Synopsis of the last leaf by o henry. The Last Leaf Summary & Analysis 2022-10-19

Synopsis of the last leaf by o henry Rating: 6,1/10 820 reviews

"The Last Leaf" is a short story written by O. Henry, a pen name for the American writer William Sydney Porter. The story was first published in 1907 and has since become a classic of American literature.

The story is set in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City during a particularly cold and bitter winter. It follows the lives of two young artists, Johnsy and Sue, who live in a small apartment together. Johnsy is gravely ill with pneumonia and is bedridden, while Sue tries to care for her and keep her spirits up.

One day, Johnsy becomes fixated on a leaf on the vine outside her window. She believes that the leaf will be the last one to fall from the vine and that when it does, she will also die. Sue, determined to keep Johnsy's spirits up, does everything she can to keep the leaf from falling, even going so far as to tie it to the vine with a string.

As the days pass, Johnsy's condition worsens and she becomes increasingly delusional, convinced that she will die when the leaf falls. One night, a severe storm hits the city and the leaf is blown off the vine. Johnsy believes that her time has come and she prepares to die.

However, the next morning, Johnsy is surprised to find the leaf still hanging on the vine, despite the storm. It is then revealed that the leaf was painted on the wall by the elderly artist Behrman, who had been living in the same building as Johnsy and Sue. Behrman had taken it upon himself to paint the leaf as a gesture of hope and love for Johnsy, knowing that it would give her something to hold onto in her darkest moments.

The story ends with Johnsy making a full recovery and Behrman, who had been suffering from a severe cold, succumbing to his illness and dying. "The Last Leaf" is a poignant tale of friendship, love, and the power of hope to overcome even the most difficult of circumstances.

A Summary and Analysis of O. Henry’s ‘The Last Leaf’

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

There is no hope for him; but he goes to the hospital today to ease his pain. She saw an old ivy creeper climbing half-way up the brick wall opposite to the window. An artist once discovered a valuable possibility in this street. So, to quaint old Greenwich Village the art people soon came prowling, hunting for north windows and eighteenth-century gables and Dutch attics and low rents. The second date is today's date — the date you are citing the material. He advises Sue to guide Johnsy towards positivity and bring her back to life. She should never let hope die inside her.


The Last Leaf by O. Henry Plot Summary

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

For several years he had painted nothing except now and then a daub in the line of commerce or advertising. She tells Johnsy not to be "goosey" because the doctor told her that Johnsy's chances for getting well are ten to one. And look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. She keeps thinking about her death. Henry seems to be saying, springs from compassion.


Analysis of O. Henry’s The Last Leaf

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

Sue goes to Behrman, a 60-year old artist who lives on the ground floor. Johnsy and Sue are artists emerging in their field of work. The most common animals that the warriors were transformed into were the bull-tiger and leopard. Aspiring artists have come there from all parts of the country as do Johnsy, who is from California, and Sue, who is from Maine. He lived in the same building as Sue and Johnsy, and sometimes acted as a model for their paintings.


The Last Leaf Summary & Analysis

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

When Doctor was there to check Johnsy, he called Sue into the hall so Johnsy did not overhear them. The author refers to Pneumonia as a cold stranger who touched one or the other person here and there with his cold icy fingers causing them to fall grievously ill. The last leaf summary starts with two girls namely Sue and Johnsy lived together in a small flat. Behrman painted his last masterpiece. She created a thought that she would die when the last leaf fell. Sue mentions her unfulfilled ambition to paint the Bay of Naples, but the doctor dismisses this and asks if Johnsy is depressed over a man.


What is the summary of the last leaf by O Henry?

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

As Sue sketches a picture of a cowboy for a magazine cover, she hears Johnsy faintly saying something and hurries over to her side. Three days ago there were almost a hundred. He gives Johnsy only a small chance to live. On the ground floor, Behrman, a male artist in his sixties lives. Now on, he would be remembered for his last masterpiece. Sue found Behrman in his room. Johnsy was sure that it would have fallen during the night, but she says that it will fall today instead, and when it does she will go, too.


Short Story: ‘The Last Leaf’ by O. Henry

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

It is a sentimental story with a tragic ending. It is all about the last leaf summary in short. She takes care of her and supports her emotionally and financially though it is easier not to get involved. Behrman was retired and he had free time to paint the leaf. Your friend has made up her mind that she is not going to get well. Sue had to go to sell her painting so she could buy some things for Johnsy. She realized that it was a sin to think of death.


The Last Leaf by O. Henry

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

Johnsy lay on her bed, hardly moving. When Sue pulls up the shade from the window, one solitary leaf still clings to the vine. It was still dark green at the center. On the other side, if a person keeps thinking negatively, he will lose all his hopes. Behrman; he poses for the sketch of an old hermit miner that Sue must finish for her editor; then Sue lies down to sleep for an hour. Sue enters the room in order to complete the painting that she had started for the magazine. It is wrong to want to die.


The Last Leaf by O'Henry

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

Behrman, an old man in the story who wants to paint a masterpiece for years but is not able to do so. The story is just like O. She arranged her board and began a pen-and-ink drawing to illustrate a magazine story. The fact is that no one has ever set sight on a Badanga in the flesh. Why is the last leaf considered O.


The Last Leaf

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

You can read and listen to other American Stories on our Web site, voaspecialenglish. He added that she would recover soon as her desire to live was back. Sue brought her drawing-board into the room and began to paint. The Themes in the Last Leaf According to the last leaf summary moral lesson, there are some important themes which are mentioned. In the afternoon, the doctor came to check Johnsy, and after checking her out, he told Sue in the hall that Johnsy had started recovering. It gives her some hope. Her attempts to console her friend and help her gain back her strength and the desire to live.


Write the summary of \"The Last Leaf\" by O Henry.

synopsis of the last leaf by o henry

He mainly composed short stories that had some moral aspects for people to analyze. The best art, O. Johnsy fell critically ill in November. And you used to love that vine. He had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. I want to see the last one fall before it gets dark.
