Sickle cell gel electrophoresis. Sickle Cell Protein Gel 2022-10-12

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Cell phones have become an integral part of modern society, and it is difficult to imagine life without them. These small devices have revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and carry out our daily activities. However, like any technology, cell phones also have their fair share of controversies and debates surrounding them. In this essay, we will explore some of the key topics related to cell phones that have garnered attention in recent years.

One of the main concerns about cell phones is their impact on health. There is a widespread belief that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones can cause various health problems, including cancer and brain tumors. While some studies have suggested a link between cell phone use and these health issues, the majority of research has not found a strong causal relationship. The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that the evidence does not support the idea that cell phones cause cancer. However, the WHO does recommend that people take precautions to reduce their exposure to cell phone radiation, such as using hands-free devices and keeping the phone away from the body when it is not in use.

Another controversial topic related to cell phones is their impact on social interactions and relationships. Some people argue that cell phones have made it easier for people to stay connected and communicate with each other, while others claim that they have led to a decline in face-to-face communication and social skills. Studies have shown that excessive cell phone use can lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and an increase in loneliness and depression. On the other hand, cell phones can also be used as a tool to facilitate social connections and communication, especially for people who are isolated or have difficulty connecting with others in person.

A third topic of debate surrounding cell phones is their role in privacy and security. With the proliferation of smartphones, it has become easier for people to share personal information and data online. This has raised concerns about data privacy and the potential for misuse of personal information by companies and governments. In response, various laws and regulations have been put in place to protect people's privacy and give them control over their data. However, the rapid pace of technological change has made it difficult for these laws to keep up, and there is ongoing debate about how to balance the need for privacy with the benefits of technological innovation.

In conclusion, cell phones have had a significant impact on society and have given rise to a number of controversial topics. While cell phones have many benefits, it is important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and to take steps to protect their health, relationships, and privacy.

Sickle Cell Protein Gel

sickle cell gel electrophoresis

This enzyme recognizes the CCT-GAG-G sequence of the amino acid on the β- globin and will bind to cleave cut that DNA strand which it recognizes Figure 4. Staining the Gel After electrophoresis, the gel was placed on a flat surface and was moistened with several drops of the electrophoresis buffer. It acts by reversibly binding to one α-globin chain within the hemoglobin tetramer in the oxygenated state, thus preventing the polymerization of hemoglobin. The power source was set at 125V and left to run for 30 minutes. The 50X buffer was then diluted in distilled water to prepare a 500 ml of 1X buffer.


Sickle Cell Gel Electrophoresis Lab Conclusion

sickle cell gel electrophoresis

A person inherits two copies of the hemoglobin gene-one from each parent. Conclusion As a conclusion, gel electrophoresis is found to be an excellent way to aid in the analysis of sickle cell genes. The comb was slowly pulled straight up to be removed. In Hb A, the glutamic acid GAG is situated on the 6th position of the β- globin chain. As a result, red blood cells with sickle shape which are fragile and not flexible are formed Nagababu et al, 2008 Pan et al, 2007 Manchikanti et al, 2007. Since these samples are heterozygous for SCD Hb AS , they have inherited 1 copy of normal gene and 1 copy of defective gene. The DNA retrieved from the reaction can then be imported into an aparatus using gel electrophoresis to compare the sample of DNA to other samples.


Gel Electrophoresis In Analysis Of Sickle Cell Genes

sickle cell gel electrophoresis

Next, the mixture was swirled to disperse the agarose powder clumps. Once the electrophoresis apparatus and the gel were prepared, the controls and the samples were loaded consecutively into the respective wells. Only 1 band was observed on the gel under the UV Transilluminator. As a bonus, the kit works on agarose gels and does not require in-class staining, saving you money and time over typical protein electrophoresis kits. Cloning techniques such as the one performed have been used for many years to isolate genes from a variety of species. This protein serves to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissue. Abnormal hemoglobin capillary electrophoresis showing sickle cell disease with a significant peak seen in the HbS zone.


Hemoglobin Electrophoresis in Sickle Cell Disease: A Primer for the Clinician

sickle cell gel electrophoresis

The gel appeared firm and cool after approximately 20 minutes. The charge carried by the globin protein is determined by the polypeptide chains that constitute the make-up of the protein. Copy to Clipboard Reference Copied to Clipboard. The fetus should be screened for SCD if one parent is a carrier for SCD Tshilolo et al, 2008 Streetly et al, 2009. The Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA sample can be obtained from white blood cells in adults and from the amniocentesis fluid in fetus.


Gel electrophoresis in analysis of sickle cell genes

sickle cell gel electrophoresis

This must be kept in mind when interpreting the hemoglobin electrophoresis of patients receiving this medication. Lane Type of Hemoglobin C HbA S HbS F HbF A HbA2, HbC Table 1. This enzyme recognizes the CCT-GAG-G sequence of the amino acid on the β- globin and will bind to cleave cut that DNA strand which it recognizes Figure 4. Haemoglobin S is formed due to this. Since these samples are heterozygous for SCD Hb AS , they have inherited 1 copy of normal gene and 1 copy of defective gene. During hypoxia less oxygen supply to tissues , aggregation of haemoglobin takes place due to the presence of the hydrophobic valine instead of the polar glutamic acid in the 6th position of the β -globin chain Cleon et al, 2009 Stuart and Nagel, 2004. Bone marrow transplantation is the only cure for SCD Ndefo et al, 2008.


Protein Electrophoresis

sickle cell gel electrophoresis

As a result, the fragment remained as 1 long fragment and was not able to squeeze though the pores of agarose gel easily. The multiplied DNA sample will then be digested with a restriction enzyme Sasnauskas et al, 2007 Rahimi et al, 2008 , for instance MST 11. Intermediate—Easy to perform; requires some background knowledge. The gel was removed from the bed to be stained with Ethidium Bromide. Then 5µl of products were incubated with 0.



sickle cell gel electrophoresis

During hypoxia less oxygen supply to tissues , aggregation of haemoglobin takes place due to the presence of the hydrophobic valine instead of the polar glutamic acid in the 6th position of the β -globin chain Cleon et al, 2009 Stuart and Nagel, 2004. Method Gel Bed Preparation The open ends of a clean and dry gel bed casting tray was closed by using a tape. Although it is costly, this method can increase the awareness of the carriers of SCD about the presence of Hb S in them, which can aid in their future family planning. The Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA sample can be obtained from white blood cells in adults and from the amniocentesis fluid in fetus. The samples can then be amplified with Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR Rahimi et al, 2008 Bruzzone et al, 2008.


Why does sickle cell hemoglobin behave differently from normal hemoglobin during gel electrophoresis?

sickle cell gel electrophoresis

The plug of the black wire was inserted into the black input of the power source negative input and the plug of the red wire was inserted into the red input of the power source positive input. Although it is costly, this method can increase the awareness of the carriers of SCD about the presence of Hb S in them, which can aid in their future family planning. These two alleles are inherited one from each parent. Explanation: When a normal cell and a sickle cell hemoglobin is run in the gel electrophoresis, both the molecules migrate towards the positive pole based on their shape. This is because, when substitution of amino acid occurs due to the mutation, a new longitudinal polymer which has valine in the 6th position of the beta chain instead of glutamic acid is polymerized.
