Poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions. Poisonwood Bible Discussion Questions for Readalong Week 2 2022-10-18

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The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged novel that explores themes of colonialism, religion, family, and personal identity. Set in the Congo during the tumultuous period of decolonization, the novel follows the experiences of the Price family, a missionary family from the United States, as they confront the challenges of living and working in a foreign country.

Socratic seminars are a popular teaching method that involve students discussing a text through a series of open-ended and thought-provoking questions. Here are some potential Socratic seminar questions for a discussion of The Poisonwood Bible:

  1. How does the novel portray the relationship between the colonizers and the colonized? What themes does the novel explore in this regard?

  2. How does the novel explore the theme of religion and faith? How do the different characters in the novel express their faith, and how does their faith shape their actions and decisions?

  3. How do the experiences of the Price family in the Congo challenge their assumptions and beliefs about themselves and the world? How do their experiences change them over the course of the novel?

  4. How does the novel explore the theme of family dynamics and relationships? How do the different members of the Price family interact with each other, and how do their relationships evolve over the course of the novel?

  5. How does the novel use the perspective of the different narrators to explore its themes and to tell its story? What insights do the different narrators provide, and how do their perspectives contribute to the overall narrative?

  6. How does the setting of the Congo play a role in the novel's themes and story? How does the political and social context of the Congo shape the experiences of the characters and the conflicts they face?

  7. How does the novel use symbolism and imagery to explore its themes and to convey its message? How do the various symbols and images in the novel contribute to the overall meaning and impact of the novel?

These are just a few potential Socratic seminar questions for a discussion of The Poisonwood Bible. Other possible questions could focus on the themes of power and control, cultural differences, and personal responsibility, among others.

Socratic Seminar Questions

poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

WARNING: THIS DISCUSSION WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS. The way of pantheism balances out the thought of defeating and conquering. Do you think the Price family is strong enough to endure it together? What do we learn about cultural, social, religious, and other differences between Africa and America? But I could never quite feature the two of the living in the same house. Why do you think the novel is titled The Poisonwood Bible? I identify as a Christian, and I enjoyed this book very much. I couldn't see beyond the walls of my ignorance. I think it depends on whether or not he needed you for something; I think he is really just out for himself and will team up with whomever he needs to in order to get the best deal for himsef. But one research goal eluded me: I needed to go back to the region of central Congo where I'd lived as a child.


Questions for Socratic Seminar

poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

Is he the right person to preach to the Congolese? To come too close to our object of desire threatens to uncover the lack that is necessary for our desire to persist. I gue It's easy to like a book we agree with, or that supports our world view, and also easy to dislike a book that challenges our beliefs and values. Why do you suppose that Reverend Nathan Price is not given a voice of his own? What comforts of home would you take with you if you were traveling abroad? It certainly is a great warning for well intentioned, missionaries who do not understand the culture they are approaching. One of his most well-known works being The Crucible, addressed McCarthyism and its absurd purpose. I most identified with the mother of the family, Orleanna Price.


Prep for Socratic Seminar on Poisonwood Bible .pdf

poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

Fishbowl Configuration Fishbowl Seating Configuration Every student should be given the opportunity to be in the inner circle, aka. The more general application of Socratic Questioning, on the other hand, is something that Scripture not only demonstrates but recommends. Did you have one or make one?. The rule is that only those who are inside the fishbowl may speak. .


Mountains Beyond Mountains and Poisonwood Bible Socratic...

poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

This way of thinking inspires a respect to nature and therefore God that is created by ones self. Use quotes from the text to support your answers. I had the same wrestle with myself of laying the book aside at first and now picking it up again and forging ahead and into its world. Always another problem or mountain to climb. If you have to decide how to spend a certain amount of money, it depends on the area.



poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

Desire and fear seem to share a common kernel although they are opposites. This… Individuality In The Poisonwood Bible Individuality in characterization is what drives the story of a novel and many authors use this technique to their advantage. I think he will probably never reach the Congolese because he is completely unwilling to meet them where they are or to understand where they are coming from. To experience diverse viewpoints? The girls make hope chests. I feel that Kingsolver had Ruth May die to serve as a catalyst, to finally shock Orleanna out of her submissive ways, so she would jump into action.


"Their Eyes Were Watching God" Socratic Seminar

poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

Close-Ended Question: What do the townspeople think of Janie when she returns in the beginning of the novel? From the meager housing accommodations which are considered lavish to the Congolese to the cooking style requiring all day to boil water to prepare meals and have a warm bath. Outside Support 1: Desire is reality as we see it: a fantasy. But if there is leftover money, on the patient level, it should be first come first serve. If you have to decide how to spend a certain amount of money, it depends on the area. Do you think they should be forgiven by society? I think the Price family is not cursed, but just living a typical life in the Congo.


Poisonwood Bible Discussion Questions for Readalong Week 1

poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

But nothing beats when he says, 'There are Christians and then there are Christians', So much is concealed in a few words. Just announced: our Foodie February 2015 event. Why does Proctor initially agree to confess that he has trafficked with the devil? Why did Sherman Alexie choose to write in first person? They should be broad and open-ended. Forgiveness seems to be a central theme in the novel, but each narrator seems to have a different attitude toward forgiveness. That's the kick of being a novelist, you get to be God: "Let there be another sister! Miller comments though that the reality of the situation was that The Red Scare was almost a more serious event in his mind.


The Poisonwood Bible — Reader Q&A

poisonwood bible socratic seminar questions

. As for your questions…. Feel free to answer the discussion questions in the comments, on G+ or Goodreads! Eeben Axelroot: friend or foe? She poses questions of right and wrong of topics discussed today. They carry with them everything they believe they will need from home, but soon find that all of it — from garden seeds to Scripture — is calamitously transformed on African soil. The way Paul makes sacrifices is definitely something we should all attempt to imitate, because he pays no attentions to his own needs, only the needs of others. I have to vote for Brother Fowles.
