Sentences starting with had. English Grammar 2022-10-31

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Sentences that start with "had" are known as past perfect tense. The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that was completed before a certain point in the past. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "had" and the past participle of the main verb.

For example, "I had finished my homework before I went to bed." In this sentence, the action of finishing the homework was completed before the action of going to bed.

The past perfect tense is often used in combination with the past simple tense to show the order of events in the past. For example, "I had eaten dinner before I watched TV." In this sentence, the action of eating dinner came before the action of watching TV.

The past perfect tense can also be used to describe an action that was ongoing in the past and was interrupted by another action. For example, "I had been running for an hour when I started to get tired." In this sentence, the action of running was ongoing before it was interrupted by the action of getting tired.

In addition to describing past events, the past perfect tense can also be used to express a condition or assumption in the past. For example, "If I had known you were coming, I would have cleaned the house." In this sentence, the speaker is assuming that they did not know the other person was coming, and they are stating what they would have done if they had known.

Overall, the past perfect tense is a useful tool for describing past events and expressing past conditions and assumptions. It allows speakers to clearly convey the order and duration of events, and it adds depth and detail to their storytelling.

Conditional Sentence Using IF and HAD

sentences starting with had

We want her to be her maid of honor. He said the housing indaba had been postponed because there had been issues for discussion that required the participation of the premier. When the shout startled her she had been in a pensive mood, gazing from the living room onto the darkening scene outside. From what she could gather, there had been more scandal in that village during the past two months than would fill a dozen penny dreadfuls. Indeed, the resulting construction below is much simpler and concise, more straightforward, more elegant, and more readable than the clunky original. We returned to our remote northern fastnesses to find that the Apparitional Gamekeeper had been busy. Have a nice day.


How to use "had been" in a sentence

sentences starting with had

It was a terrible lie, but it reinforced what the leaders of the peacenik movement had been saying for several years. Flight 77's path was hard to track since its transponder had been turned off. The spring had been part of her, and its loss had left her empty, comfortless. Only one per cent said they had been bullied because of their ethnic origin. That was why the requirements for the non-enterprise websites had been superficial and perfunctory. Although a majority of Italians were peasants, Italian nationalism had been remarkably inattentive to the peasantry.


Use “had” in a sentence: when you need it and when you don't

sentences starting with had

Basic rules are mostly the same, but yes there are differences in the US and UK English. The first sentence is not grammatically correct. His defence before the ICAC had been that he did not understand the determinations governing the country members allowance. He was freed on Friday after being granted royal clemency and immediately announced that he had been forced into confessing to the bombings. Maybe our brain is leaded to the more usual structure. The first part is informal register, but not because of word order.


Sentences that start with "Had"

sentences starting with had

Die direkte Folge "hättest, hätte" würde ich allerdings vermeiden, deswegen in diesem Fall das "dann" stehenlassen. He lost consciousness momentarily and came round to find his attacker had been pulled off him. I was kind of angry, but also proud that my work had been imitated so closely. If she had been a real Commo she would have denied that the government ever made any mistakes. When I next saw Sophie, about a year later, she had been sent to live outside for the sake of harmony in the clowder.


Had In A Sentence

sentences starting with had

He dug the blade deep into the shallow indent that had been made and flung the dirt into a pile to his left. In past years, a female operator who had been cleared by the shelter authorities was allowed to bring in a rig to contact the North Pole. The Transport Secretary also claimed there had been substantial increases in bus patronage, including in Leeds. Instead, you need to wait until the end of the dependent clause to place the comma so that you can separate the two clauses from each other. The lesson had been about phrasal verbs, and I wondered where this had come from.


Has Have Had use in sentences

sentences starting with had

The remarks, although indiscreet, were far less damaging than those that had been publicised in rival papers through the week. They announced the pregnancy in January after their romance had been kept a close secret. Many thanks Adam for sharing this advanced lesson with us. It was the butler. But later when he went outside to ride the concept pedal cycle, it had been stolen.


Can You Start A Sentence With "With"? Learn It Here! (With Examples)

sentences starting with had

The judge then questioned the complainant, asking questions upon the topics which he had been asked to. Your truly, Vishal Apr. Have a great weekend. He said about seven of the boy's immediate family and close friends had been given antibiotics. Laing noted that a number of challenges had been identified and highlighted several issues for discussion and public comment.


English Grammar

sentences starting with had

More than half of the aircraft had been damaged beyond use, and most of the larger artillery pieces. The other small works have a lighter green patina, often streaky, as if they had been exposed to the elements. The fair-haired policeman, who had been sitting with a finger under his ear, stroking his chin, said no, he thought that covered everything. As a result she had been kicked around by fortune as it pleased, painfully aware of its brute force. He admitted that we had been too democratic, but was afraid that we should incautiously run to the other extreme. Show More Sentences The external world appeared to be an automaton, a clockwork mechanism that had been regulated once and for all. Hi Katrin, I allow my friends to speak more than I do.
