Plastic surgery good or bad essay. Plastic Surgery: A Good or a Bad Idea? Essay Example 2022-11-03

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Plastic surgery is a medical procedure that involves the reconstruction, repair, or alteration of the human body. It is often performed to improve the appearance of a person, to correct a deformity, or to repair damage caused by injury or illness. The decision to undergo plastic surgery is a personal one and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including personal appearance goals, physical health, and psychological well-being.

On the positive side, plastic surgery can have numerous benefits. It can improve a person's appearance, boost self-esteem and confidence, and correct physical deformities or abnormalities that may cause discomfort or functional problems. For example, breast reduction surgery can alleviate physical discomfort and improve a person's quality of life, while a nose job can correct breathing problems caused by a deviated septum. Plastic surgery can also be used to repair physical damage caused by accidents or illnesses, such as reconstructing a breast after a mastectomy or repairing a cleft palate.

However, plastic surgery also has its drawbacks. It can be costly, and insurance may not cover the procedures. The surgery itself carries risks, such as infection, scarring, and complications from anaesthesia. There is also the risk of dissatisfaction with the results, which can lead to additional surgeries to try and achieve the desired outcome. In some cases, plastic surgery can become addictive, leading people to seek out more and more procedures in an attempt to achieve an unattainable standard of beauty.

Furthermore, the pressure to conform to certain beauty standards can lead people to make decisions about plastic surgery that may not be in their best interest. The media often portrays unrealistic standards of beauty, and some people may feel pressure to conform to these standards in order to fit in or be accepted. This can lead to unhealthy body image issues and a distorted sense of self-worth.

In conclusion, plastic surgery can have both positive and negative effects. While it can improve physical health and appearance, it is important to carefully consider the risks and potential drawbacks before making a decision. It is also important to remember that true beauty comes from within and that no amount of surgery can change that.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery Essay

plastic surgery good or bad essay

As society's standards about beauty change, women are increasingly finding themselves wanting to conform to such standards no matter what the cost may be. Finally, one more type of undesirable plastic surgery candidates consists of individuals who are impossible to please or who pursue unrealistic goals such as having facial features similar to those of celebrities Cosmetic surgery, 2009. Nowadays cosmetic surgery is more accepted by society than it was in the past. The case of Michael Jackson illustrates that beauty is not always worth, he went into too many cosmetic surgical procedure to change his physical appearance. Plastic Surgery: Good or Evil Plastic Surgery: Good or Evil Date: May-13th-2009 Introduction God is beautiful and loves beauty. Plastic surgery is one of the most popular types of medical services in the modern world. Media plays an integral part in the world of plastic surgery.


Plastic Surgery Essay

plastic surgery good or bad essay

We will discuss how popular it has become with reality TV shows and Hollywood stars. Cosmetic surgery procedures have been performed back in the early 1800s, which means it has been in existence for centuries as what history has suggested. Reconstructive surgery is generally covered by most health insurance policies although coverage for specific procedures and levels of coverage may vary greatly. A lot of paietents get muilple producers done. The reasons why people want to get plastic surgery are many and varied, from car accident victims to people who indeed just want to make themselves more attractive. Another way is for personal use and just to feel better about them.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery Essay

plastic surgery good or bad essay

The reconstructive plastic surgery is usually done to repair the body parts of a person who has been injured or a person who was born with some body disfiguration. After the operation, Chris satisfy with the result and bring Chris happiness. Plastic surgery has increased to nine percent from 2000 to 2001. Plastic Surgery should not be banned because it is a freedom to change physical appearance, increase self-confidence of those who undergo the process and helps patient return their old face or body. Characteristics of the prophetic novel include: dystopian societies, technologies, and progressive thinking. As ahead of schedule as 600 BC, a Hindu specialist remade a nose utilizing a bit of cheek.


Essay about The Good, Bad, and the Ugly of Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery good or bad essay

Within current American society, there is a normalization of cosmetic surgery occurring among women in particular. The advantages of plastic surgery are no uncertainty dramatic, like the ability to utilize a manus, take tegument malignant neoplastic disease or shut an unfastened lesion, or subtle like decorative or skin surgery or nose job for a immature adult female etc. Although some people argue cosmetic surgery has many risks, including pain, it can also benefit how people feel about themselves, such as confidence, and it can change how they interact with people. Plastic surgery is not limited to correcting minor scars anymore but instead now it is also possible to change literally any aspect of physical appearance. It depends on how people choose it to be.


55 Plastic Surgery Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

plastic surgery good or bad essay

When one does not like a body part, cosmetic surgery can quickly be considered as a solution. Do non put on the line yourself merely to heighten your externally visual aspect to acquire mental pleasance. The motive for surgery is changing. People will be much better off learning to love their imperfect bodies for what they are. Some reasoning behind individuals getting plastic surgery is to fix a birth defect, deformability, or for cosmetic purposes.


Argumentative Essay On Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery good or bad essay

Although banning Non-medical cosmetic surgery would be considered as a violation of human rights and would anger people who believes it raises self-confidence, it should be done as it is a waste of money and time, has severe medical complications, and presents the patient as a person with weak personality. Starting with the history of cosmetic surgery and why it is around, leading into the basis of the argument and an explanation of the definitions that need to be defined. Despite the purpose behind the plastic surgery, there are serious disadvantages that must be considered before having surgery Holley, 2013. In its place is a mask of un-beauty. Although there are some side affects to plastic surgery, some people don't realize that there is many ways it can help.


Plastic Surgery Persuasive Essay Sample

plastic surgery good or bad essay

Critics considered his disfigured African features as a violation of nature and unusual act which negates the essential Plastic Surgery Should Not Be Banned Essay Plastic surgery is concerned with reconstruction, restoration, corrrection, or improvement in shape and appearance of the body structures that are defective, damaged or misshapen by injury, disease or growth and development. These procedures can be very painful and cost thousands of dollars, and yet the end to the trend seems to be nowhere in sight. Plastic surgery is not always women who suffer low Cyrano's Character In 'The Three Musketeers' 1721 Words 7 Pages 15. It may seem like it is a great idea at the time, but once the person changes what they do not like about themselves, they will find another thing that causes them to get cosmetic plastic surgery again. Other than that, Naturea clinic have to meet the minimum legal requirements by providing goods or services.


Effects Of Plastic Surgery Essay

plastic surgery good or bad essay

After the nose surgery operation, Chris perceive that there was some pain and discomfort after the surgery operation within a couple of week. And last talk about the pros and cons of getting cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery can be defined as the operative procedure as improvement of appearance is the principal purpose Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions, 2012. The manager and employees of Naturea clinic participate in voluntary and charitable activities within their local communities. It also shows there are many ways to look at the phenomenon, because it focuses on more than one aspect. This causes people to undergo plastic surgery.
