Essay on a visit to a haunted house. Haunted House Free Essay Example 2022-10-27

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I still remember the day I visited the haunted house. It was on a hot summer day, and my friends and I were looking for something to do to pass the time. Someone mentioned that there was a haunted house just outside of town, and we all jumped at the opportunity to go check it out.

As we approached the house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was a dilapidated old mansion with peeling paint and broken windows. It looked like it hadn't been occupied in years, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the place.

Despite my reservations, we decided to go in. The inside of the house was even more unsettling than the outside. The floorboards creaked under our feet, and the air was thick with the smell of must and decay. We made our way through the empty rooms, peering into corners and trying to catch a glimpse of any ghosts that might be lurking about.

As we explored the house, we heard strange noises and felt a sense of being watched. It was as if the ghosts of the past were still present, and they were not happy about our intrusion. My heart raced as we made our way through the house, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen.

Eventually, we made it to the attic. It was a cramped, dusty space filled with old boxes and discarded furniture. As we explored, we heard a loud noise and turned to see a figure standing in the doorway. It was a ghost, a woman dressed in old-fashioned clothing. She seemed to be staring directly at us, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of terror wash over me.

We quickly retreated from the attic and made our way out of the haunted house as fast as we could. As we left, I couldn't help but feel grateful to have made it out alive. It was a truly terrifying experience, and one that I will never forget.

Essay On Haunted Places

essay on a visit to a haunted house

Once I am sure there is nothing else in the room, I place the camera on the windowsill. He orderFrederick Roy ,a local architect, to design him a three and a half story mansion and halfbasement. Out in the garden then? Oh, was that the buried treasure? We all felt as if we had butterflies in our stomachs. Wild beams of moonlight cross both floor and wall, and, meeting, stain the faces bent; the faces pondering; the faces that search the sleepers and seek their hidden joy. The door creaks open and I tiptoe inside. I wiped the fearful look off my face and put on my mask that I wore so well. I lived to seek for scary.


Haunted House Essay

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It 's dark out. Instead, The Haunting of Hill House… Aynne Mcavoy's Haunting On The Hill The way McAvoy writes, her sentences are short and to the point, yet intriguing enough to detail as to what had happened. Get your paper price 124 experts online The entrance looked like a cavernous mouth, whilst the windows seemed to be dark, staring eyes. Staring in the room, I then go to lie on the bed like a starfish. Trees stoop and bend this way and that. The candle burns stiff and still.


A Visit to the Haunted House Narrative Free Essay Example 369 words

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When the group of 10th grader thought it would be funny to spend the night and prove everyone wrong that is was just an abandoned house nothing more. The one thing that surprised me the most was how a healthy 12-year-old boy that stated with a sore throat got so sick to the point of not being able to move. Which put Nora in an isolated position as opposed to if she had had someone to talk to about the situation she was going through. Strange noises in old buildings are often thought as just natural result of the weakened infrastructure of the house. All haunted houses has a story behind it on how it became haunted.


Descriptive Essay About Haunted House

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Hill House has stood by itself for eighty years and might stand for eighty more. The Gardette-LePrete House at 716 Dauphine Street is one of the most horrifying murders to have ever beencommitted took place. The story begins with Henry Pittock who at 19 joined up with a wagon train in 1853 and took a journey that started in Pennsylvania and ended in Portland, Oregon. In order to fully understand the ideas behind these short stories. At least one window is broken.


A Narrative Essay On A Haunted House

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I just want to tell your story. The dark, enormous forest was spread out for miles and miles never ending. Because then come the other stories. I AWAIT YOUR PRESENCE! The light in the heart. And then there are the stories.


Haunted House Free Essay Example

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. The thin layer of clothing cannot protect me from the coldness of the air, which makes me cross my arms to get warm. There was a piano located in the heart of the room with a skull on top and a humongous chandelier that looked sophisticated yet old. At this time upstairs of our house was not finished. What did I want to find? Crusted leaves stacked one on top of the other as Descriptive Essay On A Tree 1225 Words 5 Pages The cool, upland air, flooding through the everlasting branches of the lively tree, as it casts a vague shadow onto the grasses ' fine green. It was a cool fall day in the month of October. Matt Watson's Troubles-Personal Narrative 976 Words 4 Pages Matt Watson stared intently at the small dot on the dull, gray, roof of his cell, as his room suddenly began to shake.


Free narrative essays on a haunted house Free Essays

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Everything started getting more creepier when this wicked laughing sound echoed through the walls followed by a deep voice that How To Describe A Haunted House 724 Words 3 Pages I see the faint shadows of towering, tall trees side by side in the forest. The house interior is dark with a dead silence. The Plantation house is split into two parts, a museum and sleeping quarters for the brave guests who dare to stay the night Rule 238. One night in particular though I woke up in the middle of the night from a strong source of light that came from my window. The windowpanes reflected apples, reflected roses; all the leaves were green in the glass.


English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on 'The Haunted House' for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

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My mother was in and out of the hospital and too young to fully understand how sick she had become, but I enjoyed spending every minute with her while she stayed in the hospital. I rap my hands around the dusty door handle and slowly pull open the unlocked door. It was like they have never swam before. She turned and glanced at the small clock on her night stand. The teenagers have seen a real evidence of ghost existing now. The haunted places in Wisconsin are worth learning about. Of course, my frustrated mother would come into the bedroom to make the peace to calm us down, say a prayer of strength and kiss us good night.


Descriptive Essay On Haunted House

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The smell was like a sweet earthy smell you could get lost in forever. I asked my father when she was coming home. They now that two ghosts are going through their home looking for something. I crouch behind a nearby staircase as the volume of the pounding increases. In this village on the hill was very old and scary house, which was destroyed many years ago. The outside of the house had this beautiful pathway that had roses along the walkway up to the front of the house. I believe that Aafter reviewing the evidence, there is enough evidence to confirm the existence of ghosts.
