Surety for bail in india. Surety for bail 2022-10-21

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Surety for bail in India refers to the process of securing the release of an individual who has been arrested and is awaiting trial. It involves the presentation of a bond or guarantee by a third party, known as the surety, to the court. The surety agrees to pay a sum of money to the court if the accused fails to appear in court as required.

The concept of bail and surety is rooted in the principle that an individual should not be detained in custody without good reason. It is also based on the assumption that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, the court may grant bail to an accused person as a means of ensuring their appearance in court while they await trial.

In India, the provision for bail is contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), which sets out the conditions under which bail may be granted. According to the CrPC, bail may be granted to an accused person if they are able to furnish sufficient sureties. The sureties must be individuals who are able and willing to stand as guarantors for the accused's appearance in court.

The role of the surety is to act as a guarantee for the accused's appearance in court. They are responsible for ensuring that the accused appears in court as required, and for paying the sum of money agreed upon in the event that the accused fails to do so. The surety is also required to furnish proof of their financial stability, such as a bank statement, to the court.

In India, there are several types of surety that may be presented to the court, including personal sureties, property sureties, and corporate sureties. Personal sureties are individuals who stand as guarantors for the accused's appearance in court. Property sureties involve the pledge of real estate or other valuable assets as collateral for the accused's appearance in court. Corporate sureties are provided by a company or organization that stands as a guarantor for the accused's appearance in court.

The decision to grant bail and the amount of the bail bond are at the discretion of the court. Factors that the court may consider in deciding whether to grant bail include the severity of the offense, the likelihood of the accused fleeing, and the accused's ties to the community. In cases where the accused is considered to be a flight risk or is charged with a serious offense, the court may set a higher bail amount or may deny bail altogether.

In conclusion, surety for bail in India is a process by which an accused person may secure their release from custody while awaiting trial. It involves the presentation of a bond or guarantee by a third party, known as the surety, to the court. The surety agrees to pay a sum of money to the court if the accused fails to appear in court as required. There are several types of surety that may be presented to the court, including personal sureties, property sureties, and corporate sureties. The decision to grant bail and the amount of the bail bond are at the discretion of the court.

Person giving bail surety liable if convict goes underground

surety for bail in india

The arrest in the criminal case is done to ensure that the accused must present in the court during the proceedings. He should not be a bogus person. Further, if the surety has doubt on the appearance of the accused, or he do not likes to stand as a surety, he can apply to the Court for discharging himself from the surety bond. In the meanwhile, the undertrials were kept in prison awaiting their trials. A surety bond in the case of making bail is the amount of money in cash or property to ensure the arrested person attends all required court appearances.


Who can be surety for bail?

surety for bail in india

In such an event, liberty should be given to the accused to substitute the surety. A person coming as a surety shall not be made to feel, why he should stand as a surety for the accused. Both the Federal Constitution and state constitutions contain provisions against excessive bail. Conclusion The presumption of innocence is necessary. What are the 3 main grounds for refusing bail? Conditions may be applied to the grant of bail, such as living at a particular address or, rarely, paying an amount into court or having someone act as surety. Who can not be a surety? How do I remove myself from a surety? The court can also impose additional charges due to the breach of bail.


Surety for bail

surety for bail in india

In view of the present value of the properties, it is very difficult to get property document for such value. Court cannot insist that the sureties should be local surety. The accused loses his right to be free and will be taken into custody if interim bail expires before he is given regular bail or anticipatory bail and he fails to pay the required amount to extend the bail. Certificate of Address issued by the head, Village Panchayat or an equivalent authority 27. What are the types of bails in India? It is a three-party contract by which one party the surety guarantees the performance or obligations of a second party the principal to a third party the obligee.


Can bail be granted without surety?

surety for bail in india

However, realistically, because a surety is someone who agrees to take responsibility for a person accused of a crime it is rare that someone with a criminal record would be approved to be a surety. Surety is subject to the satisfaction of the court which grants bail. According to the complainant, he had in August 2022 received objectionable pictures and videos on his WhatsApp number, along with a demand for depositing money, failing which he would be falsely implicated. When deciding to grant bail, any amount of bond the number of sureties or conditions imposed should only if sufficient to ensure that the accused attend the next hearing. A poor man can be a voter. He said that he was in judicial custody for more than three months and no more required in the investigation, and that other co-accused have already been granted bail.


Know All About Bail Laws in India

surety for bail in india

Police cannot demand any property document from him. In its ruling in the Satender Kumar Antil v. Objectively analyzed the criminal jurisprudence adopted by India is a mere reflection of the Victorian legacy left behind by the Britishers. It cannot be denied that a bogus person should not be accepted as a surety. Current Practice Under current law, a defendant has the right to bail unless there is sufficient reason not to grant it. The bail is the temporary release from the police custody where the accused person on bail will be available whenever he needs for the investigation of further proceedings of the court. A friend or family member of the accused who is trying to get them out of jail is the first person necessary to get a surety bond.


Even A Beggar can stand as Surety; HC explain Law on Surety

surety for bail in india

Generally, someone in jail has a difficult time making such arrangements without help. There is a use of a standard pattern that which lists out the various reasons for not granting the bail. It explains that the surety is entitled to benefit of all the securities which the creditor has against the principal debtor at the time when the contract of suretyship was entered. What is bail with surety? Bail set at an amount higher than reasonably calculated to insure that the accused will appear to stand trial and submit to sentence if convicted is excessive, and falls within the proscription of the Federal Constitution if set by a federal court, or of the particular state's constitution if set by a state court. These prisoners were kept in very unhygienic and inhumane conditions this was caused the spread of a lot of diseases.


What is bail & types of bails in India

surety for bail in india

A surety should have a genuine address. The Legal Position in India The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 Cr. Yes, a person accused of a non-bailable offences can apply for a pre-arrest bail or anticipatory bail. The concept of bail, which is an integral part of the criminal jurisprudence, also suffers from the above stated drawbacks. In determining the amount of bail, voluntary surrender may be considered as an indication that the defendant has no intention of absconding from justice. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that even though the Court has granted bail to the petitioner, the petitioner is unable to execute the bail bonds because of the onerous conditions of bail imposed particularly the condition of producing 31 sureties.


Law Web: Supreme Court: The court can accept one common surety for several cases of the accused if he is unable to provide separate sureties due to poverty

surety for bail in india

Contrary to popular belief, the Police officer in charge can also give bail in non-bailable offenses. Purpose of surety is to make person responsible for the act of accused person after release. See Section 440 1 Cr. Who can take Jamanat? Nowhere in Section 436 or 437 or 439 or 438 Cr. You may go through the contents of the bail order wherein you can find out what are those conditions and what all documents required to be produced by surety. In a bailable offence under section 436 Cr. It stated that " excessive bail hath been required of persons committed in criminal cases, to elude the benefit of the laws made for the liberty of the subjects.
