Describe the climate of india. Describe the climate of India. 2022-11-09

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India is a country located in South Asia and is known for its diverse climate due to its large size and varied topography. The climate of India can be broadly divided into four categories: tropical wet, tropical dry, temperate, and alpine.

The tropical wet climate is found in the western coastal region and the eastern region of the country, which experience high humidity and heavy rainfall throughout the year. The average temperature in this region ranges from 20 to 27 degrees Celsius. The tropical dry climate is found in the central and northern parts of the country and is characterized by hot and dry weather, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 45 degrees Celsius.

The temperate climate is found in the mountainous regions of the country, such as the Himalayas, and experiences cool temperatures, with the average temperature ranging from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. The alpine climate is found in the higher altitudes of the Himalayas and experiences extremely cold temperatures, with the average temperature ranging from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius.

India also experiences a variety of natural disasters due to its climate, such as floods, cyclones, and droughts. The monsoon season, which lasts from June to September, brings heavy rainfall to the country, causing floods in some areas. The eastern and western coastal regions of the country are also prone to cyclones, which can cause widespread damage and loss of life. Droughts, on the other hand, are caused by a lack of rainfall and are common in the northern and central parts of the country.

Overall, the climate of India is varied and diverse, with each region experiencing its own unique weather patterns and natural disasters. The country's large size and varied topography contribute to its diverse climate, making it a land of contrast and variety.

What are the factors affecting the climate of India?

describe the climate of india

The Advancing Monsoon Rainy Season By early June, the trade winds of the southern winds bring abundant moisture to the country. Climate: The climate in India ranges from Arctic-like conditions in the high Himalayas to blast-furnace heat in many parts of the country during the summer, and heavy monsoon downpours during the rainy season. On the whole this occurrence is limited to tropical lands, lying within 20 °N and 20 °S. Coastal zones are regions of dense interaction between natural and socio-economic changes. Low pressure and freshly developed jet stream are accountable for the abrupt outburst of the monsoons in northern India. The climate is tropical throughout the year.


describe the climate of india

describe the climate of india

Climate and Weather Climate is a total of Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere over an area at any given period of time. The most rain falls from October through December, but frequent showers can occur from May to September. However, as the current incidence rates for many of these ailments are low in small arctic communities it is difficult to detect, let alone predict, any trends in their future incidence. Because the city is built on near sea-level marshland, Calcutta and its suburbs suffer from poor drainage and periodic flooding - especially during the monsoon, June to October. High mountains act as barriers for cold or hot winds. On the contrary, interior locations are deprived of the moderating influence of the sea and experience extreme or continental climate. Impacts on Social Systems: Changes in vulnerability depend on trajectories of social and technological innovation and on effective forms of risk communication.


Climate of Rajasthan

describe the climate of india

Retrieved 20 July 2022. Later, India joined the southern supercontinent Gondwana, a process beginning some 550—500 Ma. The rainfall in India varies in its form, types, amount and seasonal distribution. A series of community indicators are proposed to support this development of monitoring and decision-making ability within northern regions and communities. During summer, winds blow from sea to land and during winters wind blow from land to sea. Our resource industries, food and health systems, production and manufacturing systems, and infrastructure all will be affected. Mountain Climate: In the Himalayan mountains the temperature falls by 0.


Describe climate of india

describe the climate of india

As the distance from the sea increases, its influence decreases and the people experience extreme weather conditions. It is also irregular in arrival and retreat. A La Nina also marks an active hurricane season. La Nina: After an El-Nino, weather conditions return to normal. Archived from PDF on 5 February 2020. Therefore a low pressure rises over the centre of the land masses. These ranges protect India from the bitterly cold and dry winds of Central Asia during winter.


A Guide to Climate, Weather, and Seasonality in India

describe the climate of india

Their speed varies from about 110 kilometres per hour in summer to about 184 kilometres per hour in winter. There is a decrease in the rainfall generally from east to west in the Northern Plains. Retrieved 20 January 2021. On the whole they are moisture-less winds, if not for the occurrence of the monsoons, India would have been a baked land or a desert. The basis of this understanding is the ability to collect, organize, and understand information indicative of the changes taking place and their potential impacts.


Climate of India: 10 Factors which Influence the Climate of India

describe the climate of india

Although the winter months of December and January are usually fairly temperate, then it can become surprisingly cold at night. The weather heats up drastically from March through June. One branch goes to the Brahmaputra valley through the Meghalaya plateau. Westerly Jet stream moves to the north of the Himalayas. On a map, Mumbai appears as a peninsula actually two islands off the west coast of India. Essay on the Factors of Indian Climate: It is true that the determiners of climate go much further than man-made political boundaries.


Essay on the Climate of India: Top 5 Essays

describe the climate of india

Four major climatic groupings predominate, into which fall seven climatic zones that, as designated by experts, are defined on the basis of such traits as temperature and precipitation. In India, the elevation of land ranges from 30 metres to 6,000 metres. These are Southwest Monsoon winds. Impacts of Climate on Natural Systems: Regionally and globally our climate is changing. It is a temporary replacement of the cold Peru Current which normally flows along the coast.


Describe the regional variations in the climatic conditions of India with the help of suitable examples.

describe the climate of india

They blow in the direction of the equatorial low pressure belt. During winter, the northern area near the Himalayas has high pressure. Elevated atmospheric levels of sulphur gases formed aerosols such as sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid, similar to those found in the atmosphere of Venus; these precipitated as acid rain. Severe science gaps exist in the analysis and evaluation of impacts of climate changes and geo-risks related to regional economic, socio-demographic and cultural systems and different spatial structures like agricultural land-use systems or urban and port areas. One can also note the abysmal arms of the Indian Ocean — the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.


Climate of India: Factors Affecting Seasons, Rainfall, Videos, Examples

describe the climate of india

The Western and Eastern Ghats lie along the southern coastlines. However, there are variations in climatic conditions in the country itself. Occasionally, cyclones strike the coast. Some parts of Rajasthan desert, the temperature in summers is 50 degrees Celsius, whereas summer temperature in Jammu and Kashmir is 20 degrees Celsius. Distance from the Sea: Areas near the coast have equable or mariline climate. The land and water bodies do not get heated precisely in a similar way.


Describe the climate of India.

describe the climate of india

The intensity and position of this high pressure area affects the Indian monsoon. The heat begins in March, and occasional "nor'westers" bring welcome cool winds and rain from the Himalayas through May. In summer, a low-pressure area develops over interior Asia as well as over north-western India. The natural systems often involve energy flowing and elements or compounds cycling through these spheres. Archived from PDF on 5 February 2020. This occurrence is fundamentally responsible for the turnaround of wind direction, giving rise to the south­west monsoons.
