they were amazing! Lovegood had done for him. Actually, it looks like they've proven his innocence," Harry said with a smile. If you seek to fight the "monsters", then you shouldn't do it using their methods, or you'll be as bad as the thing you want to destroy.


The Abyss Gazes Into You achievement in Warframe

the abyss also gazes into you

All of a sudden he had lost his patience with Albus Dumbledore. And obviously, her father had some. Though he was right that he was innocent — just not for the right reason. We cannot get out. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks again for commenting.



the abyss also gazes into you

I wonder what that means. It appears in the Septuagint, the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, and in the New Testament. A good night's sleep had helped, but he still didn't know what to think of the prophecy. They have taken the Bridge and second hall. Chapter Text "Ah, Harry," Dumbledore said from where he was standing, apparently contemplating his bookshelf.


the abyss also gazes into you

the abyss also gazes into you

. But they had trusted him to lead them, so he could trust them to have his back. What happens when you stare into the abyss? There is will to power where there is life and even the strongest living things will risk their lives for more power. Fighting fire with fire ensures that everyone is burned. Keep presenting them even if you have to send them to an advocacy group or your state representative to get action. He spent his whole life battling such monsters.


When You Gaze Into the Abyss

the abyss also gazes into you

Will he be Lord Black now? I know," he added hastily to Harry's frown. And the next part is just a reiteration almost. It was right at the end of Christmas break, the other kids had left to their various homes, and B was very sad. He silently decided he would definitely talk to the Ravenclaw members of the D. You get a waypoint and an audio cue when that happens.


if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you : ThatsInsane

the abyss also gazes into you

Nietzsche has been on my mind lately, and more about that in subsequent posts. Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. It was getting late, and he only wanted to go to bed. Islamic Scholars such as Farabi, Ibn Al-Arabi, Al- Ghazali and etc that you mentioned concentrate on the inward journey as opposed to the exoteric theology that Nietzsche refers in dominating the world. He sat and visited with them until evening when Madam Pomfrey came to usher him out of the Hospital Wing.


Nietzsche and the Importance of Translation

the abyss also gazes into you

The noun abyss refers to a deep void or chasm — either literal or figurative. If you describe a situation or a feeling as a void, you mean that it seems empty because there is nothing interesting or worthwhile about it. Maybe it was the seeds of distrust the headmaster had sown, finally blooming. Surely there had been another option. . The secret watcher of all things is the abyss.


"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you"

the abyss also gazes into you

Harry, for the most part, avoided them. One that would change events greatly. Maybe she can help. When you gaze into that abyss, it gazes back, and it tells you what you are made of. Well, he vowed to himself, that would change.
