Taliban not a terrorist organization. Rubio to propose designating Taliban a terrorist organization, its government a state sponsor of terrorism 2022-11-06

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It is important to note that the Taliban, a militant group that originated in Afghanistan in the 1990s, is widely considered a terrorist organization by many governments and international organizations. The group has been responsible for numerous attacks that have caused significant loss of life and suffering, and has been designated as a terrorist group by the United Nations and several individual countries, including the United States.

While it is true that the Taliban has also engaged in some more traditional forms of warfare, such as fighting against foreign military forces and Afghan government troops, the group has also carried out a number of attacks that are clearly intended to target and kill civilians. These attacks have included suicide bombings, targeted assassinations, and other acts of violence that are designed to create fear and intimidate the population.

One of the main reasons that the Taliban is considered a terrorist organization is because of its tactics and methods. The group has a history of using indiscriminate violence and targeting civilians in order to achieve its goals. This includes targeting schools, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure, as well as attacking civilians who are perceived to be supporting the Afghan government or foreign military forces.

In addition to its violent tactics, the Taliban is also known for its strict and often oppressive interpretation of Islam, which it has imposed on the areas of Afghanistan under its control. This has included the suppression of women's rights and the enforcement of harsh penalties for those who do not adhere to the group's strict codes of conduct.

Overall, while it is possible to argue that the Taliban is not a purely terrorist organization, given its involvement in more traditional forms of warfare, it is clear that the group has engaged in numerous terrorist attacks and has a well-documented history of using violence and intimidation to achieve its goals. As such, it is widely considered to be a terrorist organization by many governments and international organizations.

Pakistani Taliban

taliban not a terrorist organization

Terrorist organisations that threaten the national interests, security and citizens of a nation are listed as banned or recognised terrorist organisations in that particular nation. Retrieved 23 April 2015. What are world leaders doing wrong? As outrage at the latest abuses reverberates around the world, their extreme misogyny may be masking the misuse of millions of dollars in aid that is meant to ease terrible human suffering. By signing up, you agree to our Mother Jones and our partners. So the United States and the United Nations, while castigating the Taliban for their brutality toward women and other groups, have provided billions of dollars in an effort to stave off mass starvation. Retrieved 5 April 2012.



taliban not a terrorist organization

Many Afghans believe the constant cash infusions are enabling the Taliban as they entrench their power. Al-Qaeda Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has close ties to In 2008 Baitullah Mehsud met with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant According to United Nation report, ISIS core leadership sends funds to TTP in Afghanistan to "outsource" attacks due to its depleted manpower. Economic activities Under the Transit treaty between Afghanistan and Pakistan a massive network for smuggling developed. Retrieved 2 July 2012. Retrieved 25 March 2012.


Taliban: ‘A Woman Is a Man’s Property and Must Serve Him, Not Get Educated’

taliban not a terrorist organization

Tens of millions of dollars are flown into Kabul every week by the United States and the United Nations for distribution across the country as humanitarian catastrophe grips tighter with winter closing in. The TTP have carried out scores of deadly attacks since their inception in the 2000s, including the infamous 2014 Peshawar school massacre. Retrieved 13 June 2015. The Pakistani military alleged that the militants had crossed over from Afghanistan, but the TTP did not confirm in claiming responsibility. The Taliban also obtained financial resources from Pakistan.


Are The Taliban Terrorists?

taliban not a terrorist organization

Retrieved 7 October 2022. Al Qaida and their affiliates around the globe have sought to carry out terror attacks against Americans and American interests all around the globe," he said explaining the difference between the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Responsibility of attack was claimed by TTP. The reason that the US is concerned about that is there obviously are a significant number of American personnel, including American military personnel, in Afghanistan that are in harm's way, he said. In its original form, the TTP had Baitullah Mehsud as its naib amir, or deputy. Retrieved 20 April 2014.


Explained: Why Taliban Are Not On The Us Terror List

taliban not a terrorist organization

However, the Punjab government is still denying the existence of "Punjabi militants" and has snubbed a demand for a crackdown on banned sectarian outfits that intelligence agencies say are now in collaboration with al Qaeda as well as the local Taliban. Retrieved 11 July 2011. Some women preferred to commit suicide over slavery, killing themselves. McCarthy called the White House comments "This business of distinguishing 'insurgents' from 'terrorists' is nonsense," he observed. Pakistani involvement Sources state that Pakistan was heavily involved, already in October 1994, in "creating" of the Taliban. Female suicide bombers are increasingly common.


Rubio to propose designating Taliban a terrorist organization, its government a state sponsor of terrorism

taliban not a terrorist organization

The first part of this exclusive on-demand interview focused on the year that was; this new second part looks ahead to the next twelve months. Remember the adage that generals always fight the last war? The Sindh Home Ministry in November 2015, wrote a letter to the Rangers and Police claiming Taliban had funded terrorist activities in Karachi. In other definitions, Taliban means 'seekers'. Humayun Tandar, who took part as an Afghan diplomat in the 2001 Human Rights Watch cites no human rights crimes for the forces under direct control of Massoud for the period from October 1996 until the assassination of Massoud in September 2001. Retrieved 8 August 2009.


The Taliban Are Abusing Western Aid to Afghanistan

taliban not a terrorist organization

Retrieved 18 August 2014. PDF on 24 December 2010. There is no accountability for where any of the money ultimately ends up. Retrieved 25 May 2011. And in " everything to us.


Why Isn't Afghan Taliban on US List of Foreign Terror Groups?

taliban not a terrorist organization

Retrieved 14 November 2014. In labeling the Taliban a terror group, the administration could also argue that "we're just tidying up the list," Ryan said, noting that the Taliban-allied Haqqani network and IS branch of Afghanistan and Pakistan are on the list. In 2002, the UN mentioned the "existence of significant stocks of opiates accumulated during previous years of bumper harvests. The announcement this month that women are also now locked out of university was no surprise, nor was the edict issued days later ordering local and international NGOs to fire all female staff. Additionally, the Taliban insisted that any trial of Bin Laden be held in an Afghan court.
