Pacific oil company case negotiation. Pacific Oil Case Study Negotiation 2022-10-14

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The Pacific Oil Company case is a classic example of a negotiation scenario in which the interests of two parties are at odds. On one side is the Pacific Oil Company, a large and influential energy corporation that is seeking to expand its operations into a new region. On the other side is a local community that is concerned about the environmental and social impacts of the company's proposed project.

At the heart of the Pacific Oil Company case is a fundamental disagreement about the value of the proposed project. For the Pacific Oil Company, the project represents a significant opportunity for growth and profits. The company sees the new region as a promising source of oil and gas, and is eager to tap into this potential.

However, for the local community, the potential risks of the project far outweigh any potential benefits. The community is concerned about the environmental impacts of the company's operations, including the potential for air and water pollution, as well as the impact on local wildlife and habitats.

Given these conflicting interests, it is clear that a successful negotiation will require both parties to find a way to bridge their differences and reach a mutually acceptable solution. This will likely involve a series of compromises and concessions on both sides, as each party seeks to protect its own interests while also taking into account the concerns of the other.

One potential approach to resolving the Pacific Oil Company case might involve the company agreeing to implement a series of environmental safeguards and mitigation measures in order to address the concerns of the local community. This could include measures such as using more advanced technologies to reduce emissions and minimize the impact on local ecosystems, or committing to ongoing monitoring and reporting on the environmental impacts of the project.

In return, the local community might agree to allow the Pacific Oil Company to proceed with its project, perhaps in exchange for some form of compensation or benefit. This could include things like financial contributions to support local environmental initiatives, or the creation of new jobs and economic opportunities for the community.

Ultimately, the key to a successful negotiation in the Pacific Oil Company case will be finding a way to balance the interests of both parties in a way that is fair and mutually beneficial. This will require a willingness to listen to the concerns and perspectives of both sides, and to explore creative solutions that can address the needs of both the company and the local community.

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pacific oil company case negotiation

. This can however be explored to mutual satisfaction. Meredith had told Kelsey about the discussion with Saunders, and he had assumed that Fontaine had gone ahead and conceded on the two contract clauses that had been discussed. . Case Study 2: Pacific Oil Company PROC 5840: Pacific Oil Case Study 30 Sep 2013 Abstract This paper assesses a negotiation between Pacific Oil Company, a seller of vinyl chloride monomer VCM , and Reliant Chemical Company, a buyer of VCM. Once in the heat of negotiation, it can be too late to try to catch-up on planning which failed to occur before the negotiation process began.


Proc 5840 Pacific Oil Case Study

pacific oil company case negotiation

Fonatine, Guadin, Hauptmann, and Zinnser as negotiations in this case. Weaknesses The outcome of the negotiation is more important than the relationship. . With an increasing emphasis on the environmental issues and the need for cleaner energy, the LNG market is expected to expand at even higher rate in the coming years. The major issues of price, minimum quantities, and contract duration had been solved. .


Pacific Oil Case Study

pacific oil company case negotiation

It stretches 1,800 nautical miles from Sumatra to Taiwan and is home to four principal island groups. . . All in all, Fontaine was obliged to resolving certain actions to bring the negotiations to a halt. Narayan 2 Introduction The most important sea-lane of communication SLOC in the Southeast Asian region is the Straits of Malacca, the main passage between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. . There was an important factor that Coke disregard the changing of environment, used the same organization in New… Microsoft Ballmer And Nokia Essay However, they chose not to reconsider their investments in SMT, even though by this time IT specialists engaged in the project began to leave due to its complexity and ambiguousness.


Pacific oil company case negotiation Free Essays

pacific oil company case negotiation

After a number of delays due to conflicting market research and changes in senior management, as well as the general uncertainty in the petroleum and chemical markets, Pacific had decided not to develop its own product lines for either PVC or fabricated products. Emotion in negotiation is one of the styles used in the case. . . New York: Penguin Books. .


Team Negotiation Case.

pacific oil company case negotiation

In case of any issue inform me immediately. As a result, he had given Fontaine the goahead to agree to these clauses in the new contract. But Hauptmann was adamant and left Paris saying he needed to consult Zinnser and others in Brussels and the States before he could revise his minimum quantity estimates upward. . Pacific assumed that the new contract would be signed with no major hurdles or objectives, and that the dominant point of negotiation would be price.


Pacific Oil Company Case Study Final

pacific oil company case negotiation

. Pacific Oil just expected that Reliant Chemical would stay with them because of their long relationship but this was not the case and this should never be expected because most of the time people are looking out for themselves, so you can expect someone or a company to. . According to The New York Times, economists are sharply split over the positive and negative effects of TPP, and both "opponents and supporters of the trade accord have quickly seized upon whichever analysis buttressed their own views. I can see your point of view. Because of this, Pacific Oil Company was not prepared to address the concerns and requests that Reliant brought up during the negotiation.


Pacific Oil Case Study Negotiation

pacific oil company case negotiation

In addition, Pacific is also one of the largest and best-known worldwide producers of industrial petrochemicals. Gaudin and Fontaine assumed that even with a fluctuation with price; Reliant would sign a new because of their established relationship Pacific Oil. Pacific had developed a matrix organization. . . Increased number of orders necessitated the mixing of combined feedstock together with distinct structural characteristic. Both Pacific Oil and Reliant Chemical had previously enjoyed a collaborative relationship.


The Pacific Oil Case: Conflict Management and Negotiation

pacific oil company case negotiation

Pacific Oil demonstrated a decision making biases, which involves what is called framing. . In order to ensure that Reliant would be assured of a continued supply of VCM, under the favorable terms and working relationship that was already well established, Pacific hoped that Reliant might be willing to begin talks now for contract extension past December 31, 1987. Pacific oil was in need of a supplier for VCM in order to produce PVC, navigating a VCM market surplus, and how to navigate the start ups of various businesses. As a result, Reliant wanted to make a commitment for only a two-year contract renewal. Table of contents Identify the strengths and weaknesses of Fontaine's and Gaudin's negotiating strategy in their deliberations with Reliant Chemical Company. Once these projections were received, Fontaine and Gaudin would frame the basic formula price that they would offer.
