Regionalism in indian society. Factors related to regionalism, regionalism in India UPSC, Regionalism’s causes In India, Can regionalism in India be mitigated? 2022-10-12

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Angelo is a central character in Shakespeare's play "Measure for Measure." He is a complex and conflicted figure who ultimately serves as a foil to the play's protagonist, Duke Vincentio.

At the beginning of the play, Angelo is introduced as the deputy to the Duke, who has temporarily left Vienna in order to deal with a military threat. The Duke tasks Angelo with maintaining order and enforcing the laws of the city in his absence. Angelo is depicted as a strict and upright man, devoted to the rule of law and eager to stamp out vice and immorality.

However, as the play progresses, it becomes clear that Angelo is not as virtuous as he appears. Despite his public persona as a righteous and moral man, he secretly harbors a deep desire for sexual pleasure. This is revealed when he becomes infatuated with a young woman named Isabella, who is seeking clemency for her brother, Claudio, who has been sentenced to death for getting a woman pregnant out of wedlock. Angelo offers to spare Claudio's life if Isabella will sleep with him, revealing his true, selfish and manipulative nature.

Despite his questionable actions, Angelo is not a completely evil character. He is a complex and deeply flawed individual who is torn between his desire for power and his sense of morality. In the end, he is able to acknowledge his own weaknesses and confess his sins, leading to his redemption.

Overall, Angelo is an important character in "Measure for Measure" as he serves as a foil to the Duke and a commentary on the nature of justice and morality. He is a complex and multi-faceted character who represents the struggle between temptation and virtue, and ultimately serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of corruption and the importance of self-reflection.

Regionalism in Indian Politics: Role, Causes & Impact

regionalism in indian society

Regionsarean organisedcooperationin cultural, economic, political or military fields. They were chiefly upset because of three other groups of Indians; the first group were the wealthy Gujarati's, the professional South Indian groups Kannada, Tamil, Kerelaites, etc. In 2003, theULFAwas accusedof killing labourers from Bihar in response to molestation and raping of many Assamese girls in a train in Bihar. Even roads were not there to connect bodo areas to main cities of Assam. These regional political parties have existed since Indian independence as well as before , but since the 1970s they've grown continually in prominence and influence. On a related note, India has struggled with unequal development. Ramachandran which had split from the DMK in 1972 , was in power in Tamil Nadu and the DMK was the main opposition party.


Factors related to regionalism, regionalism in India UPSC, Regionalism’s causes In India, Can regionalism in India be mitigated?

regionalism in indian society

Consequently, in 1954, a States Reorganisation Committeewas formedwithFazalAli as its head, which recommendedthe formation of16 new states and 3 Union Territories based on the language. Although the constitution requires that legal documents and petitions may be submitted in any of the Scheduled Languages to any government authority, this right is rarely exercised. After 1951 the rate of migration into the cities accelerated. BhoodanandGramdaanmovements, after independence, were not enthusiastically carried and even land under land Banks were not efficiently distributed. Both Hindi and English are extensively used, and each has its own supporters. Prompts About Regionalism in Indian Politics: Graphic Organizer Prompt: Create a poster, chart, or some other type of graphic organizer that lists and describes the four major factors that have led to the development of regionalism in India.


Everything You Need to Know about Regionalism Concept

regionalism in indian society

The old regionalismwas concernedonly with relations between nation states. Creation of new States in 2000 In 2000, the Government of India,pursuant tolegislation passed by Parliament during the summer, created three new states,Chhattisgarh,Uttaranchal, andJharkhand, reconstitutingMadhyaPradesh,UttarPradesh, Bihar, respectively. It must be kept in mind that whenever a particular language has dominated a region or world , it has been because of knowledge creation in the language. Even though the princely states were given the autonomous power and authority to take care of their development process, the British attitude to develop these presidencies created a kind of differences between these two and a emerged a feeling of regionalism to their region for the interest of seeking development in princely states. This appearsto bethe first instance ofULFAadmitting to public killings with an incendiary device.


Regionalism in India

regionalism in indian society

The administration of such States would tend to be highly personalised and politicised. Jarkhand,Chattisgarh,Uttrakhandand recentlyTelanganaare result of these failure only. The language policy of India is basically embodied in part XVII of the Indian Constitution along with the 8thschedule in reference to articles 344 and 351 which specify the languages of India for purposes mentioned in these 2 articles , and the articles concerning Fundamental Rights regarding language, education, and culture etc. Proper sharing of resources like done in Mines and Minerals bills, which fixes share of local bodies in earning from natural resource allocation, should be taken up. Violence by Shiv-Sena against South Indians and North Indians, by ULFA cadre against people from Bihar fall in this category.


Regionalism in India (5 Causes)

regionalism in indian society

These political parties are generally only found in that state, only deal with issues of that state, and advocate for the state to find its own solutions to political problems rather than dealing with the national government. The whole world will be a global village with unique regions within. Positive regionalism helps to build Brotherhood and commonness based on the common language, religion or historical background and it helps a particular regional group to maintain their independent identity. Both types of regionalism have different meaning and have positive as well as negative impact on society, polity, diplomacy, economy, security, culture, development, negotiations, etc. Some of the most important the causes of regionalism in India are as follows: i Geographical Factor ii Historical and Cultural Factors iii Caste and Region iv Economic Factors v Political-Administrative Factors.



regionalism in indian society

This is the same party that supported both Gandhi and Nehru, the foundational figures of Indian independence and national identity. MSP given to sugarcane, it was helpful for farmers in Maharashtra but itwas implementedacross all states resulting agitations of farmers belonging to UP, Punjab and Haryana. For example, in Bombay, in 1961, the Marathi-speakers constituted 42. Creation of new states like Uttarakhand had resulted into fast growth of it. But no community is that big in India.



regionalism in indian society

Indians have so much to differ and divide themselves, but thread of democracy is common among different regions, communities, religions, and cultures. There are different types of climates throughout the country. Diversity is undoubtedly strength of our democracy. National actors may, in fact, perceive regionalism as a defence mechanism against the competitive pressures arising from the globalization. The political activities in the backward stateswere limitedto vote bank politics and scams. Is it that unequal distribution of benefits of development on regional basis eventually promotes regionalism? Their exotic and unique things are getting exposure at international level and no one will feel left out. This regionalismwas doneon the basis oftheir security and economic concerns.


Regionalism In India

regionalism in indian society

Others like Bodoland have sought autonomy within Indian Constitution. In the like manner religion is not so significant except when it is combined with linguistic homogeneity or based on dogmatism and orthodoxy or linked with economic deprivation. All these are state list subjects. But, this potential cause did not take shape of regionalism, because of government steps, which focussed on the balanced regional development and fulfilledthe aspiration ofstates. Further in 1986, Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi introduced the "National Education Policy". What can be the Impacts of Regionalism on Indian Polity? The mass mobilisation was only possible, when people became aware about their regional needs and its importance. Bombay and Madras had undergone modern industrial development rest were backward.


regionalism in indian society

Andhra was under direct rule of crown while Telangana was ruled by Nizam of Hyderabad, who was not so efficient ruler. Politicians must not be allowed to misuse the use of power for their benefit. And being disrespectful of or bringing into contempt the Constitution of India is a criminal offence punishable by up to three years imprisonment or fine or both. The main institutional response of the Union government was the North-eastern States Reorganisation Act, 1971 which upgraded the Union Territories of Manipur and Tripura, and the Sub-State of Meghalaya to full statehood, and Mizoram andArunachalPradesh then Tribal Districts to Union Territories. This led to rise of Civil War.
