Freud vs erikson. Freud and Erikson 2022-10-16

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Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson are two of the most well-known and influential figures in the field of psychology. Both men made significant contributions to the understanding of human development and the role of the unconscious mind in shaping behavior and personality. While they shared many common ideas and approaches, there are also significant differences between their theories and approaches to psychology.

Freud was born in Austria in 1856 and is best known for his work on the structure of the mind and the role of the unconscious. He developed the theory of the psyche, which includes the id, ego, and superego. According to Freud, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the psyche that seeks immediate gratification of basic desires, such as hunger and sexuality. The ego is the rational, logical part of the psyche that mediates between the demands of the id and the external world. The superego is the moral component of the psyche that represents the internalization of societal and cultural values.

Freud also developed the concept of the Oedipus complex, which states that children experience a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent and a rivalry with the same-sex parent. He believed that resolving this conflict is crucial to the development of a healthy personality.

Erikson, on the other hand, was born in Germany in 1902 and is known for his work on psychosocial development. He proposed a theory of eight stages of human development, each of which is characterized by a different crisis that must be resolved in order for the individual to move on to the next stage. According to Erikson, these stages represent the challenges and opportunities that arise throughout an individual's lifetime and are essential for the development of a healthy personality.

One of the main differences between Freud and Erikson is their focus. Freud was primarily interested in early childhood development and the role of the unconscious mind in shaping personality. Erikson, on the other hand, was interested in development throughout the lifespan and the impact of social and cultural factors on personality.

Another difference between the two theorists is their approach to therapy. Freud developed the technique of psychoanalysis, which involves the use of free association, dream analysis, and transference to explore the unconscious mind and resolve psychological conflicts. Erikson, on the other hand, believed that the goal of therapy was not just to resolve conflicts but also to facilitate the individual's growth and development.

In conclusion, while Freud and Erikson both made significant contributions to the field of psychology, they had different approaches and perspectives on human development and the role of the unconscious mind in shaping behavior and personality. Despite their differences, their work has had a lasting impact on the field of psychology and continues to influence contemporary theories and approaches to therapy.

Development Theory: Freud v. Erickson

freud vs erikson

Just like Piaget, Erikson's limitation is the structure of his theory. They may be from different backgrounds, different schools, worked at different jobs, but they both viewed development as something of importance. Teens explore different roles, attitudes, and identities as they develop a sense of self. While Freud believed that development was driven by biological impulses such as the need for food and sex, Erikson emphasized the role of environmental factors and culture. Under Erikson's theory, conflict at each stage needs to be successfully resolved before moving on to the next stage. In terms of theories, Freud is known for his psychosexual theory, and Erikson is known for his psychosocial theory.


Freud's and Erickson's Theories' Differences

freud vs erikson

Bee and Boyd, 2004, 257. Generativity versus stagnation is when adults support others and make social contributions. Erickson believes that psychosocial development occurs during the first year of life. There are several key issues in Lifespan Psychology which are centered on these following factors which are; cultural factors, continuous vs discontinuous change, critical periods vs sensitive periods, lifespan approach vs particular periods approach, nature vs nurture. Meaning it does not focus enough on the differences between male and female during development Fleming, 2004, p. Boys are drawn towards their mothers in what Freud calls the Oedipus complex while girls experience the Electra complex where they are drawn towards their fathers Scott 69. Erikson extended his theory into adulthood until death, while Freud's theory ends at an earlier stage of development.


Theories of Development: Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud: [Essay Example], 599 words GradesFixer

freud vs erikson

The stages are oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. Maybe even Lev Vygotsky. He seemed to be doing fine in school, but he has been crying after school and not wanting to go monday mornings. According to Erikson, our ego identity is constantly changing due to new experience and information we acquire in our daily interactions with others. And I will compare and contrast each one, as well. Also, unlike Freud, Erikson proposed that a person's sense of identity was not completely developed during adolescents but instead continued to develop and evolve throughout a person's life.


Freud vs. Erikson: Comparing Theories of Development

freud vs erikson

From my point of view, family and culture have a great influence in the child's life. He believed that personality develops in a series of stages. He developed such a general theory for psychosexual development that starts from infancy and goes to adulthood. The goal is to develop a balance between all areas of life. The Oral stage, describes the pleasure center as the mouth, a period where children constantly are putting things in their mouth, be it a teething ring or their very own thumb.


Freud's Psychosexual Theory vs. Erikson's Psychosocial Theory

freud vs erikson

He was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 15, 1902. His theories came after Freud's and build on Freud's original work. The first difference I have notice is the way they described the stages. If a child is overly protected during this stage and not allowed to take the initiative, they can develop feelings of guilt. The ego could not find a balance to keep the id and the superego balanced and so this causes the rest of our personality to have a downward spiral.


Freud Vs Erickson

freud vs erikson

However, there are several differences that remain between the names of the stages and the developmental issues that are encountered within them. This paper will discuss personality characteristics of both theories and how personality affects situational behavior and interpersonal relations. The first stage helps plan the future, which links in with whether we are able to love and trust. Erikson, like Freud, believed in the power of the unconscious. The cognitive Erik Erikson 's Psychosocial Theory Erik Erikson 's psychosocial theory and Sigmund Freud 's psychosexual theory are two well-known theories of personality development with various similarities and differences. This stage is about learning in school and communicating and is a very social stage Morrison, lecture, 2011.


Similarities & Differences Between Freud & Erikson

freud vs erikson

He feels ashamed of himself for not being able to go flawlessly like at home, and these feelings of shame are causing other problems in school also. Erikson was a man who learned from Freud and became a better person and made a living out of helping determine personality, behaviors and so much more. When he was at home all day, he had his parents to comfort him if he ever had questions about other kids. This would have affected the ego throughout life. Psychoanalysis is the behavior, feelings or personality that we try to be understood in order to help with mental problems.


Freud Vs Erikson

freud vs erikson

Erikson believed that if a stage is handled well the person will feel a sense of mastery or is often referred to as ego strength or ego quality Cherry, 2013. However if they are neglected and their basic needs are not met, especially by their maternal figure, then they will resolve this crisis in the negative and be mistrustful throughout their development, or until they are able to resolve this crisis in the positive. During this stage, the child learns independence and seeks to find control over their environment. Freud's Theory The fifth stage of psychosexual development is known as the genital stage. He also believed that if a stage is handled poorly the person will emerge with a sense of inadequacy Cherry, 2013. Erikson, on the other hand, believed that kids continue to forge a sense of independence and competence during this phase.


Freud vs. Erickson

freud vs erikson

Stagnation stage is when middle-aged adults have a sense of the society, and the Integrity vs. Erikson's Theory Erikson took a lifespan approach, believing that development continues even in old age. These involve establishing a sense of trust in others, developing a sense of identity in society, and helping the next generation prepare for the future. In the next stage, from ages 3 to 6, Freud wrapped around the idea of a raised libido and first sexual interests, calling it the phallic stage. Erikson also believed that development happens in stages.


Difference Between Freud Vs Erikson Compare And Contrast Essay Example

freud vs erikson

If an adult develops a strong sense of self during adolescence, then they are positioned to share their lives with others, in whatever form that may take. On the contrary, children that fail that this stage struggle with incompetence later in adulthood. In each stage the libido is invested in that part of the body that is the most sensitive at that age. On the other side, Erikson calls this phase the identity vs. This could be an explanation for him crying after school and just not wanting to go Sunday nights. During… Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 8 Psychological Perspectives The second Stage of Freud 's psychosexual theory is the anal stage.
