Panic disorder research paper. Panic Disorder Essay Examples 2022-11-08

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Panic disorder is a common and often debilitating mental health condition characterized by recurrent panic attacks and a fear of future attacks. These panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear or discomfort that can include physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, and dizziness. People with panic disorder often worry excessively about having another panic attack and may avoid situations that they believe could trigger one.

Recent research has shown that panic disorder is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Studies have identified certain genetic markers that may increase the risk of developing panic disorder, and people with a family history of the condition may be more likely to develop it themselves. Environmental factors, such as stress or trauma, may also play a role in the development of panic disorder.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is currently considered the most effective treatment for panic disorder. CBT involves working with a therapist to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to panic attacks. In addition, medication such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be prescribed to help reduce the frequency and severity of panic attacks.

While the effectiveness of CBT and medication in the treatment of panic disorder has been well established, there is still much research being done to improve our understanding of the condition and to develop new treatment approaches. One area of active research is the use of virtual reality therapy to help people with panic disorder learn coping skills and exposure to panic-provoking situations in a controlled environment.

Other areas of ongoing research include the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to alter brain activity in areas associated with panic disorder and the investigation of the role of inflammation in the development and maintenance of panic disorder.

Overall, the research on panic disorder has made significant progress in improving our understanding of the condition and in developing effective treatment approaches. While more work is needed to fully understand and address the complex issues involved in panic disorder, current treatments offer hope and relief for those who struggle with this condition.

Panic Disorder Research Papers

panic disorder research paper

Also, once their sudden, unpredictable episodes of terror i. Despite the relatively great amount of studies on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy, questions still remain about the levels of effectiveness for different disorders, about the effects of. Their side effects are less disagreeable, and these medications begin to exert their antipanic effects within days of commencing treatment in contrast to imipramine, which often takes weeks before benefits begin to appear. A reanalysis of the ECA data suggested that the presence of comorbid disorders that independently increase risk for suicide attempt e. Psychological Aspects of Panic VIII. Surprisingly, however, the ECA team reported that only 7% of the subjects diagnosed with agoraphobia also had panic disorder. Despite their claims of lack of improvement, patients were no longer experiencing these terrifying episodes of suddenly feeling on the brink of death.


Panic Disorder Research Paper

panic disorder research paper

Chicago Style"Panic Disorder Current Research. Klein subsequently delineated three types of panic attack. However, no matter the negative impact of the conditions on the life of individuals, these type of phobias are treatable through different approaches such as medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. Anxious children, however, more often chose avoidant solutions, whereas oppositional children more often chose aggressive solutions. This paper examines the panic disorder and its biological foundation that relates with the disorder and symptoms. As the skeletal muscles tense, blood is diverted from the stomach which can cause nausea. Psychological Medicine, 44 3 , 607-616.


Panic Disorder Research Paper Examples

panic disorder research paper

This is associated to mental condition hence most effective procedures are undergoing therapy under a qualified and knowledgeable psychologist. These studies imply that a fearful response to challenge is a marker for the fear of symptoms rather than a marker for panic disorder per se. A purpose of this research is to identify procedures that will reliably initiate attacks in the laboratory that strongly resemble spontaneous panic attacks. When an individual experiences a situation that causes severe pain that exposes him or her to his or her phobia, results to death of his or her beloved, panic attacks may result after especially if psychological advice is not adhered to by the patient. But it became apparent that the motivation for avoidance was fear of panicking in situations where escape was not easy or help readily available.


Panic Disorder Research Paper Examples That Really Inspire

panic disorder research paper

That is, people with panic disorder seem characterized by cognitive biases favoring the interpretation of threat. These recorded episodes have indicated that panics do, indeed, begin abruptly, as patients say, and are marked by increases in heart rate, skin conductance i. The heart begins pumping faster, sending blood to priority portions of the body. As Klein observed, such apparent paradoxes are common in nonpsychiatric medicine. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America n. Panic Disorder profoundly disrupts the ordinary life of the victim.


Term Paper: Panic Disorder Current Research

panic disorder research paper

And as stated previously, most people will not seek treatment or support, but doing this is one of the most important steps towards minimizing the number and severity of panic attacks. That is, recurrent spontaneous panics are insufficient for the diagnosis of panic disorder: the person must also alter his or her life to accommodate the attacks, develop a chronic fear of the attacks, or both. Bacterial pneumonia and the common cold are respiratory disorders that share many symptoms, and although the former might be mistaken for a severe form of the latter, antibiotics are effective against bacterial pneumonia but are useless against the common cold. Statistics indicate that there is a tendency of the panic attacks to be hereditary since people of the same families have been observed to depict this condition over generations. It is a chain of events that occur inside the body in which adrenalin fires up the body.


Panic Disorder Essay Examples

panic disorder research paper

The blood decreases in the arms and legs, gathering in the head and trunk. Because classic panic attacks occur unpredictably, they have rarely been captured in the psychophysiology laboratory. Some panickers become agoraphobic within days of their first attack; others become increasingly agoraphobic over weeks, months, and years; and still others never become agoraphobic. . Finally, other studies have shown that panic patients exhibit superior memory for words related to anxiety and threat. These individuals complain of sudden rushes of somatic symptoms identical to those of panic attacks, but do not experience fearful thoughts about imminent death and so forth. Panic attacks can be accounted for through other conditions that have similar recurrent behavior like the panic disorder, namely social phobia; where individual fears social circumstances, obsessive-compulsive disorder; an individual becomes obsessed with certain things or people such that he or she gets recurrent attacks.


Research paper about Panic Disorder Essay Example

panic disorder research paper

CBT may also work in the form of family therapy whereby family is involved in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Although controlled research on the treatment of panic disorder with SSRIs has only recently begun, the consensus among psychopharmacologists is that SSRIs are the drug treatment of choice for panic disorder. Spontaneous panic attacks are sudden, unexpected surges of terror accompanied by intense especially cardiorespiratory symptoms. This memory bias for threat appears enhanced when patients are in a state of physiological arousal. Article Summaries Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorders affecting up to 13.


Panic Attacks Research Paper

panic disorder research paper

Panic attacks are characterized by symptoms indicative of massive autonomic arousal associated with norepinephrine surges, thereby implying an instability in the noradrenergic system. Some clinicians next train patients to use symptom or panic management techniques. Because of this their treatment method is also vastly different, one significant one is self — coping strategies. Biological challenge tests produce intense bodily sensations, and incite panic attacks far more often in panic patients than in patients with other disorders or in healthy subjects. Words: 1744 Pages: 6 4360 Fear and anxiety are a part of life.


Anxiety Disorders Research Paper

panic disorder research paper

Thus, if patients always sit down when becoming dizzy and panicky, they will never learn that their feared catastrophe of collapse never occurs. When a teen gets many panic attacks he or she may start worrying about having another panic attack. These studies suggest that panic disorder is characterized by biases for selectively attending to threat cues. Initial panic attacks establish certain bodily sensations e. Alternatively, our expert Disorders have been present as long as the existence of human kinds. Panic Attack Variants IV.


panic disorder research paper

It can occur for a number of reasons — pregnancy Claesson et al. Panic disorder cannot be treated in the laboratories hence psychiatrists interview and assess the person manually. For example, a person with a fear of driving automobiles will tend to experience panic attacks more often while driving than while doing other things, but driving does not invariably cause panics. These conditions include; overactive thyroid gland Hyperthyroidism , low blood sugar in the body Hypoglycemia , minor problems with the heart valves not being able to close normally Mitral valve prolapse and medication withdrawal. It is conceptually and empirically distinguishable from trait anxiety. This is often an out of proportion response to a non-threatening situation.
