Scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds. Precis #6 2022-11-07

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In "The Men We Carry in Our Minds," Scott Russell Sanders reflects on the gender roles and expectations placed upon men and women. He compares the lives of men in rural, working-class America to those of men in the privileged, educated class, and ultimately concludes that the societal pressure for men to be tough and emotionless ultimately does more harm than good.

Through personal anecdote and observations, Sanders illustrates the expectations placed upon men in rural America to be physically strong and capable, often at the expense of their own well-being. He describes the grueling labor that these men endure, from farming and logging to working in factories and mines, and notes that they are expected to "grin and bear it" no matter how difficult or dangerous the work may be.

In contrast, Sanders presents the men of the educated class as being more sensitive and introspective, but also points out that they are often looked down upon by those in the working class for their perceived lack of toughness. He argues that this rigid definition of masculinity is harmful to both groups of men, as it deprives them of the opportunity to express their emotions and to seek help when they need it.

Furthermore, Sanders suggests that this rigid gender roles and expectations also have a negative impact on women. He points out that women in rural America are often expected to be subservient to men and to take care of the domestic duties, while those in the educated class are often expected to prioritize their careers over their personal lives.

Ultimately, Sanders concludes that the societal pressure for men to conform to a narrow definition of masculinity is harmful to both men and women, and calls for a more nuanced and inclusive understanding of gender roles. He argues that allowing men to be vulnerable and expressive will ultimately lead to a more healthy and balanced society for all.

In conclusion, "The Men We Carry in Our Minds" is a thought-provoking and powerful reflection on the gender roles and expectations placed upon men and the impact they have on society as a whole. Sanders challenges readers to consider the ways in which traditional gender roles may be harmful and to embrace a more inclusive and nuanced understanding of masculinity.

In "The Men We Carry in Our Minds," Scott Russell Sanders reflects on the societal expectations and roles placed on men and women. He begins by describing the men he grew up with in rural Indiana, who worked long hours in the fields and the factories and who were expected to be strong, self-reliant, and stoic. In contrast, he observes that the women he knew were expected to be passive and nurturing, and to put the needs of others before their own.

As he grew older, Sanders came to realize that these rigid gender roles were not only unfair, but also harmful to both men and women. He saw how the pressure to be tough and unemotional took a toll on the men he knew, and how the lack of opportunities and support for women kept them from reaching their full potential.

Despite these difficulties, Sanders also saw glimmers of hope and change. He witnessed women breaking free from traditional roles and finding their own voices and power, and he saw men learning to be more open and vulnerable. He came to understand that gender roles are not fixed or innate, but rather are constructed and enforced by society.

In the end, Sanders concludes that true equality can only be achieved when we reject rigid gender roles and expectations, and instead recognize and value the unique strengths and qualities of both men and women. He calls on all of us to work towards a society in which everyone is free to be their authentic selves, regardless of gender.

In "The Men We Carry in Our Minds," Scott Russell Sanders reflects on the gender roles and expectations that have shaped his life and the lives of those around him. He begins by describing the men he grew up around in rural Indiana: farmers, blue-collar workers, and small-town tradesmen who worked hard and took pride in their labor. These men, Sanders suggests, were the embodiment of the traditional masculine ideal, and their strength and determination were held up as models for young boys to aspire to.

However, Sanders also notes that these men carried a heavy burden, as they were expected to provide for their families financially and emotionally. They were also expected to conform to a narrow definition of masculinity, one that valued physical strength and stoicism above all else. This often left them isolated and unable to express their emotions or vulnerabilities, leading to feelings of frustration and anger.

As he grew older, Sanders began to question these gender roles and the expectations placed on men. He came to realize that the traditional masculine ideal was not only unrealistic, but also harmful to both men and women. He observed that many of the men he knew struggled with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, and he realized that these struggles were often a result of the pressure to conform to a rigid definition of masculinity.

Through his own experiences and observations, Sanders came to understand that gender roles and expectations are socially constructed and that they can be changed. He concludes that it is time to reject the narrow definition of masculinity and to create a more inclusive and compassionate society, one that values and supports both men and women.

In "The Men We Carry in Our Minds," Scott Russell Sanders offers a thought-provoking reflection on the gender roles and expectations that have shaped his life and the lives of those around him. He challenges readers to consider the ways in which these roles and expectations can be harmful and to work towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Scott Russell Sanders's The Men We Carry In Our Minds

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

Sanders illustrates the troubles he experienced as a young boy due to his fathers drinking problem. In the society today. Sanders also added that soldiers were lazy, never worked, and bored. Later though, once he moved away to a University, he was able to blend his views with those of the opposite sex that also came from wealthier backgrounds. Sanders made a number of references toward life of men around the mid century.


The Men We Carry In Our Minds By Scott Russell Sanders, Essay Example

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

I would say that my view on gender role is different from Sanders. But, where do these actions come from? Although my father supported us financially, I never really saw how hard he worked, or the kind of work that he had. The Altar Of The Family Analysis 1242 Words 5 Pages English Essay Q3 Texts used : The Altar of the Family and At Seventeen Traditionally, society views males as strong, aggressive, dominant and unemotional individuals while females play unimportant and demure roles within society. In his essay, Sanders divided men he knew into three categories which are laborers, soldiers, and bosses. Later on, Sanders will find out that the women, whom he studied with, in college, were not so different from him because they too, needed to hold such position, which they found difficult to achieve because of the assumption that men are more powerful than women.


Analysis Of The Men We Carry In Our Minds By Sanders

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

Sanders also show the comments and reactions of women he knew or came across throughout his childhood life. But toward women I feel something more confused, a snarl of shame, envy, wary tenderness, and amazement. With his early use of contrast, reflection, and narration, Sanders uses memories of his personal up bringing in order to expose his initial perspective of the duties men and women are subject to. Men were the backbone of the country. These actions are also displayed in the 2007 film, The Departed, which follows the story of two white men on their journey to take on the Irish Mob along with the Massachusetts State Police Department.



scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

This movement permits him to attend college where he meets the daughters of high status jobholders. Sanders himself eventually became a middle-class man, but he still carries the working-class men of his childhood in his mind. Even though I don't agree with everything Sanders has to say, his short story was interesting to read. Through his experience, he sees men as hard working and women to be educated. Furthermore, he substantiates his claims with painful statistic reports and numbers — numbers that pierces the black readers like swords. This muddle troubles me.


The Men We Carry in Our Minds by Scott Russell Sanders Free Essay Example

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

However, this does not always mean that women have a harder existence in society. It is clearly shown that Sanders is sensitive towards men and will always be on their side no matter what the situation is, but he also has a soft side for women because he has now come to realize what they go through alot while men are at work. Untill this day women still have a hard time proving themselves because of discrimination. He wrote this essay to tell people that no mater who you are or where your from that doesn't decide your faith YOU do. It seemed the opposite to him. Not only that, Lipman says it also promotes the distinction of hegemonic masculinity and nonhegemonic masculinity between the opposing sexes. She argues that men are not oppressed because society does not restrict men with the double bind, while it does for women.


Collins' English 99 : Scott Sanders' "The Men We Carry in Our Minds"

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

The very first men Sanders reports having seen, apart from his father, were the convicts and guards from the prison. Some people have even evolved to be more aggressive because as as a society we reward aggression. Sanders uses a unique way of writing through narration and life experiences to truly illustrate his point that the impressions of men or women are based on ones own life experiences. The word "men", to Scott, meant physical work. Stanton spent her life changing the perceptions and imposed… Sojourner Truth: A Feminist Analysis This debate raises the issue of understanding the oppressive lives of women that are not only shaped by gender alone but by other elements as racism, classism, ageism, heterosexism, etc.


“The Men We Carry in Our Minds” by Scott Russell Sanders Sample Essay Example

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

The third kind of men Sanders mentions are men who give orders. In the society today, men and women are trying to make things equal between the two genders. The Men We Carry in Our Minds Scott Russell Sanders Scott Russell Sanders b. For men and women its always been a different view on what was a hard worker But as time evolved in some way men and women are known as equal hard workers, but is that really true for women?? Each character has their own little twist to how they feel about things that are happening in school and in their own personal lives. Many children do not see another life other than that which has been lived by those before them. In "The Men We Carry in Our Mind" Sanders explains why men's lives are often harder or why their lives have been considered harder than the lives of women.


The Men We Carry in Our Minds

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

I agree with him on men and women being hard workers and providers. Culture is learned by interaction of society and adapting to its way of living. Turner was a man who always seemed stressed from working long hours in tough conditions and as a result, would often take it out on his family members. Throughout the book Knowles brings up key qualities of each character to make the situation different. IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE B.


The Men We Carry In Our Minds Summary Essay

scott russell sanders the men we carry in our minds

I agree with Scott Sanders when he says that men are the hard workers and make the money for the family, where as women stay home and take care of the house. She was born unto a conservative, Presbyterian family of considerable social standing. His friend saw men as having power and women having to do all the work around the house. The development of these characters help us realize the fears they face on a daily basis. He also argues about how women were never given the equal opportunity to follow their dreams and were told that only men were capable of being successful. Nonetheless, there are some traits that men and woman share, such as, caring, compassion, and tenderness.
