Taxi driver film analysis. Taxi Driver: Plot Overview 2022-10-24

Taxi driver film analysis Rating: 8,8/10 926 reviews

"Taxi Driver" is a classic film directed by Martin Scorsese and released in 1976. It tells the story of Travis Bickle, a lonely and disturbed taxi driver living in New York City. Bickle is played by Robert De Niro in one of his most iconic performances, and the film also features Jodie Foster, Harvey Keitel, and Cybill Shepherd in major roles.

At the beginning of the film, we see Bickle as a depressed and isolated individual, struggling to connect with others and find meaning in his life. He works long hours driving his taxi through the streets of New York, observing the city's seedy underbelly and feeling increasingly disillusioned with society. Bickle's mental state deteriorates as he becomes more and more isolated, and he begins to fantasize about violence as a means of escape from his loneliness and frustration.

One of the most striking aspects of "Taxi Driver" is its depiction of New York City as a dark and dangerous place. The film was released at a time when crime rates in the city were high, and it captures the sense of fear and mistrust that many people felt at the time. Scorsese uses a gritty, realistic visual style to bring this sense of unease to life, and the cinematography by Michael Chapman is an essential part of the film's overall aesthetic.

As the film progresses, Bickle becomes increasingly obsessed with rescuing Iris, a young prostitute played by Jodie Foster. He begins to see himself as a kind of vigilante, determined to clean up the city and save Iris from her dangerous lifestyle. In the film's climax, Bickle takes violent action against Iris's pimps, culminating in a bloody shootout that leaves several people dead.

One of the most memorable and controversial aspects of "Taxi Driver" is its depiction of violence. The film is not shy about showing the consequences of Bickle's actions, and it does not romanticize or glorify violence in any way. At the same time, the film does not shy away from depicting the thrill and excitement that Bickle feels as he takes control of his own life and fights against the forces that he sees as corrupting the city.

Overall, "Taxi Driver" is a complex and nuanced film that tackles difficult themes such as loneliness, isolation, and the dangers of violence. Its memorable characters and realistic portrayal of New York City make it a classic of American cinema, and its themes continue to resonate with audiences today.

Taxi Driver movie review & film summary (1976)

taxi driver film analysis

SWOT analysis and its use in the marketing mix. When that fails, he goes to Wizard for counseling. Iris tries to seduce Travis, but he refuses to have sex with her. The interview is a smart way of introducing this character, but its impact comes from the juxtaposition that follows. There is, significantly, no scene showing us how the niece feels about what has happened to her. They know nothing about where their son is or what he does. No wonder, considering the geographical location of the country, the weather and the scarce population in the wild landscape.


Taxi Driver Analysis

taxi driver film analysis

The special insight afforded by an insane mind dominates in the absence of any wisdom. One day while driving his cab, Travis sees Betsy, a beautiful blond woman in a white dress. Features of the film 's sense of space and time, setting, motifs, characters, and character goals will be explored and how they affect the characterisation, structure, and three-act organisation. What makes Taxi Driver so powerful? The next scene shows Travis, back in his cab, pulling over to let a man out. Gradually, she gets more and more comfortable with him while he is in serious trouble, due to his tendency to offer help to whoever needs it. Instead, NYC welcomes him as a hero — exactly as he imagined himself in the mirror all along. We end not on carnage but on redemption, which is the goal of so many of Scorsese's characters.


Film Analysis Of Taxi Driver

taxi driver film analysis

As a matter of fact, only particular people are gifted with a talent for writing. I been a cabbie all my life, what do I know? Out of this filthy mass. Not as such, begging the question: what happens to women afflicted by the same psychosocial issues? It will collapse upon itself, like a tower of cards undone from within. He encounters a 12-year-old prostitute named Iris The buried message of both films is that an alienated man, unable to establish normal relationships, becomes a loner and wanderer, and assigns himself to rescue an innocent young girl from a life that offends his prejudices. This would be hard on anyone, but Travis externalises the dirt.


Taxi Driver (1976) explained: the two faces of Travis Bickle

taxi driver film analysis

They begin, more and more, to drift into a cycle of self-destruction. Cause Influence Character Symptom Betsy is dedicated to a political cause—Charles Palantine—and the campaign is the center of her life. What he wants above all else is for everything to work out. All kinds of couples go. There was an impulse that we were both following.


Taxi Driver Film: Critical Analysis

taxi driver film analysis

The time is coming. This is a journey through life: and what Travis is going through is an aspect of that journey that nobody talks about; one they need desperately to cast to the wayside for any number of reasons. Remember that this is ultimately an assignment—make sure that your thesis answers what the prompt asks, and check with your professor if you are unsure. Travis complains about his inability to sleep, even after working all night, and talks about wanting to become more normal. Travis takes Betsy to a porn film in Times Square. Whereas earlier he complains: TRAVIS V. On the surface he appears good-looking, even handsome; he has a quiet steady look and a disarming smile which flashes from nowhere, lighting up his whole face.


What Makes Taxi Driver So Powerful? An In

taxi driver film analysis

One is the "priest's-eye-view" often used in overhead shots, which Scorsese has said are intended to reflect the priest looking down at the implements of the Mass on the altar. THE SANE DRIVER IS ALWAYS READY FOR THE UNEXPECTED. She is, in other words, a star-fucker of the highest order. The ending of the film reflects this, when Travis strikes the brothel in his rescue effort, he is wounded and falls unconscious. This mentality has produced a great deal of contentions with nearby powers that have as of now prompted to various fines being exacted against the organization Ha, 2013. Travis is his own murderer.


Taxi Driver: Plot Overview

taxi driver film analysis

This page analyses themes and storytelling structures in Taxi Driver — with spoilers. She quickly rejects his efforts to reach out, so he spends his morning alone in the porn theater. This is a trait that appears to interest her. His ambivalent feelings about sex he lives in a world of pornography, but the sexual activity he observes in the city fills him with loathing. The film begins in Mexico, where police officer Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez and his partner Manolo stop a drug transport and arrest the drivers. We see him driving around on a typical day. All kinds of couples go.


Psychoanalysis of Martin Scorsese's Movie Taxi Driver

taxi driver film analysis

His intention to assassinate Palantine becomes clear. Instead, the final battle recasts him as outraged father figure, a vigilante against paedophiles and pimps. As the delusions grow, so does his sense of purpose and power. Being Influence Character Signpost 3 Betsy feigns fatigue and illness—a 24-hour virus or something—in order to escape further contact with Travis. There are other links between "Mean Streets" and "Taxi Driver" that may go unnoticed. When Betsy realizes what the film is, she becomes disgusted and leaves.
