Should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased. Why the drinking age should be lowered: Articles: Alcohol Research and Health History: Indiana University 2022-11-04

Should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased Rating: 4,5/10 1202 reviews

The drinking age is the age at which a person is legally allowed to purchase and consume alcohol. In the United States, the drinking age is currently 21 years old. There has been much debate over whether this age should be increased or decreased.

Those who argue for an increase in the drinking age point to the dangers of alcohol abuse and the negative consequences that can result from excessive drinking, such as drunk driving, accidents, and injuries. They argue that young people, particularly those under the age of 21, are more likely to engage in risky behavior while under the influence of alcohol, and that raising the drinking age could reduce these risks.

On the other hand, those who argue for a decrease in the drinking age argue that the current legal drinking age is too high, and that it is unfair to prevent young people from drinking alcohol when they are old enough to vote, serve in the military, and engage in other adult activities. They also argue that the current drinking age does not effectively prevent young people from accessing and consuming alcohol, and that a lower drinking age might actually lead to more responsible consumption of alcohol by young people.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to increase or decrease the drinking age should be based on a careful consideration of the pros and cons of both options. While it is important to consider the potential risks of alcohol abuse and the negative consequences that can result from excessive drinking, it is also important to consider the potential benefits of allowing young people to legally consume alcohol and the potential consequences of preventing them from doing so. Ultimately, the decision on the appropriate drinking age should be based on a careful balance of these competing considerations.

Should the Alcohol Drinking Age Be Increased or Decreased Essay Example

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

Alcohol can lead to many deaths if you are not responsible with it. I plan of using this to get Premium Drinking culture National Minimum Drinking Age Act Wine should drinking age be increased Should the Legal Drinking Age be Increased to 21? I believe teens will benefit by not binge drinking and develop more social drinking standards. However, this amendment was removed in 1933 by the 21th amendment, which made beer and other alcohol legal. If we think logically then we all would agree that a lower drinking age with proper regulations would be an ideal scenario to stop alcohol abuse. Raising the minimum legal drinking age in Europe could reduce alcohol poisonings and the early socioeconomic gradient in teenage binge drinking.


Free Essay: Alcohol age should be decreased

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

This was to ensure Free Drinking culture National Minimum Drinking Age Act Legal drinking age There Should Be A Minimum Drinking Age There should be a minimum drinking age 1. In my opinion it should be decreased because if we are classified as an adult and we are allowed to get married and etc. The researches of Prof. Why are we not allowed to drink. I am going to discuss whether I think the drinking age is acceptable the way it is or if I believe it should be lowered or highered. Abuse of alcohol amongst young people has led them to involve in unprotected sex thus being in danger of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs. As people grow, they are faced with certain responsibilities and choices they must make.


Should Drinking Age Be Increased Or Decreased

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

This will result in less alcohol related incidents. That is why underage drinking can be stopped if the law were changed. Specially this one is in favor of lowering the drinking age back to 18. . There is a reason why the United States has put the legal drinking age at 21.


Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered in the US? 13 Pros and Cons

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

But what should be the legal drinking age in the United States is still become one of the most ongoing and controversial debate that we will find in the United States. Excess use of alcohol can destroy a developing mind resulting in increased dropout rates. In order for this to happen other U. Informing the authorities will greatly reduce the possibility of casualties. Research from the early 1980s until the present has shown a continuous decrease, and then leveling off, in drinking and driving related variables which has parallel the nation's, and also university students, decrease in per capita consumption. In 1984 the legal drinking age was changed to 21 for all states. To address the current law on this topic I believe that the drinking age should be decreased to age 18.


Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased?

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

Would my sister have been able to see the danger of the situation had she been sober? It will make alcohol abuse less of a taboo for teens who are entering college or ending high school. Drugs consumption is equally dangerous but alcohol consumption is vast because of its legality. I have Words: 602 Length: 2 Pages Topic: Sports - Drugs Paper : 8887233 While many think that if someone is old enough to go to war, one is old enough to drink, they miss the fact that going to war is a voluntary act. This could also go the opposite way and have the age of underage drinking get lower and lower. The Drinking Age Act was put into place as a result of a correlation between young drinking and motor vehicle fatalities. Since that time the debate has been going on with teenagers desperate for a change. Although underage drinking has been a problem in society.


Should Alcohol Drinking Age Be Decreased of Increased?

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

Young adults are not mature enough to make smart decisions yet because they are killing citizens and Premium Alcoholic beverage Drinking culture Wine Thesis Statement About Hangover Outline I. . I think the lawmakers could implement more public transportation routes. Alcohol consumption by young people may lead to addiction and loss of memory at an early age thereby increasing violence and suicidal cases in society. Alcohol became a black market item such as drugs now a days.


Should the alcohol drinking age be decreased

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

Much of the older generations would jump on the bandwagon of keeping the drinking age the same because they had to wait to drink, because drinking has adverse effects on the brain and drinking could lead to binge drinking. Engs confirm this statement. There are components of this topic that many can argue but with choices and changes to support the decrease it can work. . One of the reasons that young people want to drink, and drink to excess, is because of myriad images displayed in the Works Cited Bonnie, Richard.


Raising the Drinking Age to 25: Pros & Cons

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

Different individuals and scholars have come up with various views pertaining the best alcohol drinking age. The decrease in drinking and driving problems are the result of many factors and not just the rise in purchase age or the decreased per capita consumption. Should the United States Lower the Drinking Age to 18? Preparing the One Point Speech Choose a topic. Also, there has been an increase in other problems related to heavy and irresponsible drinking among college age youth. In Japan, the legal age for drinking is 20 years old, which is according to the Law Prohibiting Minors from Drinking. The National Minimum Drinking Age of punished every state that allowed persons under 21 years of age to purchase and publicly possess alcoholic beverages Should the Drinking Age be Lowered in the United States? Alcohol related crime and traffic accidents have gone down in recent years, but the source of this drop may not simply have to do with raising the drinking age, as the government Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age At 21 the United States is why the legal drinking age is twenty-one. If the drinking age is lowered to 16 the children will have more freedom and be more mature.


Why the drinking age should be lowered: Articles: Alcohol Research and Health History: Indiana University

should alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased

Should the drinking age be lowered? The drinking age is supposed to reduce deaths among young adults. This change will be extremely positive for our economy. The flaunting of the current laws is readily seen among university students. There are many reasons why the government changed the legal drinking age to 21, but has this actually caused a decrease in the amount of alcohol consumed by persons between 18 and 21? In the modern world, it is quite observant that teenagers consume more alcohol compared to an adult. This is because drinking by these youth is seen as an enticing "forbidden fruit," a "badge of rebellion against authority" and a symbol of "adulthood.
