Persuasive paragraph writing. 9.4: Writing Skills 2022-10-16

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A persuasive paragraph is a type of writing that aims to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view or to take a specific action. It is a crucial component of many types of writing, such as academic essays, business proposals, and marketing materials.

Effective persuasive paragraph writing requires a clear and concise structure, strong evidence, and persuasive language. Here are some tips to help you write a compelling persuasive paragraph:

  1. Start with a strong hook. This could be a quote, a statistic, or a rhetorical question that grabs the reader's attention and sets the tone for the rest of the paragraph.

  2. Clearly state your position. The first sentence of your paragraph should clearly and concisely state the point you are trying to make.

  3. Provide evidence to support your position. This could be examples, statistics, expert testimony, or other types of evidence that support your argument. Make sure to use credible sources and to clearly explain how the evidence supports your position.

  4. Address counterarguments. It is important to anticipate and address any potential counterarguments to your position. This shows that you have thought critically about the issue and helps to strengthen your argument.

  5. Use persuasive language. Choose words and phrases that are emotive and impactful, and avoid using language that is overly technical or jargon-filled.

  6. Conclude with a call to action. End your paragraph with a strong statement that encourages the reader to take some kind of action, whether it be to adopt your point of view or to take a specific course of action.

By following these tips, you can write persuasive paragraphs that effectively convince your readers to accept your position and take the desired action.

30 Prompts for a Persuasive Paragraph, Essay, or Speech

persuasive paragraph writing

These are the main elements of a persuasive paragraph. By the concluding sentence, the writer should convince the reader to agree with the argument of the paragraph. Designed for third and fourth graders, this worksheet is an engaging way to teach students how to plan and structure nonfiction writing. How to Compose a Good Persuasive Paragraph A good persuasive paragraph is one with a clear structure that can be easily followed. Now that your ideas are in place, you can focus on grammar, spelling, word choice, and punctuation.


Browse Printable Persuasive Writing Worksheets

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Just as your body sentences strive to present the significance of each fact or quote you use, your concluding sentence should sum up the significance of your argument. Also, it is important not to rely too heavily on dictionary definitions, especially in your thesis. Example: Considering the dropout rate of high-schoolers in Canada, it is apparent that schools are not addressing the social conditions that lead students to fail. If this is not treated, it can contain bacteria that are dangerous to marine life. That's what creative writing is all about! They are different from report writing in that reports simply describe what was found during research efforts, while arguments try to convince others that one view is right and should be accepted. Nevertheless, simply having a viewpoint and supporting evidence is still not enough to write a strong persuasive paragraph.


9.4: Writing Skills

persuasive paragraph writing

People love to hear stories with a good lesson at the end of them. Another common—though often forgotten—component of an introductory sentence is the refutation of counterarguments. Look at the following examples of persuasive paragraphs. Second, recycling is expensive. Body: Information on each point you're making.


4.4: Writing Skills

persuasive paragraph writing

Persuasive paragraphs take a stand on an issue and cite reasons to support that claim. First, recycling is difficult. Organization is the key to any well-developed paragraph. Summary - provides a brief overview of the essay's content including its main ideas and conclusions. Simply establish your position on a certain issue and then reinforce your position with external facts or proof on a regular basis. Hence, it is important to restate the thesis statement at the beginning of the sentence in order to remind the reader of your argument.


Write a Persuasive Paragraph: Social Media

persuasive paragraph writing

Likewise, if you base your argument on a generalization or stereotype—something which your audience will likely disagree with—your entire argument will lose credit or validity. Since the aim of writing persuasive paragraphs is to convince someone to accept a point of view or perform an action, the negotiation skills your child picks up at home or on the playground will make them effective persuasive writers at school. When inexperienced climbers are on the mountain, it slows everyone down, leaving them exposed to dangers for longer. Understanding The Basics Of Writing Persuasive Paragraphs From an early age, your child may learn from TV shows and movies how they can persuade someone to do something. Introductory sentences state the thesis. Finally, the paragraph ends with a concluding statement, where the writer restates the topic and briefly summarizes the reasons for their viewpoint. In the example paragraph, the writer lists a number of medical conditions that can arise when climbing at high altitudes.


3.4 Persuasive Paragraphs

persuasive paragraph writing

What is a persuasive essay and examples thereof? The recycling centre has to pay people to handle the large amounts of recycled material coming in. Persuasive paragraphs often include a topic, a body and a concluding or closing sentence. Interestingly, this statement seems to be saying two things at once: that the movie is bad and that the movie is good. Enforcing immigration laws would help prevent the exploitation of foreign workers who are willing to accept lower wages than Americans will go along with. A persuasive paragraph attempts to persuade the reader that a specific point of view is worth considering. The beginning of In addition to being clear and concise, the opening should also grab readers' interest.


What Is a Persuasive Paragraph and Examples?

persuasive paragraph writing

. Writing a strong persuasive paragraph by providing supporting evidence and a viewpoint is not necessarily enough. Conclusion: A summary of the information presented in the essay. No one really knows what to recycle and what to throw in the garbage. Thus, you must repeat the quotation-explanation-significance formula several times within your body sentences to argue the one subpoint indicated in your topic sentence.


Understanding The Basics Of Writing Persuasive Paragraphs

persuasive paragraph writing

Body Sentences In a persuasive paragraph, the body sentences are where the writer has the opportunity to argue their viewpoint. Remember that your job is to convince the reader that you are right and other people are wrong. Below, the main jobs of the introductory sentence are described and explained in detail. Gradually, they may even learn to substantiate their requests by giving you reasons to accede. This is not good for the economy. Other dangers to health include hypothermia, frostbite, delirium, and snow blindness.


Persuasive Paragraph Writing Lesson Plans & Worksheets

persuasive paragraph writing

Significance 1 to 3 sentences Writing an essay in this order will ensure that the body paragraph argues the point which the writer is trying to make. Just as the top triangle comes to a point before leading into the blocks, your introductory sentence should make your thesis before your paragraph jumps to the supporting sentences. Since the introductory sentence contains the thesis statement, or the core argument and purpose of the paragraph, introductory sentences are essential to the overall success of the paragraph. The opening to your persuasive essay should give background information on the issue you're discussing as well as a summary of your perspective on it. Much like the introductory sentence that precedes it, your concluding sentence should restate your thesis statement and the main argument of your paragraph, allowing your paragraph to end on a firm base.


persuasive paragraph writing

Or should only one group be monitored? In order for your argument to appear strong, and in order for your audience to know that you considered the arguments against your claim, it is essential to refute or disprove counterarguments arguments against your thesis in your introductory sentence. The following is an example of a persuasive paragraph that argues for the importance of paragraph organization. Think about your topic—what do you want to say about it? Most arguments cannot be made without at least some background information. What are the paragraph's most persuasive points? First, learn how to organize your ideas so they make sense and are easy to follow. Why, or why not? The main aim of a persuasive paragraph is to make an effective argument. A persuasive paragraph states and supports an opinion.
