Implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper. Term Paper: Implementation Strategic Controls Contingency Plans 2022-11-09

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Implementation of strategic controls and contingency plans is an essential part of any successful business. These tools help organizations to monitor and adjust their plans and actions in order to achieve their goals and objectives. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of strategic controls and contingency plans, and how they can be effectively implemented in an organization.

Strategic controls are a set of measures that an organization uses to monitor and evaluate the progress of its strategic plans. These controls help to ensure that the organization is on track to achieve its goals and objectives, and that any deviations from the plan are identified and addressed in a timely manner. Strategic controls can include financial measures, such as budgeting and forecasting, as well as non-financial measures, such as customer satisfaction and employee engagement.

Contingency plans are a type of backup plan that organizations develop in case something unexpected or unforeseen occurs. These plans outline the steps that the organization will take in response to various types of emergencies or crises, such as natural disasters, financial crises, or technological failures. Contingency plans can help organizations to minimize the impact of such events and to ensure the continuation of essential operations.

There are several steps that organizations can take to effectively implement strategic controls and contingency plans. First, it is important to clearly define the goals and objectives of the organization and to develop a plan to achieve them. This plan should include specific targets and milestones, as well as the resources and actions that will be required to reach them.

Next, the organization should identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure progress towards its goals. These KPIs should be relevant, measurable, and aligned with the organization's strategic plan. It is also important to establish a system for regularly monitoring and reviewing the KPIs, and for taking corrective action as needed.

In addition to monitoring progress, organizations should also develop contingency plans to prepare for potential crises or emergencies. These plans should outline the steps that will be taken to respond to various types of events, as well as the roles and responsibilities of different team members. It is important to regularly review and update the contingency plans to ensure that they are still relevant and effective.

In conclusion, strategic controls and contingency plans are crucial tools for any organization seeking to achieve its goals and objectives. By carefully defining its goals, monitoring progress, and developing contingency plans, an organization can better navigate challenges and achieve success.

Implementation Strategic Control And...

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

In conclusion, upon defining where an organization is, where it is anticipated to be in future and a thorough scrutiny of the environmental dynamics, the management thinks of the strategic plan implementation coupled with its corollary elements such as strategic controls and contingency plans. Besides, strategic surveillance is another type that the project manager designs in order to observe diverse forces within and outside the organization that might affect the strategy. What this undoubtedly means is that every step of the planning part requires some extent of implementation as a prerequisite for the next stage. Expanding operations into the international arena will involve a number of risks that the company will have little or no experience in resolving; therefore, the contingency plan for the amplified objectives should include the additional of an executive-level committee whose members have the requisite expertise and experience to guide the company through its acquisitions by mid-2014. This is vital since resources such as money and infrastructure are key drivers of any strategic plan. In an organizational context, a manager ought to ask questions regarding whether the organization is moving towards the right direction or whether the changes the organization is going through are correct. Google's Knowledge Management Google Inc.


Implementation Strategic Controls and Contingency Plans Research

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

The company also strategizes on how to mitigate the possible risks that the economic complications may present. . Use our service Functional Tactics There is a number of short term activities that the gym management needs to be involved in order to enhance the achievement of the organizational goals. However, in 2006, the stock of the company started witnessing fall in prices and its sales volume too started declining. In this context, management controls are imposed to function as frameworks of control as dictated by the strategic plans and projected in their subsequent implementations.


Term Paper: Implementation Strategic Controls Contingency Plans

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

In a post, Mr. In order to implement a successful plan, the company has to first set the short-term objectives that will contribute to achieve the long term goals of the company. This is to stop over saturating US markets. . Some of these factors include, but not limited to, budgets, forecasted financials that comprise the break-even analysis charts among others. To ensure the right decisions made, they must complete external and internal analysis.


Implementation Strategic Controls and Contingency Plans

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

In this case, the firm designs a premise control that checks the regularity and validity of the strategy in relation to the outcome. Implementation, Strategic Controls and Contingency Plan Implementation According to Huber, implementation is the process of putting a plan or a decision to effect. In such occasions, the questions are presumptions of the institution of strategic control in an institute. . They are also strategic measures and plan of activities that facilitate execution of duties Barney, 2007. Financial Forecasting and Budgeting Financial forecasting is very important for the prediction of the future financial performance of the company.


Implementation And Strategic Controls: Essay Example

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

Posters should be prepared to create awareness of the gym among the potential customers. The marketing team needs to create awareness of the services been provided by the gym to the potential customers in order to make the business operational. This way, an organization is capacitated to orient itself consistently with its operational environmental dynamics in an endeavor to make its maximum potential a dream come true. Strategic Plan Marketing and Information Technology Creating the environment in which the active economic progress becomes possible is rather challenging without efficient tools for information management. This model is underpinned by the notion of uncovering significant information through the monitoring of various information sources. Funds should be availed to purchase and renovate the gym location for it to be more attractive to the customers and of world class. Setting goals and developing plans helps the organization to move in a focused direction while operating in an efficient and effective manner.


Implementation, Strategic Controls and Contingency Plan

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

In the paper 'The High Cost of Low Wages' the author focuses on a leading retailer in America. . The third step will help to identify the financing needs that are relative to the period of planning. STUDENTS APPLY THE CONCEPTS OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION TO CREATE SUSTAINABLE, COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE FOR AN ORGANIZATION. . The second step requires the estimation of the investment the company would like to make in the fixed assets and the current assets that may help to meet the anticipated sales.


Strategic Controls and Contingency Plans Research Paper Example

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

These action plans are dictated by the established strategic plans and spelt out in the implementation plan procedures. Each of the strategies including promotion and marketing, Expansion of the product line, and technological advancement must be known to the employers. Implementation Objectives Cardinal Glennon strives to provide exeptional care to each patient that enters the facility. Action items, milestones and a deadline As noted, the company has an obligation to implement key action items that hold the capacity of sustaining its performance capacity. Strategies or plans are then developed for moving the organization closer to its goals.


Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans Paper

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

This may lead them to shift from cheap products to sophisticated products. While the identified approach has its inherent flaws, it provides extensive opportunities for aligning short-term goal with long-term ones since it helps embrace a range of factors affecting the progress of the two e. Even that cannot be considered as a risky investment. Functional Tactics Functional tactics are specific, timely, and have participants Pearce, 2013. Weekly or monthly meetings must be scheduled to get information about the work of the team and discuss the progress. WWT acts in a central position.


Google's Implementation, Strategic Controls, and...

implementation strategic controls and contingency plans paper

To achieve these expanded objectives, though, will require careful implementation and administration and these issues are discussed further below. The company had to take a change management strategy to turn things around. The hospital treats patients within the community, across the U. . For instance, the alterations within the context of the organization can be assessed along with the changes to its competitive position in the realm of the global market. Other action items include improvement of brand recognition, infrastructure, distribution network and favorable pricing.
