Sense and reference. What is sense and reference examples? 2022-10-30

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Sense and reference are two important concepts in the field of semantics, which is the study of meaning in language. These concepts are used to describe the relationship between words and the things they refer to in the world.

The sense of a word is its meaning, or the concept it represents. For example, the word "apple" has the sense of a type of fruit that is round, has a red or green skin, and is often eaten as a snack or used in cooking. The sense of a word is not the same as its pronunciation or spelling, as different languages can have different words with the same sense.

The reference of a word is the thing in the world that it refers to. For example, the word "apple" can refer to a specific apple, such as the one you are holding in your hand, or it can refer to the concept of apples in general. The reference of a word is determined by the context in which it is used.

The distinction between sense and reference is important because it allows us to understand how language works. For example, if you say the sentence "I ate an apple yesterday," the word "apple" has a specific reference to the apple you ate. However, the word "apple" also has a general sense, or meaning, that is shared by all apples. This distinction allows us to communicate and understand each other, even if we have never encountered the specific apple being referred to.

In addition to sense and reference, there is also the concept of denotation and connotation. Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, while connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations that a word may have. For example, the word "home" has the denotation of a place where someone lives, but it may also have connotations of safety, comfort, and security.

In conclusion, sense and reference are important concepts in semantics that describe the relationship between words and the things they represent. Understanding these concepts helps us to communicate effectively and to better understand the meaning of language.


sense and reference

Just find two or more ways to describe the same thing in different words and you have two or more expressions with the same referent. There is some dispute as to the meaning of the referent. We cannot create a mental picture of all people called Paul, so they only have reference. He will take our sentence, in the first version, to be neither true nor false but will deny it to have any referent, on the ground of absence of referent for its subordinate clause. Bell', Analysis 40 pp. These occur as parts of a sentence structure, which is, from the logical stand- point, likewise a sentence.


Sense and reference

sense and reference

To solve this problem the author proposes the distinction between sense and reference. A subordinate clause with "that" after "command," "ask," "forbid," would appear in direct speech as an imperative. Why is the thought not enoug4 for us? But the question whether the presupposition is perhaps always 32 mistaken need not be answered here; in order to justify mention of the referent of a sign it is enough, at first, to point out our intention in speaking or thinking. The Varieties of Reference. Since only truth values are here in question, each com- ponent clause can be replaced by another of the same truth value without changing the truth value of the whole. It is by means of this very indefinite- ness that the sense acquires the generality expected of a law.


Sense and reference: the origins and development of the distinction (Chapter 7)

sense and reference

What is sense according to semantics? May, 1948 , pp. The relation of a proper name to the object it designates is direct, whereas a word like 'planet' has no such direct relation to the Earth at all, but only to a concept that the Earth falls under. Grammarians view subordinate clauses as representatives of parts of sentences and divide them accordingly into noun clauses, adjective clauses, adverbial clauses. Sensory words are descriptive—they describe how we experience the world: how we smell, see, hear, feel or taste something. The classic example cited showing the distinction is the planet Venus. By a thought I understand not the subjective performance of thinking but its objective content, which is capable of being the common property of several thinkers. In the cases so far considered the words of the subordinate clauses FREGE'S UEBER SZNN UND BEDEUTUNG had their indirect referents, and this made it clear that the referent of the subordinate clause itself was indirect, i.


Sense vs. Reference

sense and reference

This name refers to a specific person on Earth. Here it can be said that a relation between the truth values of conditional and dependent clauses has been asserted, namely such that the case does not occur in which the antecedent clause refers to the true and the consequent to the false. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. The thought, accordingly, cannot be the referent of the sen- tence, but must rather be considered as the sense. What is reference in semantics with example? It is to be noted here also that the sense of these subordinate clauses cannot be reproduced in an independent sentence, since an essential In accordance with what was said above, an expression of the kind in question must actually always be assured of a referent, by means of a special stipulation, e. All Answers ltd, 'The Differentiate Between Sense And Reference English Language Essay' UKEssays. It is so clear and thorough that to add more examples would be superfluous.


The Differentiate Between Sense And Reference English Language Essay

sense and reference

We distinguish THE PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW accordingly the customary from the indirect referent of a word; and its customary sense from its indirect sense. The biggest difference between sense and reference is that the first concept belongs to the linguistic world while the reference belongs to the non-linguistic world, the real one. An examination of all the subordinate clauses which one may en- counter will soon provide some which do not fit well into these cate- gories. New Series 86 342. Whether the earth is really round, and whether Columbus could really reach India by traveling to the west are immaterial to the truth of our sentence; but it is not immaterial whether we replace "the earth" by "the planet which is accompanied by a moon whose diameter is greater than the fourth part of its own. Sharples 1996 , Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics: An Introduction to Hellenistic Philosophy.


Examples of Reference and Sense

sense and reference

Can there be sense without reference? Then such objections as the one discussed above would become impossible, because it could never depend upon the truth of a thought whether a proper name had a referent. Therefore, in a brief and simple way, reference can be defined as the meaning of a word or expression in a particular context, while sense is defined as the meaning of the word or expression which denotes that concrete referent. These adjective clauses are to be regarded as equiva- lent to adjectives. This happens, for instance, when the words of another are quoted. So far we have considered the sense and referents only of such expressions, words, or signs as we have called proper names.


Philosophy:Sense and reference

sense and reference

For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact support jstor. The referent is the real world thing indicated by the words. It is this which is responsible for the fact that the antecedent clause alone has no complete thought as its sense and in combination with the con- sequent clause expresses one and only one thought, whose parts are no longer thoughts. Moreover, judging of anything that it falls under this concept is not in any way part of our knowledge of what the word 'planet' means. Such a sentence contains a th ught. Words related to sight indicate colors, shape, or appearance.


Sense And Reference In Semantics?

sense and reference

Let us first search for cases in which the sense of the subordinate clause, as we have just supposed, is not an independent thought. The subordinate clause could be regarded as a noun, indeed one could say: as a proper name of that thought, that command, etc. I have in fact transferred the relation between the parts and the whole of the sentence to its referent, by calling the referent of 36 a word part of the referent of the sentence, if the word itself is a part of the sentence. Almost always, it seems, we connect with the main thoughts expressed by us subsidiary thoughts which, although not expressed, are associated with our words, in accordance with psychological laws, by the hearer. These relations limit both the concepts and the denotations.
