Review of literature on fast food industry. Literature review of fast food industry Free Essays 2022-10-17

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The fast food industry has been a popular topic of research for many years, with numerous studies examining various aspects of the industry including its history, business model, economic impact, and public health concerns. In this review of the literature, we will examine some of the key findings from these studies, starting with a brief history of the fast food industry and then discussing its business model, economic impact, and public health concerns.

The fast food industry can trace its roots back to the early 20th century, when the first fast food restaurants were established in the United States. These early restaurants were typically drive-in establishments that served simple, quick meals such as hamburgers, fries, and milkshakes. Over time, the fast food industry has grown significantly, with many different types of restaurants now offering quick, convenient meals to customers. Today, the fast food industry is a major part of the global food industry, with fast food restaurants operating in almost every country around the world.

The business model of the fast food industry is centered around the concept of efficiency. Fast food restaurants are designed to allow customers to order and receive their meals as quickly as possible, with minimal wait times. This is achieved through a variety of strategies, including the use of standardized menus, the use of assembly-line production methods, and the use of advanced kitchen equipment. Fast food restaurants also rely heavily on advertising and marketing to attract customers, with many restaurants using popular characters or slogans to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

The fast food industry has had a significant economic impact, both on a national and global scale. In the United States, the fast food industry is a major employer, with millions of people working in fast food restaurants around the country. The industry also generates billions of dollars in revenue each year, and many fast food restaurants are among the most profitable businesses in the country. Globally, the fast food industry is an important contributor to the global economy, with many countries relying on the industry as a major source of employment and economic growth.

Despite its economic importance, the fast food industry has faced a number of public health concerns. Many people have raised concerns about the nutritional content of fast food, arguing that the high levels of fat, sugar, and salt in many fast food menu items can contribute to a range of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. There has also been criticism of the fast food industry's labor practices, with some workers alleging that they are paid low wages and receive limited benefits. In response to these concerns, many fast food companies have started to offer healthier menu options and have implemented programs to improve the working conditions of their employees.

In conclusion, the fast food industry has played a significant role in the global food industry and has had a significant economic impact. However, the industry has also faced a number of public health and labor concerns, and efforts are ongoing to address these issues.


review of literature on fast food industry

Students can devoured a pizza and a hamburger expeditiously with few bites whereas students can only nibble away black been burgers, tasteless salad with a drink they disgust with. In order to understand this global influence, fast food conveys, this three important questions should be considered. McDonalds has to improve a lot in terms of brand image and positioning. The first literature of review on obesity is focused on guidelines and treatment for the disease. Introduction It is obvious that our culture today is filled with victim mentality. . In this article, the influence of different media such as contemporary electronic, celluloid and print has been discussed and the role of media in affecting life as well as career choices especially from the perspective of gender is conferred.


Literature Review of Fast Food Industry

review of literature on fast food industry

That result, consumers rely on fast food. The results provide insights to the fast food sector and other organizations of similar structure regarding how they could manage marketing strategies for improved business performance. The main methodology used is by surveys, of which the participants were selected via sampling. This literature review selects and examines various advertisements, opinions, and data of the effect fast food has on American community. Words: 2611 - Pages: 11 Premium Essay The Effect of Celebrity Advertising in the Philippines Topic Proposal. The researcher will find out the weaknesses, threats, opportunities and strengths.


Literature Review of Fast Food

review of literature on fast food industry

Should the fast food industry really be held at an ethical or moral standing for what they feed their customers? This research study has identified the trends related to gender representation in airline industry have been discussed. This research will add in existing base of knowledge on vast topic of customer satisfaction while focusing on local restaurant industry. The rate of growth in consumer expenditures on fast food has led most other segments of the food-away-from home market for much of the last two decades. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what's considered healthy for his or her weight" Medline Plus, 2013. Although fast food produces delicious products, these products contain blinding nutrition facts, and the companies mainly target teenagers.


Literature Review On Fast Food

review of literature on fast food industry

Certificate PARAMVEER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With profound sense of gratitude and regard, I express my sincere thanks to my guide and mentor Mr. Although changing to a healthier meal plan would promote a healthy life style, the current lunch menu has food that the students enjoy and gives students access to more food options; therefore, schools should not change their current meal plan to a healthier kind. The lunch menu currently in place provides students with food that they enjoy. . Literature Review: Fast food has come into our life since 1912 from America and ever since human beings was exposed to its negative health effects. .


Literature Review About Fast Food, Sample of Reviews

review of literature on fast food industry

. Words: 3765 - Pages: 16 Premium Essay Assignment on Restaurent. Further, consumers feel that fast food outlets must provideadditional information on nutritional values and hygiene conditions insidekitchen. . The effect for pregnant women is quantitatively smaller and more linear in distance. They mainly convey knowledge to young adults about the impact of nutrition and healthy lifestyles by focusing on the harmful effects of fast food. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC has put out a report stating if the problem with childhood obesity does not get under control by 2018, thirty to forty percent of the children in the United States will be obese.


The Influence of Fast Food: Literature Review

review of literature on fast food industry

Summary Various factors affect the food choice of consumers. Customers wait in line for access to acounter at which they order food from a very limited menu such as hamburgers, fries,hotdogs, chicken and other items. Introduction : Marketing in the Hospitality Industry A. Hazard ExposureAssessment: how much people eat, what food theyconsume and where they consume. .


Literature review of fast food industry Free Essays

review of literature on fast food industry

According to the article, e-media imagery holds more power than ever before to influence life, especially career choices of a person. Brand awareness was treated separately from other dimensions because of the difference in scale. . He used a standard economic model in this study. . . Debraj , 2003 , in a.


Literature Review Of Fast Food Industry

review of literature on fast food industry

Introduction to the topic: Relationship marketing is emerging as the core marketing activity for businesses operating in fiercely competitive environments. Informative Speech: An Attention Getter For Fast Food 733 Words 3 Pages 1. . The field survey was carried out in October 2004. India, the second most populous country in the world and the tenth largest economy is expected to bypass the US economy by in the next three decades along with Germany, Italy, France and other economic giants.


Literature Review Of Fast Food

review of literature on fast food industry

Literature Review The United Arab Emirates UAE is a country in the Middle East with a population of 3. . . The consumers are likely to be carrying their mobile devices with them in a standby state, they are more likely to receive and absorb the message on the spot. They ask how the supply of fast food affects the obesity rates of 3 million school children and the weight gain of over 1 million pregnant women. Schröder and Morven G.
