Short descriptive paragraph. Best 10 Descriptive Paragraph on a Person (Hints Available) 2022-10-29

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A short descriptive paragraph is a type of writing that provides a detailed and vivid description of a person, place, object, or event. The purpose of a short descriptive paragraph is to help the reader visualize and experience what is being described through the use of specific and evocative language.

A good short descriptive paragraph should be concise and focused, using only enough words to accurately and effectively convey the desired image or impression. To create a strong and effective short descriptive paragraph, the writer should choose their words carefully and use descriptive adjectives and sensory details to paint a vivid and engaging picture for the reader.

For example, a short descriptive paragraph about a beautiful beach might read: "The sun-drenched sand stretched out before me, a glittering expanse of gold and white. The crystal clear water sparkled in the bright light, and the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air. Palm trees swayed in the warm breeze, their leaves rustling softly. It was a paradise, a place of pure beauty and tranquility."

In this example, the writer uses sensory details and descriptive adjectives to create a vivid and engaging picture of the beach for the reader. By using specific and evocative language, the writer is able to convey the beauty and tranquility of the beach in a way that is both engaging and descriptive.

Overall, a short descriptive paragraph is a powerful tool for helping readers visualize and experience what is being described. By using specific and evocative language, writers can create vivid and engaging descriptions that capture the essence of a person, place, object, or event.

Descriptive Short Story: The Beach

short descriptive paragraph

It is your job as the writer to show the reader your point. As I was descending from the mountain towards the sea, I suddenly looked in front of me and saw the yellow sand like gold. It begins with a descriptive sentence that clearly states the topic that will be rolled out in the following sentences. There are a number of extra-curricular activities that are offered to us. Hence, while in the other descriptive paragraphs, you must never let the event overshadow the significance of the person, place, or object being described, in an event descriptive paragraph, you should focus on how the people, place, and objects surrounding the event make it important. Un-identified by her personality, with calm and silent nature, crystal clear eyes, curly brown hair and dressed like a layman; everyone believed her to be nothing.


Example of short descriptive paragraph and its author Free Essays

short descriptive paragraph

Most of his strokes were of copybook style. Such sentences are not appealing because the readers get bored of it and cannot feel it. The author even describes the remnants of missing pieces. At school we are expected to be punctual, disciplined, and neat and well-turned out in our uniform. In order to succeed in life, one must have a goal. While other descriptive paragraphs either describe the person, place, or object in question or detail an event connected to it, event descriptive paragraphs chronologically describe an event from the past or from the future. And you always carry fond memories of your alma mater.


Best 10 Descriptive Paragraph on a Person (Hints Available)

short descriptive paragraph

These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences. Consider the two ways of organizing this paragraph described in Table 3. A clean environment keeps us free from pollution. It may take the form of sports, yoga, or even regular walking. In focusing on not only the organization of the paragraph but also the significance of the object, the object descriptive paragraph that you compose will stress both the description and importance of the object being described.


What is Descriptive Paragraph? Descriptive Paragraph Examples and Definition

short descriptive paragraph

Enough with discussion, lets jump into the guide; the most essential of all. Her full bio and clips can be seen at www. The healthy habit of cleanliness should be formed from childhood in our everyday routine. Students can select any paragraph on My School according to their particular requirement. There are also a number of co-curricular activities that we get the opportunity to participate in. The voices were no longer heard.


Short Descriptive Essay

short descriptive paragraph

Ways on Writing a Short Descriptive Essay Here are some simple ways to write a good short descriptive essay. Her activities have now spread worldwide. It brings to the public valuable views, acts of injustice, oppression, and Also, Read. The sea kicks over every sandcastle in rage and a petty attempt at revenge before settling down in time for Lunar to show off her silver gown. At that age, she still can walk and do some little works properly. The floor was bare wooden planks.


Short Paragraphs

short descriptive paragraph

We are afforded opportunities to participate in various sports, music, dance, theatre and art events. We should stop cutting trees to save the world. It signifies the rise of the sun of knowledge. However, over-exercise or exercising in an improper way may tell upon our health and growth. It is chasing us at almost every step.


descriptive paragraph examples

short descriptive paragraph

Co-education creates an environment of competition among boys and girls through the activities which they carry out in the schools. Our teachers teach us with a great deal of care and patience, and I am very grateful to the teachers. It runs after them but slips and falls down, back to where it started. The plam trees sway in the air from the forceful wind. There is also a choice to learn one foreign language like German or French.


Examples of How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph

short descriptive paragraph

Also, Read Short Paragraphs 4 A MEMORABLE DAY OR AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE Human life is a mixture of weal and woe, smiles and tears. Today I will tell you how to make an omelet. Thus, the written paragraph will delight the reader. Do you spend the majority of your day at school? The white spokes on the wheels of the unicycle gather in the center and expand to the black tire so that the wheel somewhat resembles the inner half of a grapefruit. The Moo keeps changing its shape as it moves round the Earth.


40 Topic Suggestions for a Descriptive Paragraph

short descriptive paragraph

I study languages like Sanskrit, Hindi and English, and other subjects like mathematics, science and social studies. In the family, we are prepared to respect our elders and love younger ones. We also have access to the library that hosts more than a thousand books and publications. But writing your drafts for your essay can be a good start. It is the basis for the best part of the paragraph you are crafting. At the assembly the students, all together, look very neat and well turned out. They are deprived of education and their wages are paid to their parents and the money is rarely spent on them.
