Photosynthesis lab report introduction. Photosynthesis Lab Report 2022-10-26

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Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose or other sugars. This process is essential for the survival and growth of these organisms, as it allows them to produce the energy they need to perform various life functions. In addition, photosynthesis is a key component of the Earth's carbon cycle, as it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it into organic matter.

In this lab report, we will be exploring the process of photosynthesis by conducting experiments with a variety of plant specimens. The purpose of these experiments is to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence photosynthesis and to learn how to measure the rate of photosynthesis.

To begin our investigation, we will first provide a brief overview of the photosynthesis process, including the role of pigments such as chlorophyll and the role of light and carbon dioxide. We will also discuss the different types of photosynthetic organisms and the specific adaptations they have evolved to optimize photosynthesis in their environments.

Next, we will describe the experimental setup and procedures that we used to measure the rate of photosynthesis. This will include details on the type of equipment and materials we used, as well as the specific steps we took to set up and conduct the experiments.

Finally, we will present and analyze the data that we collected during our experiments. This will involve discussing any trends or patterns that we observed, as well as any unexpected results or difficulties we encountered. We will also consider the implications of our findings and suggest directions for future research on photosynthesis.

Overall, this lab report aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed examination of the process of photosynthesis and its role in the lives of plants and other photosynthetic organisms. By conducting experiments and analyzing the data we collected, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of this important biological process and its impact on the natural world.

Photosynthesis Lab Report Example

photosynthesis lab report introduction

Results and figures 8 pts. Inside the chloroplast are thylakoids that contain pigments which absorb certain wavelengths of light. We then recorded what we saw on the smeared paper. The process of photosynthesis begins when excited its electrons go into a primary electron acceptor PEA. Since the photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts that has chlorophyll, the rate of photosynthesis can be affected by different colours of light, since the absorption of light changes within different colours. First fill two thirds of a test tube with water and place the Elodea in a tube. Photosynthesis Lab Report Introduction Photosynthesis is a process in which plants use sunlight in the presence of water and chlorophyll to make food.


Spinach Photosynthesis Lab Report

photosynthesis lab report introduction

All graph axes should have labels including the unit of measurement. The influence of irradiance and temperature under glasshouse conditions in winter. Since pigments only absorb certain wavelengths within the visible spectrum, the others are transmitted or reflected. Elevated CO2 concentrations stimulate photosynthesis, leading to increased plant productivity and modified water and nutrient cycles. Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist that used a light prism and demonstrated how white light contains varying colors. Moreover, the use of artificial light would be an elaborate approach to controlling any form of light.


Photosynthesis Lab Report

photosynthesis lab report introduction

The laboratory was kept dark during the experiment to prevent light pollution. The discs that contained large veins were excluded from the experiment. You will need at least three cited works excluding web sites. . When photosynthesis occurs in plants, oxygen is released as a by-product, and in the process, the leaves move from their sinking positions to their floating positions. This should be a section that contains a description of the research problem and the underlying principles of biology related to your experiment.


Photosynthesis Lab Report

photosynthesis lab report introduction

Style: The report should be written in accordance with the writing manual , Writing papers in the Biological Sciences 2001. Cup one will be the control with 2%. One of your literature sources may be your textbook. If the intensity extends over a certain tolerance level, photo inhibition occurs. This was done by taking leaf disks, removing the CO2 and sinking them in beakers. Ivins Editors , The Growth of Cereals and Grasses. The moving of electrons causes a hydrogen ion gradient that is used in the final step to produce ATP, by the ATP Synthase.


Photosynthesis lab report

photosynthesis lab report introduction

This section should include cited literature and it should be cited in a standard format. The light conditions that will be tested are no light, white light and green light. An animal would eat the organic molecule and break it down and take in oxygen and would produce carbon dioxide and water. The collected data is noted on paper and will be processed to determine the rate of photosynthesis at every colour. It suggests that light plays a crucial role in the experiment and the process of photosynthesis overall. The moving of electrons causes a hydrogen ion gradient that is used in the final step to produce ATP, by the ATP Synthase. Photosynthesis is the way in which some specialised bateria and green plants use their chlorophyll to trap light energy and then use this energy to convert carbon dioxide and water to glucose and oxygen.


biology lab report

photosynthesis lab report introduction

When reduced this indicator changes from blue to a colorless solution. The wavelength blank was composed of 4. Literature cited - This is a list of all references you have cited. Photosynthesis is the process in which this chemical energy is created. We set aside the paper to let it dry. The decrease in intensity of the indicator correlates to an increased rate of photosynthetic activity.


Lab Report on Photosynthesis Essay Example

photosynthesis lab report introduction

Thus the plants in the experiment, were only located near a skylight and would not have obtained enough light to survive causing no photosynthesis to occur and resulting in the plant to Rate Of Photosynthesis And Respiration Discussion As light intensity increased, so did the measured rate of oxygen consumption and photosynthesis in S. In the first experiment, we examined the effect of light intensity by placing vials with chloroplasts. Variables: Variable Type Method Light intensity Controlled At the most intense level possible 770 lux and a distance of 50cm from the aquarium. The uptake of carbon dioxide depending on the amount affects the rate of photosynthesis. First we obtained a leaf from our instructor. Specifically in our procedure the use of DPIP, a blue dye that changes color when there is a flow of electrons, will allow us to detect photosynthetic activity.


Photosynthesis Lab Report

photosynthesis lab report introduction

Blue and red light tend to contribute to the highest rates of photosynthesis whereas green and yellow result in the lowest rates. We achieved this by using the respirometer with the syringe fully depressed. As light intensity increases, it is apparent that the rate of photosynthesis begins to decrease until a certain level of light saturation. To observe these changes in redox activity, the chloroplasts were exposed to DCPIP, a chemical that changes color according to such activity. The materials needed are: colored pencils, a prepared slide of a leaf, and a compound microscope. The highest amount of oxygen bubbles being produced per minute is equivalent to the highest rate of photosynthesis, and the colour providing the best circumstances for the production of photosynthesis. The experimental cuvette for wavelength consisted of 2.


Lab Report On Photosynthesis

photosynthesis lab report introduction

Our lungs are a network of connected tubes that bring oxygen from the air into our blood, nourishing the trillions of cells that make up our bodies. So, the 150 watt light bulb at 5centimeters will have the highest rate of photosynthesis. In this experiment, light-dependent reactions will be investigated through the use of disc plates. Thus, the alternate hypothesis was true in this case. It is not necessary to suggest every source of error that may have affected your results. Discussion- This section should discuss the main findings and evidence you used to form your conclusions.


Lab Report Photosynthesis

photosynthesis lab report introduction

The calculations of the means demonstrated that even though blue and red light had similar effects on the plant, the red light was most effective. Photosynthesis ultimately produces O2 and glucose. Do not copy directly from your book or the lab handout. This process takes place in the chloroplasts of plants, which include chlorophyll. Late Reports: Three points will be deducted per day late.
