Strategic marketing management exam questions. Strategic marketing management exam question Free Essays 2022-10-12

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Strategic marketing management involves the formulation and implementation of the marketing strategies that a company uses to meet its marketing objectives. It is an important aspect of overall business strategy and involves the analysis of market trends, the identification of target markets, and the development of marketing plans to reach those markets.

There are a number of key exam questions that students studying strategic marketing management may be expected to answer. These might include:

  1. What is the role of marketing in the overall business strategy?

Marketing plays a vital role in the overall business strategy of any company. It helps to identify the needs and wants of customers and to develop products and services that meet those needs. Marketing also helps to establish the brand image and reputation of a company, and to communicate with and persuade potential customers to buy its products or services.

  1. How can a company segment its target market?

A company can segment its target market in a number of ways. One common method is to segment by demographics, such as age, gender, income, and education level. Another method is to segment by geographic location, such as by country, region, or city. A company may also segment its market by psychographic characteristics, such as values, attitudes, and lifestyles.

  1. What is the difference between a product-oriented and a market-oriented strategy?

A product-oriented strategy is focused on the development and promotion of a specific product or product line. This type of strategy is often used when a company has a unique or highly differentiated product that it wants to sell to a specific market segment. On the other hand, a market-oriented strategy is focused on understanding and meeting the needs of a particular market segment. This type of strategy is often used when a company wants to appeal to a wide range of customers with a more general product offering.

  1. How can a company create a competitive advantage?

A company can create a competitive advantage in a number of ways. One way is by offering a unique or highly differentiated product or service that is not readily available from competitors. A company can also create a competitive advantage by having a strong brand image and reputation, or by offering superior customer service. Another way is by having access to unique resources or capabilities, such as advanced technology or specialized expertise.

  1. What is the role of market research in the development of a marketing strategy?

Market research is an important part of the process of developing a marketing strategy. It helps a company to understand the needs and wants of its target market, as well as the market trends and competitive landscape. Market research can be conducted through a variety of methods, such as surveys, focus groups, and analysis of sales data. The results of market research can then be used to inform the development of marketing plans and strategies.

Overall, strategic marketing management involves the careful planning and execution of marketing activities in order to achieve the goals of the business. Exam questions on this topic might cover a wide range of issues, including market segmentation, competitive advantage, and the role of market research in the development of marketing strategies.

Strategic Marketing Planning

strategic marketing management exam questions

This product has the valued added of the reseller of the product. By maintaining a balanced porfolio of cash-generaing and cash-using businesses, diversiied companies can avoid the costs of using the external capital market, including the margin between borrowing and lending rates and the heavy costs of issuing new debt and equity. What does positioning means in marketing? Is there any sunscreen exclusively for men? What are minimizing price conflicts in strategic marketing? It is tough to deal with market competition as it is dynamically changing and include lots of changes that need to be incorporated if a company has to survive. To match the pricing strategy with the strong proposition the company needs to have a strong message that needs to be sent to the market. It allows you to close the deal more quickly because of the prospects which you have is clearly conveying your views and ideas. Which of the following would a company do when it decides to 'harvest' a product made by an SBU? Upper-level managers or directors of board probably make the decision.


Strategic Marketing Management Test

strategic marketing management exam questions

Eicient internal capital allocaions Think what is more eicient, the internal capital markets of diversiied companies or the external capital market? Where should we move to next? What are the required questions that should to be asked from the customers? Before forming it, he wants to think about how he could maximize the capacity of his firm in comparison to the economic environment. Give specific example on value chain. Unil a strategy is implemented, it is only an expectaion. This is used to show the value of the product that is being marketed to the customer. Can be quite diicult and challenging, changing environment, technological, condiions of external environment.



strategic marketing management exam questions

What informaion gets traded is determined day by day, oten by engineers and operaing managers. What is marketing myopia? How does it help in communicating with the audience? Alans are intended strategy, whereas patterns are realised strategy' from this we can distinguish deliberate strategies, where intentions that existed previously were. Q21 How synergy can be created by unrelated diversiicaion? Segmentaion deals with "where" the irm competes in terms of targets customer groups, localiies, and product types. E cost leaders: virgin airlines, jet star, ryan air, coles, woollies, Walmart, mcdonalds. What are the factors to be kept in mind while defining the marketing activity? What is the relationship in direct to end users? What are the distribution strategies to be adopted to deliver the services? If the irm develops a business level difereniaion strategy, it de facto creates a barrier because potenial entrants do not beneit from customer loyalty.


Strategic Management Past Exam Questions

strategic marketing management exam questions

What are the parameters that should be kept in mind before creating a marketing campaign that is targeted only to the desired audience? What are the possible methods that have to be applied to reach the target audience? What are the different qualities of a brand that separates a company from other competitors? The key definition of strategic marketing 2. These factors are as follows: - Reflecting the price to the competitors and considering the pay for the offering of the customer. How does public relations related to strategic marketing? The price is such that it is neither high nor low but it matches exactly the value of the product. How can the target audience be found using the strategic marketing? Successful companies never forget that their new partners may be out to disarm them. What is the best case in generating the revenue by using good distribution program? In this case the profits gained from the customers are very less due to the fact that there is no proper marketing of that particular product. Companies must defend against compeiive compromise. The steps involved are as follows: - Develop the strategy to market the product to various customers - Creation of tools and processes to implement the product - Generating of the messages and managing the customers according to their involvement with the customers - Using tools to develop the strategy into implementation - Recruiting people for the development phase and for marketing of the product after it is built.


Strategic Marketing Management Exam 1 Flashcards

strategic marketing management exam questions

Indeed, occasional conlict may be the best evidence of mutually beneicial collaboraion. ED QUIOCHO SUBMITTED BY: ARVIN CARLO P. The dealer that service the company is known as the value added product. Thomas owns a large IT company. Toyota and Dell are following this strategy.


Strategic marketing management exam question Free Essays

strategic marketing management exam questions

The end user has the option now to re-sell the product again. Approaches to strategic planning 1. Strategic competitiveness is achieved when a firm successfully formulates and implements a value-creating strategy. They will be useful for entry level and experienced MBA, Sales, Business Development and Marketing professionals What are the ways through which the pricing strategy can be matched with value proposition? This brand allows the customer to have trust on the services you provide. What is the procedure followed to creatively design the ad for a given product to make it sell-able? What are the characteristics used to define the overall prospect? External vs internal strategy implementaion. What are the steps involved in competitive positioning strategy? It achieves an increase in its market share by selling at very reasonable price compared to rivals, but more importantly, is able to ofer more than its rivals for the same price. Choose one question among the following questions B.


Strategic Marketing

strategic marketing management exam questions

Direct to end users signifies that the services and the products will be available directly, on demand to the end user. The way in which tasks and people are specialised and divided, and authority is distributed; how aciviies and reporing relaionships are grouped; and how the mechanisms by which aciviies in the organisaion are coordinated. What is the purpose of building a channel? A strategic alliance is a constantly evolving bargain whose real terms go beyond the legal agreement or the aims of top management. He attempts to gain an upper hand in the market by using very skilled workers and inexpensive raw materials. This means that the industry is not protected and that the expected level of proit will be lower on average than within highly protected industries. Academic writing style will give you 5 marks. What is the best neutral case in strategic marketing? Does difereniaion of products or services always mean that a irm targets a certain segment of the market? What are the competitive tools that are required to test the functionality of the marketing strategy? Minimize price conflicts is used in multiple channels where the price at each step is mapped out from the customers channel and include a fair profit for all the people who are involved in this.


Strategic Management Question

strategic marketing management exam questions

Successful companies view each alliance as a window on their partners' broad capabiliies. The end users that require information about the company and the product are the best match and they can be dealt directly through a sales force. What are the steps involved in dealing with market competition? The disincive competencies of the organizaion; what it does best along dimensions such as people, management pracices, processes, systems, technology, and customer relaionships. Does market segmentaion lead to achieving difereniaion on the chosen segment of the market? Write the following Questions based on your understanding. The dealer bundles the product with the service that is being offered with it and sell it to the end user.
