Factors of population distribution. Factors Affecting Population Distribution: Physical, Economic 2022-11-07

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Population distribution refers to the way in which people are spread out across a particular area. There are many factors that can influence the distribution of a population, including physical, economic, and social factors.

Physical factors include things like climate, topography, and natural resources. For example, areas with a warm, dry climate may be more attractive to people looking to escape cold, wet weather. Similarly, areas with fertile soil and access to water may be more attractive to farmers. Mountains, deserts, and other physical features can also influence population distribution, as they may make certain areas more difficult to access or less suitable for habitation.

Economic factors also play a role in population distribution. Areas with strong economies and job opportunities may be more attractive to people looking to find work or start a business. On the other hand, areas with high unemployment or a lack of economic opportunities may see a decline in population.

Social factors, such as cultural traditions and social support systems, can also influence population distribution. For example, people may be more likely to settle in an area where there is a strong sense of community and where they can find support from friends and family. Similarly, people may be attracted to areas where there is a high concentration of people from their own cultural or ethnic group.

Political factors, such as government policies and laws, can also influence population distribution. For example, certain policies or laws may make it more difficult or expensive for people to move to certain areas, while others may encourage migration to specific regions.

Overall, population distribution is influenced by a complex mix of physical, economic, social, and political factors. Understanding these factors can help us better understand how and why people are distributed in the way that they are, and can inform policies and decisions related to population growth and distribution.

Factors Affecting Distribution of Population in India

factors of population distribution

These factors include the concentration of drug transporters in blood, pH, perfusion, body water composition, body fat composition, and most certainly disease conditions e. The word population comes from the Latin word Populus meaning people. However, the influence of mineral and energy resources on population distribution depends upon a wide range of social and economic factors such as market demand, capital for development, availability of labour supply and trans­portation network. Populace Distribution can be estimated across the world or in a more modest locale like inside a nation or Continent. A greater number of persons assemble their path into these areas.


Unit 1: Population Distribution

factors of population distribution

So, the river valleys are densely populated and the deserts have less population. Example: Varanasi, Jerusalem and Vatican city. What are factors of occupation? What is the impact of population growth? Such places do not attract settlement or farming. In the 20th and 21st century, this trend continued when millions of people from Latin America migrated into the United States seeking jobs due to a lack of employment opportunities in their home countries. Examples of government inducements encouraging migration to new areas can be cited from several developed countries of the West as well. Testbook is one of the best e-learning platforms for those students who are preparing for different competitive exams, especially government exams.


4 Major Factors Affecting Population Distribution [Click To Know]

factors of population distribution

Moreover, public facilities such as sewers, if not built well enough, will lead to disease and poor hygiene. A majority of individuals in this area have opted to move to the southern part of Canada where they can easily trade with the U. Recent Social Trends in Canada, 1960-2000, Canada: McGill-Queens, 2005. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reported that global warming is highest in the territory and the rate is still escalating. This area was the first fraction of North America that rose above the sea level. How many people does Nigeria have in the world? At the very least, they wanted to have someplace that would give them easy access to nearby resources. The push factors, or pessimistic conditions, at the spot of beginning will generally persuade individuals to pass on their local spots to more current regions.


What is occupation distribution of population?

factors of population distribution

The variables influencing appropriation of the populace may extensively be gathered into the accompanying significant classifications: 1. The importance of the role of climatic conditions with respect to population distribution is, therefore, inversely related to the stage of technological advancement reached by any country. Introduction Population growth is an essential indicator of societal transformation. This area receives regular rainfall although the amount is lower than that of Halifax. This explains a high density in the tropics, which are otherwise marked with extremes of climatic conditions. In a clumped dispersion, individuals are clustered in groups. In addition to government policies, political events have also caused redistribution of population throughout human history.


What factors affect population distribution in Nigeria?

factors of population distribution

Meanwhile, climate weather patterns over time affects what crops, if any, can be grown, as well as the health of the people. Immigrants contribute to population growth because of both their own numbers and their above-average fertility. Nonetheless, after several persistent volcanic actions, the land was eroded to form the present topographic nature that has very low relief. Honestly,I struggled with keeping my case studies shortbecauseI always thought that the more factsI hadthe better, however when it came to the final examI found thatIremembered my case studies more when they were short! These minerals stretch unevenly across the Shield and most of towns within this crustal plate practice mining as a part of their economic activities. Further, the interplay between these determinants is generally very complex. For instance, in South Africa the areas having jewel mines are thickly populated, oil ventures in the Middle East are different places where there is a thick populace.


Chapter 2 The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth)

factors of population distribution

The successive rise and drops, folding, attrition, as well as continental ice sheets formed the existing topography of the land mass. Relief features also play an important role in influencing population distribution. Large human settlements prefer relatively flat areas, while you'll see less dense settlements on the hills. These, in turn, provide contrasting environment for a variety of agricultural activities, and hence, lead to different population density. When temperatures are very high and are combined with humidity, such conditions may not be too attractive for those who may wish to migrate to these places for other reasons, thus affecting population growth due to immigration.


Population Distribution Overview & Factors

factors of population distribution

However, this presents cities with several unique issues. As against this, in the high latitude areas, it becomes extremely difficult to live beyond a few hundred metres from sea level. However, the geological features have also created a land rich in natural resources such as minerals, which is an indication of how wealthy the country would be if the population were evenly distributed to exploit the resources. Shuter, Jennifer, and Arthur Rodgers. According to a recent research carried out by the United Nations, it shows that there are about 197,066. In contrast, the title dense indicates that compared to the size of the country, the population is large. The latest projection also suggests that the global population could grow to around 9.


Factors Governing Population Distribution in Canada

factors of population distribution

What can cause a population to be in a uniform distribution? Dense Population Distribution A dense population distribution means that overall, a majority of inhabitants in a country or region live close together. On the other hand, population distribution within a country is not as easily controlled because, in most countries, citizens have the constitutional right to decide the place of residence within a country. In economics, distribution is the way total output, income, or wealth is distributed among individuals or among the factors of production such as labour, land, and capital. In association with climatic conditions, varying soil types give rise to variety of vegetation cover on the earth surface. Moreover, access to food is more subject to environmental fluctuations, such as drought, than in densely populated countries where food is transported quickly and efficiently.



factors of population distribution

What are the five factors that affect population? Most high income countries are found in the Northern Hemisphere such as France and Canada. Factors Affecting Population Distribution — UPSC Notes:- Download PDF Here Also See:. Secondary sector includes manufacturing, construction, electricity. Therefore, areas which have fertile loamy soils have dense population. These reports are creating fears among the residents and probably these fears may result to massive emigration from the region in the near future Marchildon and Chatwood 41-52. As such, Population appropriation shows where individuals reside.
