Short essay on marriage. What is a Successful Marriage? Free Essay Example 2022-10-12

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Marriage is a social institution that has been around for centuries and is recognized in most cultures around the world. It is a union between two individuals who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together and share their love, support, and resources with one another. Marriage is not only a personal commitment, but it also has legal and societal implications.

There are various reasons why people choose to get married. For some, it may be a desire to solidify their commitment to their partner and to show the world that they are in a committed and monogamous relationship. For others, it may be a way to celebrate their love and to publicly declare their intention to spend the rest of their lives together. Marriage can also provide a sense of security and stability, as well as a support system for both partners.

There are many factors that contribute to a successful and fulfilling marriage. Communication is key, as it allows couples to discuss their needs, wants, and expectations with one another. Trust, honesty, and mutual respect are also important, as they help to build a strong foundation for the relationship. A willingness to compromise and work through conflicts is also crucial, as it allows couples to navigate challenges and differences without breaking apart.

In conclusion, marriage is a complex and multifaceted institution that requires work and commitment from both partners. While it can be a source of joy and fulfillment, it can also be challenging at times. However, with open communication, trust, respect, and a willingness to work through challenges, a marriage can thrive and bring happiness to both partners.

[PDF Notes] Short Essay on Marriage and Family 2023

short essay on marriage

Similar custom is prevalent in Kharia, Oraon, Khasi, Kadar tribes, the Mikir tribe of Assam and the Bhils of M. This has created the issues related to teenage pregnancy. In absence of one wife other women in the family produce children. Stability: It is more stable form of marriage. Causes of Polyandry : 1.


Short Essay On Marriage 2022

short essay on marriage

The theoretical nature of the Smritis seems to be demonstrated by their approach to the ques­tion of the marriageable age of girls. Polyandry is of two types: i Fraternal Polyandry and ii Non-Fratemai Polyandry. This should be reciprocated for if one person is always bearing a heavier load than the other, eventually that person will break. As it is seen with other experiences as well, the experience of marriage can be successful or unsuccessful. Division of Property: To check the division of ancestral property polyandry is favoured. Important issues such as religion, …show more content… Why did they not discuss this issue before they got married or did they think the other one would change after saying their wedding vows? It is this institution through which a man sustains the continuity of his race and attains satisfaction in a socially recognised manner.


Essay on Marriage: Meaning, Functions and Forms

short essay on marriage

This is specially to be remembered when one thinks of the position of women in society. So, rights in ancestral property are also considered one of the reasons for child marriages. Cross cousin marriage In this type, marriage between children or real brother and sister are preferred. Another question regarding family planning to the male partners should be about the reaction and the process they would follow if their significant one faces issues getting pregnant. ADVERTISEMENTS: 6 New statuses to man and woman in the shape of husband and wife and father and mother. In such tribes polygyny was followed to obtain more children. One might ignore the very ordinary things to discuss before the marriage which may lead to huge differences later.


Essay About Marriage

short essay on marriage

All the brothers work together because they have to support only one family. We can, however, identify certain basic features of this institution. The girls will not demand a stake in the property if they are married early. The above discussion helps us to conclude that the boundaries of marriage are not always precise and clearly defined. They are not able to socialize their children in a proper manner in such atmosphere.


What is a Successful Marriage? Free Essay Example

short essay on marriage

It is the prevalent form of marriage among the tribes, Polygyny also appears to be the privilege of the wealthy, in many African societies the rich usually have more than one wife. As it can be seen from the life experience, marriage can be either successful or not. Under this system husband and wife not only share the familial role and obligations but also have joint decisions. Thus, the couple should act friends, in fact, be,t friends. It involved economic and sexual sharing based on spiritual and religious principles.


Sample Essays aboute Marriage

short essay on marriage

It is a universal phenomenon. Concubinage is sometimes recognised by various societies as an accepted institution. Therefore, one female is married to a group of brothers and polyandry exists. It is reasonable to hold that in a vast country like India society was not everywhere exactly the same, and changes also took place with the passage of time. As regards Intercaste marriages of both the pratiloma and anuloma types in royal families, we may refer to the marriage of a daughter of Kakus- thavarman of the Brahmanical Kadamba family with a bridegroom of the non-Brahmanical Gupta family, and to that of the Gupta princes Prabhavati-gupta with Vakataka Rudrasena II who was a Brahmin of the Vishnuvriddhagofra.


Marriage Essay

short essay on marriage

It should be noted that on a societal basis, only about 20 per cent of the societies are designated as strictly monogamous, that is, monogamy is the required form. However, these are only some of the key components that contribute. Polygamy, like other forms of marriage is highly regulated and normatively controlled. Surprisingly the idea of adoption and surrogacy has also come up. Likewise, to be married means acknowledging that there are roles and responsibilities to be undertaken, as spouses; and eventually, as parents.


A short essay on marriage

short essay on marriage

The wife cohabits with husbands in turn. There is better division of property after the death of parents. This type of polyandry is found among Nayars of Kerala. Due to this reason, daughters are given less priority than sons. Social Insecurity One of the significant social reasons for child marriage is social insecurity. Short Essay On Marriage efore moving any further, we should know the meaning of marriage. Such a maiden is to pay court to a young man who is in love with her.


[PDF Notes] Short essay on preferential forms of marriage 2023

short essay on marriage

Most people claim that they want their marriage to last a lifetime. Some authorities make it compulsory for the guardian to marry the girl before puberty. They judge our everyday life and choices. Marriages play a great role in India. Extended family can be a burden or an inconvenience at times. It would be worse for a child to see his or her mother abused than to not see his or her father.


Child Marriage Essay For Students In English

short essay on marriage

Nothing in life is easy; therefore, anyone who thinks a successful marriage will not take effort is a fool. Thesis Statement: The traditions of marriage and weddings hold deep rooted gender cues. It may have been accepted as a measure of social discipline and as an expedient to eliminate social stress due to the sex rivalry. Marriage can be broadly divided into two types, 1 monogamy and 2 polygamy. Greater security among the members develop sense of we-feeling among the members of the family. Marriage, rather than becoming less important or unimportant, may be increasingly indispensable. Marriage is about compatibility and commitments too.
