Seven daughters and seven sons summary. Seven Daughters and Seven Sons 2022-10-18

Seven daughters and seven sons summary Rating: 8,2/10 237 reviews

"Seven Daughters and Seven Sons" is a historical fiction novel by Barbara Wersba that tells the story of a young woman named Binti, who lives in a traditional Muslim society in the 9th century. Binti is the seventh daughter of a seventh son, which is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to her family. Despite the societal expectations placed upon her, Binti is determined to follow her own path and pursue her dreams of becoming a scholar and a writer.

The story begins with Binti's father arranging for her to marry a wealthy merchant, despite her wishes to continue her education. Binti rebels against this arranged marriage and runs away from home, seeking refuge with her uncle in the city.

As Binti navigates life in the city, she faces many challenges and barriers as a woman in a patriarchal society. She is discouraged from pursuing her dreams by her uncle and others, and she is constantly reminded of her inferior status as a woman. Despite these obstacles, Binti remains determined and eventually finds a way to continue her education and pursue her passion for writing.

Through her journey, Binti learns the importance of standing up for herself and following her own dreams, even if it means going against societal expectations. She also learns the value of friendship and the strength that comes from standing together with others who share similar goals and beliefs.

Overall, "Seven Daughters and Seven Sons" is a powerful and inspiring story about the importance of self-determination and the pursuit of one's passions. It is a compelling tale of a young woman's journey to find her place in the world and make her own way, despite the many challenges and barriers she faces.

Seven Daughters and Seven Sons by Barbara Cohen

seven daughters and seven sons summary

No one is really sure. Heunderstands immediately, but even that may be too late. This is a beautiful and exotic book set in the ancient cities of Baghdad and Tyre. Please see the supplementary resources provided below for other helpful content related to this book. Next, she sets a shop in a tyre with Jihha, and meets Muhammad. But it definitely contributed to the lower score. Yes, the prince even begins to suspect - hope? The book is perfect for those who wants to read historical fiction, young adult books.


Seven Daughters and Seven Sons by Barbara Cohen

seven daughters and seven sons summary

If possible, I love it more. His friends get suspicious and try to figure out if Nassir was a man or a woman. I have always been a big fan of fairytales and a fairytale with a strong heroine was hard to find in those days. We learn that she is really good at playing chess. I adored this tale! Perhaps I just don't understand that, but nevertheless, I disliked it.


Seven Daughters and Seven Sons (Characters and Plot Events) Flashcards

seven daughters and seven sons summary

Its the book that taught me, amidst my tom-boy stage that maybe, just maybe, boys weren't actually that bad. The first part of the story told us the basic background of Buran and her family, the way her father and herself were laughed at by her uncle and his sons. Does Buran sound at all like Mulan to you? I love, love, love this retelling of an Iranian folktale! Mahmood and Nasir become close friends, taking long walks every night. I also really liked watching two young people that have been taught incorrect ways of looking at marriage find out that they can be best friends with the one they love. Eventually making her way to the coastal city of Tyre, Buran - now disguised as a young man named Nasir - succeeds in her goal, becoming a wealthy merchant, and the friend of Mahmud, the son of the Wali of Tyre.


“7 Daughters 7 Sons” by Barbara Cohen, BahiJa Lovejoy Essay Example

seven daughters and seven sons summary

Unfortunately, even now some people live in the same time zone, frozen in archaic ways. I could describe this book as an Arabic folktale of a woman who disguises herself as a man to save her family, then falls in love with a prince, but that's not enough. Buran is smart, clever and wants to do something, anything to help the family. Taught to read and write, and to play chess - unusual pursuits for a girl in the medieval Arab world - she had a sharp mind, and when her father grew ill, she convinced him to send her out into the world to make her fortune, just like her w The fourth of seven daughters, Buran grew into young womanhood keenly conscious of the fact that her gentle father, known throughout Baghdad as Abu al-Banat, or "the father of daughters," was considered unlucky to have had so many female children, but no son. And who will marry girls who bring no dowry? So when he begins to suspect that Nasir is not exactly as he seems, his traditional education regarding women, love, and marriage is rocked to the core.


A Summary of Seven Daughters and Seven Sons by Barbara Cohen and Bahija Lovejoy

seven daughters and seven sons summary

Buran is the middle of seven daughters of a poor merchant. Buran finds her other cousins and tattoos them as well. He offers to help her in her travels. There, she maintains her masculine disguise and establishes a successful business. They started to test her.


Songs & Stories: Book Review #47 Seven Daughters and Seven Sons by Barbara Cohen and Bahija Lovejoy

seven daughters and seven sons summary

Buran reveals her "secret dream" to her parents who, at first, reject the idea. If possible, I love it more. What I liked: The beautiful descriptions and lyrical style of the writing were lovely, and reminded me of a more sophisticated version of other books set in the Middle East. They were never really a part of story. The climax of the story is that Mahhamusd finds out that Buran is a woman.


FREE Seven Daughters and Seven Sons PDF Book by Barbara Cohen (1982) Read Online or Free Downlaod

seven daughters and seven sons summary

For two years after that, I somehow managed to find a copy of it, and each time I loved it more. Lovejoy were decent storytellers, I would have enjoyed the book. Taught to read and write, and to play chess - unusual pursuits for a girl in the medieval Arab world - she had a sharp mind, and when her father grew ill, she convinced him to send her out into the world to make her fortune, just like her wealthy, male cousins. This book is about a girl named Buran, who has to live in a far away city to save the lives of her poor family and her sick dad. For now you can use the time to read the book, write a better review.


Seven Daughters and Seven Sons

seven daughters and seven sons summary

. The villain here is not the parents, a person, or other figure; the villain is society and culture. Finally, they become good friends, and Muhammad suspects that Nassir isn't a man, and is given some tests to see if she is a man or women. She is naturally gifted with intelligence, quick wit, and beauty. One warning: although it seems to be written for a fairly young audience I would be cautious about letting your pre-pubescent kids have at it since there is a description of a girls appearance that might not be appropriate. I only have two complaints, really, which are that Mahmud makes the leap from "I like my male best friend! To help her family get some badly needed money and to avoid having to marry anyone unpleasant , Buran dresses up as a boy and sets off to make her fortune. While women do care deeply about home and family and while they want to be beautiful and attractive to men, these needs do not exclude other goals—to achieve, learn, to travel, to earn, to discover, to create.


Seven Daughters and Seven Sons Summary and Analysis (like SparkNotes)

seven daughters and seven sons summary

Coming from that culture, you might not expect to find a story about the intelligence and empowerment of women, but that is what you get, coupled with a great love story! Amin introduces Mahmood to Nasir 2. And when Buran returns home she finds that her intelligence and daring, along with her beauty and fortune, are attracting men from all over the world to seek her hand. I adored this tale! For two years after that, I somehow managed to find a copy of it, and each time I loved it more. Now known as Nasir, she is a partner in a very successful business in the port ci Utterly charming fairy tale. At least he changed.


seven daughters and seven sons summary

Revenge here, as in the best of stories, a dish served up cold. Content Ratings: There is no profanity in this novel. This is akin to Queen Scheherazade's 'ploy' in '1001 Tales of the Arabian Nights', in that a woman's intuitiveness and intelligence should never be underestimated. Actually, in hindsight, there were plenty of bad signs. Reread, although the last time I read this YA novel I was actually in the intended age group.
