Role of culture in international business ppt. TOPIC 2 (1).ppt 2022-10-19

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Culture plays a crucial role in international business as it influences how people communicate, perceive, and respond to different business situations. Culture can be defined as the shared values, beliefs, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It shapes the way individuals think, act, and interact with each other, as well as with outsiders.

In international business, cultural differences can create misunderstandings, miscommunications, and conflicts. For example, in some cultures, direct eye contact is a sign of respect and honesty, while in others, it is considered rude or aggressive. Similarly, in some cultures, it is customary to exchange business cards as a formal introduction, while in others, it is not a common practice.

To succeed in international business, it is essential for organizations to understand and appreciate cultural differences. This can be achieved through cultural sensitivity training, which helps employees learn about different cultures and how to adapt their communication and behavior accordingly. Cultural sensitivity training can also help employees identify and avoid cultural pitfalls and build better relationships with clients and colleagues from different cultural backgrounds.

In addition to cultural sensitivity training, organizations operating in international markets should also be aware of cultural differences in business practices, such as the way negotiations are conducted, how decisions are made, and how authority is exercised. For example, in some cultures, the decision-making process is hierarchical and top-down, while in others, it is more participative and consensus-based. Understanding these differences can help organizations tailor their approach and achieve better outcomes in international business negotiations and collaborations.

Cultural differences can also impact the way organizations market their products and services in different countries. For example, marketing messages and advertising campaigns that work well in one country may not be effective in another country due to cultural differences in values, beliefs, and behaviors. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to understand the cultural context of the markets they operate in and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

In conclusion, culture plays a significant role in international business and can impact communication, business practices, and marketing strategies. Understanding and appreciating cultural differences can help organizations avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, and ineffective communication, and build better relationships with clients and colleagues in international markets.

(PPT) International Business and Culture

role of culture in international business ppt

So, understanding the language and communication style of your target market is an excellent way to bridge cultural gaps in the international business arena. This is because of other sources of self-identity such as educational or professional affiliation, which may play a much stronger role in defining who they are, what motivates them personally, and which values they hold. The role of national culture in international marketing research. When placed in a culture where values and beliefs are different some people have a great deal of difficulty adjusting. Essentially, business culture has a broad meaning - it encompasses different elements, including workplace etiquette, client relations, office dress code, setup, etc. The role of culture in international business An Assignment Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the course HRMN250: Human Resource Management Instructor: Mr. Ethnocentricity is dangerous in the context of international ethical behavior as it involves contempt, blind assumptions, same as self attributions Pasquero and Wood, 1992.


TOPIC 2 (1).ppt

role of culture in international business ppt

Understanding the role and importance of culture in international business is essential to overcoming cultural barriers that impede business growth and development. It is important for companies to exhibit culture-appropriate, specific behaviors as in gift giving, punctuality, greetings, introductions, physical contact, speaking patterns, and physical space between people during conversation Briscoe and Schuler, 2004. The key to understanding these differences is rethinking the human resource policies to accommodate local cultural profiles. Significance of culture to International Business Culture plays a huge role in the conduct of international business. Entry into new markets needs an understanding of the values, beliefs and customs of the local market. People live in high dwelling places where hurricanes occur and dress in light cotton clothes in hot climates. According to the study by Leung, et al 2005 on the impact of culture on the international organizations in the context of expansion in the newer regions, it was concluded that it is crucial for every organization with a big intention of moving to a bigger area to understand the cultural differences and the mapping of the area with the aim of moving to the new area so that it can bridge that existing gaps in the international markets.



role of culture in international business ppt

Likewise, Finns tend to be brief and use direct communication strategies, whereas Indians typically communicate in indirect and subtle ways. Create a culturally aware workplace One of the best ways to overcome cultural differences in global business is to create space for the cultural requirements of your colleagues and employees in a foreign country. Education Based on social identity theory Turner, 1987 and theories of the self-concept Markus and Kitayama, 1991 when a person views him or herself as a member of the national culture will have a strong and pervasive impact on his or her beliefs. Subcultures go beyond regional and ethnic variations to include other elements, such as differences in female and male consumer behavior and thinking. Plus, these values leave a lasting impression on clients, customers, investors, and stakeholders. Companies must display sensitivity towards different cultures when dealing with foreign clients or planning a marketing campaign for their foreign subsidiaries.



role of culture in international business ppt

For instance, while the Japanese consider addressing someone by their first name in a first meeting disrespectful, Americans are more comfortable using first names in a formal setup. International Business: Themes and Issues in the Modern Global Economy. Of these, uncertainty avoidance measures the lack of tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity Johnson and Turner, 2003. The managements should equally be aware of the cultural distinction existing in different cultures because failure to observe it may result to negative effects which may be harmful to the reputation of the company and all the composition of the organization at the end of the day. Culture is essential in international business because it influences how multinational and cross-cultural teams interact and collaborate. For example, the person is not inherently attractive, and so he needs makeup and hairspray.


Business Culture Powerpoint Presentation Slides

role of culture in international business ppt

You can use this PPT image to examine every component which help in building an effective and result situated business environment, for example, social business environment, legal environment, political business environment , technological business environment and more. They feel that family, happiness and health are more important than any economic pursuit. While some consider negotiations a signed contract between two parties, others view it as the beginning of a strong business relationship. However, many companies go by the one-size-fits-all approach without realizing that personalization is the secret to creating a large and diverse customer base. A Job Description for the Corporate Protocol Officer. Recent research shows that culture plays a huge role in the conduct of international business in the global economy of today. Margaret and Taylor, Francis Howard 2006.


Role of Culture in International Business

role of culture in international business ppt

Volume 4, Issue 2. Technology Several situational characteristics that moderate the impact of culture have been identified and one of them was technology Leung et al, 2005. This method allows individual creativity to adapt to local circumstances while operating procedures are tight. In the context of international business, there is the need to broaden analysis of culture, to perhaps take a closer look at manifestations of culture such as folklore, educational institutions, political systems, and methods of economic exchange, in order to fully assess the influence of culture on international business. Identifying regional differences Most often, organizations focusing on the bigger picture overlook regional differences in emerging markets.


The role of culture in international

role of culture in international business ppt

Culture needs to be conceptualized in a more complex manner so as to have meaning in the global context. In every culture, there are people who hold beliefs different from those typical. Crossing cultures can be a stimulating and rewarding adventure. Such an attitude manifests itself in a preference for highly structured formal rules and limited tolerance for groups and individuals demonstrating deviant ideas or behaviors. Learning to respect the ethnocentricity of others helps in upholding the equal human value and dignity of members of other societies and of dissidents within society. Thus, technological uncertainty likely amplifies the impact of culture on individual perceptions.


The role of culture in International Business

role of culture in international business ppt

On the negative side, politics and law can also have a negative impact on culture. UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN ROYAL ROAD, MARACAS, ST. Workplace etiquette Differences in workplace etiquette are a vital consideration when discussing culture's impact on international business. They must restructure their business models to reflect local customs, habits, and preferences of different buyer personas. Likewise, he said that in societies where individual responsibility is encouraged there is a greater regard for individual rights and freedoms and tend to be characterized by assertiveness and competitiveness rather than by teamwork and cooperation.


role of culture in international business ppt

This Book Is Not Required: An Emotional Survival Manual for Students. While some believe in consensus decision-making, others believe in the supremacy of a single leader who takes all decisions. Journal of management development, 21 7 , 521-544. The Need for an International Code of Ethics. Slide 2: This slide showcases Business Environment Dimensions with these- Business Environment, Legal Environment, Political Environment, Social Environment, Technological Environment, Economic Environment. Culture and International Business: Recent Advances and Their Implications for Future Research.


role of culture in international business ppt

Failure to do this can result in serious problems for specific initiatives or even failure of joint ventures or mergers. Add that crucial bit with our Business Culture Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Culture in international business refers to the beliefs, values, practices, and attitudes of organizations that impact business functions and the strategic direction enterprises take. SCSTFA Information Technology IT Group, a group of growers who came together to enable themselves and their business with IT. International Business and Cross-cultural Challenges The relationship between culture and international business has its rough patches. Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society.
