Thank you mam summary. Summary of Thank You, M'am 2022-11-09

Thank you mam summary Rating: 4,9/10 1248 reviews

"Thank You, Mam" is a short story by Langston Hughes about a young boy named Roger who tries to steal a purse from a woman named Mrs. Jones. However, Mrs. Jones is able to catch him in the act and decides to teach him a lesson about honesty and kindness.

The story begins with Roger following Mrs. Jones down the street, trying to sneak up behind her and grab her purse. Mrs. Jones, however, is able to sense his presence and turns around just in time to catch him in the act. Rather than becoming angry or calling the police, Mrs. Jones decides to take Roger home with her and give him a meal.

While they are walking, Mrs. Jones asks Roger why he tried to steal her purse. Roger admits that he was trying to get enough money to buy a pair of blue suede shoes that he saw in the window of a store. Mrs. Jones, who is a kind and compassionate woman, decides to give Roger the money for the shoes as well as a lecture about the importance of honesty and hard work.

As they arrive at Mrs. Jones' house, she prepares a meal for Roger and they sit down to eat together. During the meal, Mrs. Jones asks Roger about his family and learns that he is an orphan living with his grandmother. She expresses her sympathy for his situation and tells him that he can always turn to her if he needs help or guidance.

After they finish eating, Mrs. Jones walks Roger back to his grandmother's house and gives him the money for the shoes. As he walks away, Roger turns around and thanks Mrs. Jones for her kindness and understanding.

In conclusion, "Thank You, Mam" is a heartwarming story about the power of kindness and understanding. Mrs. Jones' compassionate response to Roger's attempted theft teaches him an important lesson about honesty and the value of hard work. It also shows the importance of looking beyond appearances and judging people based on their character, rather than their actions.

Thank You Ma’am

thank you mam summary

She has the boy pick up her purse, and begins to dress him down. And your face is dirty. The second date is today's date — the date you are citing the material. Luella Bates Washington Jones and a young boy named Roger. Jones, an elderly woman walking home, and Roger, a teenager who tries to steal her purse so he can buy a new pair of blue suede shoes. The following version of this story was used to create this guide: Hughes, Langston.


Thank You, Ma'am Summary

thank you mam summary

She seems to indicate to Roger that it is not too late if he turns from bad behavior now. Jones gives Roger ten dollars to buy the blue suede shoes and tells him not to steal her purse or anyone else's for that matter, as shoes purchased with stolen money cause more trouble than they're worth. Here, we see the themes of trust, dignity and second chances. Luella Bates Washington Jones Mrs. When he answers 'no', she drags him home with her, saying when she's finished with him, he'll be sure never to forget he met her.


Summary of Thank You, M'am

thank you mam summary

She asks if he is hungry. The story begins around 11:00 p. Then the story takes a turn. At 11:00 in the evening, "a large woman" is walking alone "with a large purse" slung across her shoulder. When she discovers that Roger has not eaten, she immediately offers him a meal.


What is a brief summary of "Thank you, M'am" by Langston Hughes?

thank you mam summary

After both have eaten their fill, their impromptu evening ends abruptly. While they eat, the woman asks no questions but talks of her work on the late shift at a hotel beauty shop. While this would be a strange purchase for a modern teen, blue suede shoes were popular in the 1950s. His face is dirty, he hasn't eaten, and he has resorted to theft in order to buy a pair of blue suede shoes. This time, he makes the right decision, thereby redeeming himself. Jones attempts to break the cycle of incarceration and recidivism, or relapsing into criminal behavior, by adopting a restorative justice approach. Jones does not inquire further into Roger's life.


Thank You, M’am Summary & Analysis

thank you mam summary

Jones's trust disarms him, and he doesn't try to flee. For the first time, Mrs. She tells Roger to wash his face and continues to question him. We also see the underlying theme of emotions, such as empathy, kindness, guilt, and fear. Hence, the readers get a clear idea about the contrasting dynamic between them. Jones is walking home at eleven o'clock at night and that Roger falls on the sidewalk suggests that the story is set in an urban neighborhood.


Thank You M'am Summary Flashcards

thank you mam summary

The story is set in a poor neighbourhood in an American city. Jones talks about her own past experiences, Roger waits for her to add that despite everything, she never went around stealing. She can only hope that he behaves himself. The time is probably present day for Langston Hughes--around 1958, when the story was published. Hughes's choice to allude to a song by Presley gives the story cultural depth.


Thank You, Ma'am Plot Summary

thank you mam summary

When he finds himself on the ground, Mrs. The woman, evidently very strong, grabs him tightly and begins questioning him. This changes the dynamic of their interaction because he is now the guest of Mrs. This is Roger's "kick in the sitter" that is his jolt into reality. She doles out wisdom through stern statements and by forcing Roger to admit his wrongdoings.


Thank You, M’am by Langston Hughes Plot Summary

thank you mam summary

The second is the date of publication online or last modification online. Given the sidewalk and pedestrian presence, the reader can determine that the story is taking place in a highly occupied urban area. Jones thinks he will take it or not, but we may assume she trusts him by the fact that she left him alone. At the end of the story, Roger gets both her message and the money, but he has no words to express his gratitude. Luella Bates Washington Jones.


Thank You, M'am Characters

thank you mam summary

Here, we see the theme of shame. Jones delivers the message that Roger's now is not his forever. At the same time, she again reveals motherly compassion that suggests she knows he is more than one bad decision. Jones has undermined his expectation of what he thought she would say. I got a great mind to wash your face for you.


What is a summary of "Thank You, M'am"?

thank you mam summary

The large woman simply turned around and kicked him right square in his blue-jeaned sitter. Latest answer posted May 17, 2011, 9:18 am UTC 1 educator answer In the end, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. Jones kicks Roger while he's sprawled on the ground. Jones and Roger once in a while to provide greater insight.
