Impact of western culture on indian youth wikipedia. Impact Of Western Culture On Indian Youth 2022-11-09

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The impact of western culture on Indian youth has been profound and far-reaching. In recent decades, India has undergone a process of rapid modernization and globalization, and as a result, young people in India have been exposed to a wide range of Western cultural influences.

One of the most significant impacts of western culture on Indian youth has been in the realm of fashion. Western styles of clothing, such as jeans and T-shirts, have become extremely popular among young people in India, and many young people have adopted these styles as part of their everyday wardrobe. This has led to a shift in traditional Indian fashion trends, as more and more young people opt for western styles over traditional Indian attire.

Another area where western culture has had a significant impact on Indian youth is in the realm of music and entertainment. Western music, movies, and television shows have become increasingly popular among young people in India, and many young people have adopted western music and entertainment as a key part of their leisure activities. This has led to a shift in traditional Indian music and entertainment, as more and more young people turn to western sources for their entertainment.

Western culture has also had a significant impact on the values and attitudes of Indian youth. Many young people in India have adopted western values such as individualism, consumerism, and a focus on personal success and fulfillment. This has led to a shift in traditional Indian values, as more and more young people prioritize their own goals and desires over the needs and expectations of their families and communities.

Overall, the impact of western culture on Indian youth has been significant and far-reaching. While there have been some negative consequences of this cultural influence, such as the erosion of traditional values and the rise of consumerism, there have also been many positive developments, such as increased opportunities for personal expression and the ability to participate in a globalized world. As India continues to modernize and globalize, it is likely that the influence of western culture on Indian youth will continue to be a significant and complex issue.

Impact Of Western Culture On Indian Youth

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With modernization of the Indian society, the impact of Western culture can bee clearly seen. It misses out some of the core values and ethics that we do consider to be very important. Additionally, peer influence varies greatly among contexts, gender, age, and Others argue there are definite elements of youth society that constitute culture, which differ from those of their parents' culture. The problem is we are forgetting our culture to a greater extent. The sole reason for which today Indians are venerated on world stage is just because of the vintage of this nation. Its eco-friendly as well.


Impact of western culture on Indian youth

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Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Our learning can also be blamed This is a time of globalization. The concept of the welfare state was introduced and thus Governmental activities on welfare measures have expanded. Modifications are always welcome. We, the younger generation are the representatives of India in a true sense of the word.


Impact Of Western Culture On Indian Youth [m34mq7wzxzn6]

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The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. The night club culture has slowly developed. I think we are at fault. We expect a person to behave in a particular manner in front of fellow persons. Hanover: Brandeis University Press, published by University Press of New England.


Effect of western culture on indian youth

impact of western culture on indian youth wikipedia

Its a shame to see that Indias pride; We Indian Youth doesnt have even a bit of importance for Indias pride and heritage, its culture; and we are easily influenced by western culture. In this competitive world, every parent is expecting their child to focus on academics as much time as possible in which these activities are not part. I am here because of my passion of writing articles and sharing my thoughts and I just love this site a lot as it helps students to come out with thier talents and its working on creating a great enthusiasm among students and bringing them under one network to work together. . Judaism and Hellenism: studies in their encounter in Palestine during the early Hellenistic period. The Economic History Review.


Influence of western culture on Indian society

impact of western culture on indian youth wikipedia

Different definitions of the term, culture may have distinct descriptive ways and criterion to evaluate human activity. The Saracen Connection: Arab Cuisine and the Medieval West. Old styles continued side by side. These days, the messages of national unification have ceased to come to the fore and the programs have been replaced by reality shows dominated by women clad in skimpy dresses. Our teachers do not talk about culture. I am planning to do MBA in finance in future. But as the time passed, people started to forget the real spirit behind the creation of the country and got habitual towards watching and listening Indian movies and songs.


Western culture

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Balasubramanium and Ilayraja might have thought that way, we have lost many songs which are considered as jewels. India is a secular country where the people have the freedom to practice any religion and also to convert to another religion of their choice. The westerners are becoming Indians and we are neither an Indian nor a Westerner. Retrieved 15 November 2022. Lectures on Economic Growth.


Free Essay: Impact of Western Culture on Youth

impact of western culture on indian youth wikipedia

Some researchers argue that youth culture is not a separate culture, as their values and morals are not distinct from those of their parents. Do you find the same dress among Indians still? People are today more attracted towards the Western culture as it is more liberal and modern as compared to age-old but rich Indian culture. McComb, Sports in world history Routledge, 2004. . Impact of English education Changes in dress and food habits Supply of water through pipes — you cannot ask the caste of the person who sends water down the pipes. Similarly the youth getting addicted to the ever increasing popularity of Run —Away and marry fashion,Movies,Fast food,pornography,Alcohol,Cigarettes,Drugs etc. University of Philadelphia Press.


Effect of Western Culture on Indian Youth

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Europe: A Cultural History. Many political and cultural movements emerged like the movement for the eradication of caste spread of mass education. Right from our clothing, till the music, the films, our attitude, our lifestyle, in short every aspect of our life Impact Of Western Culture On Indian Youth Impact Of Western Culture On Indian YouthCulture and Tradition are more significant in a country like India which has always been cherishing its rich culture and heritage and its quite well known for it worldwide. Historically, Latin America has been only Catholic, although this may be changing. The western culture has also gives some positive thing to the Indian Culture but on the whole it has negatively affected our culture.


Impact Of Western Culture On Indian Society

impact of western culture on indian youth wikipedia

The vocal includes carnatic and Hindustani styles. Since the sixteenth century, the nations of Western civilization have been the driving wheels of modernization. Although it is a scion of European civilization, it also incorporates more elements of indigenous American civilizations compared to those of North America and Europe. The Catholic Church: Journey, Wisdom, and Mission. Early Christianity in its Hellenistic context.


Impact of Western Culture on Youth

impact of western culture on indian youth wikipedia

Those who went to England for study or medical treatment. Far-reaching reforms in Hindu society through social reform movements like the Brahmo samaj etc. We are the sole cherishers of Indias pride and its heritage which actually lies in its culture, its diversity, its uniqueness. The Indian culture is so much influenced by the west that they have forgotten the values, the principles and the ethics of our own culture. Retrieved 14 November 2007.
