Sociology 101 exam 2. Sociology 101 (Exam 1) Flashcards 2022-10-22

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The sociology 101 exam 2 is a crucial part of the sociology course and tests students' understanding of the key concepts and theories covered in the second half of the course.

One of the main topics likely to be covered on the exam is social inequality and stratification. This includes concepts such as class, race, and gender and how these factors contribute to inequalities in society. Students should be able to discuss the different forms of social inequality and how they manifest in different societies and over time. They should also be able to analyze the causes and consequences of social inequality and discuss how it can be addressed and reduced.

Another important topic on the sociology 101 exam 2 is culture and society. This includes the ways in which culture shapes social behavior and the role of culture in shaping social institutions such as the family, education, and the economy. Students should be able to define and compare different cultural patterns and discuss how they influence social behavior. They should also be able to discuss the concept of cultural relativism and the importance of understanding cultural differences.

The sociology 101 exam 2 may also cover topics related to social change and social movements. This includes the study of how societies change over time and the various factors that contribute to social change. Students should be able to analyze the different types of social change, including technological change, demographic change, and cultural change, and discuss their impacts on society. They should also be able to discuss the role of social movements in bringing about social change and the various strategies that social movements use to achieve their goals.

Overall, the sociology 101 exam 2 is a comprehensive assessment of students' understanding of the key concepts and theories covered in the sociology course. It tests their ability to analyze and synthesize information, think critically, and communicate their ideas effectively. By preparing thoroughly for the exam and demonstrating their knowledge and skills, students can succeed in sociology 101 and lay the foundation for further study in the field.


sociology 101 exam 2

Crime: deviant acts that the state defines as illegal 1. Do you know how to analyze crowds? White collar criminals; Inner City subculture Anderson STRAIN THEORY Why do people become deviant? Deviance is often a quicker means to an end Hirschi The stronger the bond an individual has to society, the less likely they are to deviate 4 elements of the Social Bond 1. In this essay I will be explaining the distinction between crime and deviance within society and be able to prov. The spurious relationship gives an impression of a worthy link between two groups that is invalid when objectively examined. If possible, do join a test series. Midterm Exam The midterm exam is Tuesday, March 9th.


Soc 101 Exam 2 Study Guide

sociology 101 exam 2

I wrote 5 tests there. Which of the following is LEAST important in the development of neighborly relationships? Recognizing gendered identities b. Deep within this quiz lies questions that question your very mind! Economic structure is primary i. A specific effect of these transformations is the A deindustrialization and deskilling of occupations in developed nations B increased out-migration of workers from more developed to less developed nations C expansion of the working class in the United States D increased opportunities for upward social mobility in the United States E declining unemployment rates among urban minority teenagers in the United States 11. Pay higher prices to procure criminals and build prisons Times when crime and deviance are considered functional 1. No doubt, it did enrich the content of my answers but let me tell you that after reading from so many sources, I was at total loss as to wherefrom to learn or memorise So many sources can be read no doubt but I seriously doubt if all of these can be memorised. Deviance is often fun and attractive 3.


Sociology 101 Exam #2 Flashcards

sociology 101 exam 2

You may refer such concise books for supplementing some of the topics which you perhaps could not find elsewhere but they are not enough for comprehensive preparation. . Structural functionalism Macro is ba. Are you better at analyzing and piecing together than the average man? A B C D E Dred Scott Ruling v. I tried and I tried hard, but it was quite straning to understand the abstract concepts. Means to success are not equal.


SOC 101 Exam 2

sociology 101 exam 2

An offense is considered cleared when at least one person involved in the commission of the offense has been; 1 arrested, 2 charged, and 3 turned over to the court for prosecution What is white-collar crime? In other words, there are so many topics based on thi. These 3 dimensions of inequality lead to 3 different groups in society a. Critiques of Weber a. One good thing about Sir is that he is very patient. Is economic position all-important? Most structural transformations have resulted from technological innovations and a global economy that has shifted manufacturing to less expensive locations throughout the world.


Sociology 101 Exam #2 Review

sociology 101 exam 2

Gender mostly men iii. Conclusion validity - is there a relationship between the program and the observed outcome? Affirm cultural norms and values. It's that the theater's contents and dynamics are modeled after day-to-day life. . I had so many doubts and queries and let me tell you- sir very patiently responded to all my queries. A voluntary association can be said to be institutionalized when it A B C D E 2.


Sociology 101 (Exam 1) Flashcards

sociology 101 exam 2

Technology: The largest beneficiaries are the upper-middle class professionals lower class: victims of this because or mechanical labor vs manual labor Geography: South most poor Midwest, North East Least Poor Rurality: Rural areas are more poverty ridden Race: Caucasians,Asians,Latinos,AA,Natives Education: Prospects of Edu depends on social class Age: The elderly poor: 9. This class started back in August. . Intergenerational Mobility and Structu. Another representation of this point of view is reflected in which of the following theories? Rational Organization: Bureaucracy a. And this is the only way I can figure out how to get it.


Sociology Exam 2 Answers

sociology 101 exam 2

Functionalism is a sociologica. Mainly, I practised answer writing at the test series that I had joined. Differences in power translate into differences in the ability to define deviance and label. So, I would say- start wherever you are, at whatever stage you are, full of apprehension, full of self doubt or lacking self belief BUT remember the only way you can go is UP. Types of crime i.



sociology 101 exam 2

People who are viewed and treated negatively because they are seen as having values, beliefs, and other characteristics different from those of an in-group What is reference group? Though some ethnicities are linked to religion though you may not be fully accepted by your new choice's members - Territoriality. Education: Prospects for education are generally determined by ones social class wealthy 5. It is universal and is one of the attributes of the society that is defined. Provide temporary safety values. . Certain topics that I covered from particular sources- Sociology vs common sense Tusharanshu Paper 1 notes, available in pdf format Comparison of Sociology with other Social science subjects- covered this from Kshitiz Tyagi Paper 1 Notes handwritten notes scanned copy Tusharanshu notes for Paper 2 which earlier sounded Greek to me, now started making some sense. Life course approach- looks closely at the social factors, including gender and income that influence people throughout their lives, from birth to death.


Sociology 101 Test # 2 Flashcards

sociology 101 exam 2

I joined a test series for my optional Sociology at Nice IAS Praveen Kishore sir after preliminary exam which helped me a lot in structuring my answers and understanding the concepts lucidly coming from a science background and taking up a humanities subject, I found it difficult to prepare on my own, Test series helped in clearing the doubts. Rational: social order based on impersonal rules or laws, social action involves tasks carried out in conformity to rules and regulations 2. Thankfully, things turned out well. You may not communicate with anyone about the contents of the exam on the day of the exam. Critique of Marx i.


sociology 101 exam 2 Flashcards

sociology 101 exam 2

Poor and rich countries dependent on each other Classifies the world into 3 types of countries 1 Core Wealthy -Dependent on a small number of exports for sustaining the country Ex. This scenario is an example of a. This class started back in August. Social stratification can be understood as. A Dual-parent households with only the father working outside the home B Dual-parent households with only the mother working outside the home C Dual-parent households with both parents working outside the home D Single-parent households E Extended-family households. Specialization of tasks differentiation 3. Symbolic Interaction Theory Sociological i.
