Bigamy section 494 ipc. Punishment under Section 494 IPC for bigamy is applicable on all citizens whether they are Hindu/ Muslim/Christian 2022-10-31

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Bigamy, as defined in Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), is the act of marrying someone while still being legally married to another person. It is a criminal offense in India and is punishable by imprisonment and/or fines.

Bigamy is considered a serious offense in India because it undermines the institution of marriage. Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals and is meant to be a lifelong commitment. By entering into a second marriage while still being legally married to someone else, a person is not only breaking their commitment to their first spouse, but also potentially causing emotional and financial harm to both spouses and any children involved.

There are several requirements that must be met for an act of bigamy to be punishable under Section 494 of the IPC. The first requirement is that the accused must have a spouse living at the time of the second marriage. If the first spouse is deceased or the marriage has been legally dissolved, then the act of marrying someone else is not considered bigamy.

The second requirement is that the accused must have the intent to marry someone else while still being legally married. This means that the accused must have the intention to enter into a valid marriage with the second person, and not just cohabit or enter into a relationship without the intention of marriage.

Finally, the act of bigamy must be proven to have taken place. This may involve presenting evidence such as marriage certificates, witness testimony, and other relevant documents to establish that the accused was indeed married to two people at the same time.

In cases where bigamy is proven, the punishment can vary depending on the circumstances of the case. In general, the punishment for bigamy is imprisonment for up to seven years and/or a fine. However, the courts may also consider factors such as the number of times the accused committed bigamy, the duration of the second marriage, and the impact on the spouse and any children involved in determining the punishment.

In conclusion, bigamy is a criminal offense in India and is punishable by imprisonment and/or fines. It is considered a serious offense because it undermines the institution of marriage and can cause emotional and financial harm to the spouse and any children involved. If you are facing charges of bigamy, it is important to seek legal counsel to understand your options and protect your rights.

Ingredients of an offence under IPC 494 (Bigamy)

bigamy section 494 ipc

And it should apply equally to every citizens irrespective of religion. Bhaurao Shankar Lokhande and Ors. It is conceived to meet situations which cannot be effectively and appropriately tackled by the existing provisions of law. Mallaiah, a wife deserted her husband. It would, therefore, be doing injustice to Islamic law to urge that the convert is entitled to practise bigamy notwithstanding the continuance of his marriage under the law to which he belonged before conversion. The two parties got married in a temple as per the Hindu rites in the year 1974.



bigamy section 494 ipc

As held in Ramakant Rai Vs. Marrying again during lifetime of husband or wife. In case the subsequent marriage is contracted without following or performing the required rituals then it shall be void in itself which in turn declares that the offence of bigamy cannot be constituted. The appeal arises in the following circumstances:- The respondent no. Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code relates to information in cognizable cases and provides inter alia that every information relating to the commission of a cognizable offence, if given orally to an Officer in charge of a Police Station, shall be reduced to writing by him and be read over to the informant. Having so concluded the Division Bench proceeded to quote part of the Judgment in Mavuri Rani Reportable Veera Bhadranna supra and after noting contentions on behalf of the parties proceeded to consider the decision in the case of S. The section says that whoever, having a husband or wife living marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife, shall be punished with simple or rigorous imprisonment for a term extending up to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine.



bigamy section 494 ipc

I was surprised and unable to understand the situation that time. Procedure to file a complaint against bigamy The aggrieved person can record a case of bigamy either in the police station or at the court. But where the validity of the first marriage could not be established through evidence, it was not necessary to look into the aspect of the second marriage for the purposes of bigamy. The members of the cruel society including her kith and kin like parents, brother, sister etc. Ten years after the desertion the husband married a second time.


Section 494 IPC : essential elements and case laws

bigamy section 494 ipc

A strict and narrow interpretation of the section means the second, third ,fourth marriage, all automatically become void by reason of their taking place during the life such spouse s. The observation was made in light of the facts of the present Case in which the Appellant-wife and her husband, who is the second respondent, were both parties to the ruling of the Family Court. Sivagami, Compoundable Offence The offence is compoundable with the consent of the wife and permission of the court, Parameswari v. State of Punjab, Who can file complaint? A second marriage performed before the Hidnu Marriage Act, 1955 came into existence does not attract penalty under section 494 of the Code. After four months she got pregnant and her husband started dowry demand and physical mental cruelty. The conclusion arrived at by the High Court is such as to shake the conscience and sense of justice and therefore it is the duty of this Court to strike down the finding recorded with respect to the offence punishable under Section 498A, irrespective of technicalities. However, if cohabitation occurs after a formal arrangement, such as marriage, it is illegal.


Section 494 of Indian Penal Code, 1860

bigamy section 494 ipc

The voidness of the marriage under section 17 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is in fact one of the essential ingredients of section 494 of the Code because the second marriage would become void only because of the provisions of section 17 of the Hindu Marriage Act. In other words, this section is inapplicable to two cases. Introduction Bigamy means when any person marrying another person while having a husband or wife living. In the present day, bigamy is penalized in many countries as their ideology is favourable towards monogamy however there are certain countries where bigamy is allowed legally. The Supreme Court had not issued any direction for codification of common civil code. Read More In Criminal Law I files the case under section 494 against wife we got married in dec 2019 but after marriage i found that the marriage was fake and she is already married with two persons without talking divorce. For example, if A is legally married to B and he proceeds to marry C during the subsistence of his marriage with B then A will be liable for bigamy.


IPC 494 (Bigamy)

bigamy section 494 ipc

The main thrust of this provision is that the presence of a priest is not necessary for the performance of a valid marriage. It cannot be confined within the bounds of a rigid, exact and comprehensive definition. Secondly, it does not apply to a person who marries when the husband or the wife, as the case may be, is alive but has been continually absent from such person for at least seven years and has not been heard of by him as being alive during that time. Naturally, in the event of the previous marriage being illegal and thus non-existent, contracting another marriage would not bring the accused within the purview of this section. The case of the respondent no.


IPC Section 494

bigamy section 494 ipc

Both the marriage of the accused is valid and performed all the rituals and ceremonies as mentioned in Hindu marriage act. Therefore, merely because the second marriage even if performed by performing all the essential ceremonies turns out to be void by virtue of section 17 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, it cannot be said that the accused would not be guilty under section 494 of the Code. Marrying again during lifetime of husband or wife —Whoever, having a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. Aggrieved by the order of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh, the appellant appealed before the Supreme Court. It is not a matter of long past that in India, hypergamy brought forth wholesale polygamy and along with it misery, plight and ignominy to woman having no parallel in the world. Therefore, it was proved that the appellant had committed the offence of bigamy as he contracted his 2nd marriage while his 1st marriage was still subsisting. Nagalingam married respondent Sivagami on 6th September 1970.


Supreme Court: Complaint under Section 494/495 IPC can be Quashed on Family Court's findings of Previous Marriage

bigamy section 494 ipc

The accused had married the complainant. Is it possible that court can grant divorce with retrospective effect. Read More In Divorce Law My wife who is also a practicing advocate and by taking such advantage she already filed 498-A, 125 Cr. The mere subsistence of a prior lawful marriage itself declares the subsequent marriage void because it confirms the existence of a living wife or husband of such individual. Union of India 1963 , the court held that the second marriage is no offence if the first marriage is not subsisting. Marriage, as a tradition, is complicated enough, especially in our country where this age-old tradition signifies more than just the union of two individuals in love, rather it dwells on the concept of forming and accepting a new family that starts with this holy union.
