Original short story examples. Examples of Short Stories for All Ages 2022-10-22

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Original short stories are a wonderful way for writers to flex their creative muscles and explore new ideas. They allow for a more focused and concise exploration of a specific theme or concept, and can be a great way to engage readers in a shorter format. In this essay, we will take a look at some examples of original short stories that showcase the diversity and creativity of this literary form.

One example of an original short story is "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. This classic story explores the concept of tradition and the dangers of blindly following the status quo. Set in a small, seemingly idyllic town, the story follows the annual tradition of the lottery, in which a member of the community is selected to be sacrificed to ensure a good harvest. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the lottery is not only barbaric, but also completely unnecessary, as the town has access to modern farming techniques. Jackson's story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of blindly following tradition and the importance of questioning the status quo.

Another example of an original short story is "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. This story explores the theme of gender roles and the suppression of women's creativity and autonomy. The narrator of the story is a woman who is confined to her bedroom by her husband, who believes that rest and confinement will cure her "temporary nervous depression." As the story progresses, the narrator becomes increasingly obsessed with the yellow wallpaper in her room, seeing figures and patterns in the design that symbolize her own repressed creativity and desire for freedom. Gilman's story is a powerful critique of the societal expectations placed on women and the devastating consequences of restricting their freedom and agency.

A third example of an original short story is "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut. This story is set in a dystopian future where everyone is made "equal" by being forced to wear handicaps that negate their natural abilities and talents. The protagonist of the story is Harrison Bergeron, a genius who is repeatedly thwarted by the government's efforts to keep him "equal" to the rest of society. As the story unfolds, Harrison becomes increasingly disillusioned with this forced equality and ultimately rebels against the government, with tragic consequences. Vonnegut's story is a commentary on the dangers of conformity and the importance of individuality and self-expression.

These are just a few examples of the wide range of original short stories that are out there. From Shirley Jackson's exploration of tradition and conformity to Charlotte Perkins Gilman's critique of gender roles, to Kurt Vonnegut's dystopian vision of forced equality, these stories showcase the diverse themes and ideas that can be explored in this literary form. Whether you are a writer looking for inspiration or a reader looking for something new to enjoy, original short stories offer something for everyone.

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The story follows the decline of her mental health, represented by her increasing obsession with the yellow wallpaper that adorned her room. If paraphrased words or ideas from a short story are included in your work, simply include a reference entry at the end before works cited. They will all serve you well. See what creative energy you can unleash when you combine different scenarios or tropes and give them your own unique spin. However, not everyone will agree about whether it should be categorized as fine art because of its purposeful ambiguity concerning certain details such as which characters are meant to represent real-life historical figures and whether or not they were actually based on specific individuals.


43 of the Most Iconic Short Stories in the English Language ‹ Literary Hub

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Rochester reunite and are able to marry, once and for all. Then things start to get interesting. The falling action and resolution take place when we see that the officials don't want that to happen and instead declare them both victorious. That said, how well do we get to know the characters as a whole? And if it is real, what will he do to defend himself? Narrative Short Story Examples Literature is full of short stories. The Secret to Choosing the Best Story Idea Stories, more than any other artistic expression, have the power to make people care. A headless corpse is found in a freshly-dug grave in Arkansas.


Examples of Short Stories : Many Short Stories are here for your enrichment.

original short story examples

Film adaptations and catchy, reworkable titles help. In a climactic moment, Harry and his friends defeat an evil troll released by Professor Snape. How would they have responded if they were exposed to someone who held beliefs that were at odds with their own values and sense of self-identity? You may also enjoy Favorite Fairy Tales, Books for Young Readers, Children's Poems, Lullabies and Short Stories for Students The Tale of Peter Rabbit The Elves and the Shoemaker The Bogey-Beast Winnie The Pooh My Father's Dragon St. They also cut to the chase and establish and resolve conflict. Point of view should also be clear and easy to understand for the reader. The best stories are those which have strong, dynamic characters. Are they forced to execute an acquaintance or better yet: a loved one , igniting a long-suppressed desire to turn their sword on their ruler instead? How does it prepare you for what is to come in this particular story? Do you have anything else to add regarding its significance, or do you believe it is self-explanatory without any additional commentary? How do you create an outline, come up with a great plot, and then actually finish it? A sudden rash of break-ins brings her to his store over and over and over again, until it becomes obvious that he might be tripping the alarm on purpose—just to see her.


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But in the end, for better or for worse, you know it when you see it. Even better if the list of ideas is curated from our best plot ideas over the last decade that we've been publishing lessons, writing exercises, and prompts. Given the unsavoury nature of the profession, no one ever put their hand up to do this job. Some of them go to church, and at least 45 or so belong to their little community Southern Baptist church. Fiona and her new motherly acquaintance might have settled into a steady rhythm of Sunday dinners by now.


Examples of Short Stories for All Ages

original short story examples

How do these incongruences make you feel about them as a whole positively or negatively? How do these differences influence your interpretation of their behavior throughout the course of this short story or novel? Comparison Essay on Two 2 Short Stories Comparison essay is an essential part of academic writing. In what ways might it have influenced how you perceive certain details as being more relevant than others, especially when compared to other genres or works of fiction which rely on a similar technique to tell their stories? If the book is well written and an enjoyable read, publishers may look past some unconventional elements. There are aunts, uncles, cousins, disowned brothers and sisters… Any one of these might never see the inside of a throne room — so why bother with a protagonist 300th in line to the throne? The daily life of school, complete with conflicts between teachersand students and budding romance, makes the story zigzag towards its end and avoid overemphasizing the more clichéd elements of the plot such as a central villain seeking immortality. The story focuses on the importance of freedom and identity. Or anyone who could crack Ulysses too.


Fun and Creative Narrative Short Story Examples

original short story examples

The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins In The Hunger Games by These battles reach their climax when Katniss is tied in the competition with one of the other representatives from another district. All publication information goes after a forward slash — reference books will often include page numbers for you to use as well. If the beginning hooked readers in, then the end must leave them satisfied and fulfilled. What larger message might the author be trying to convey by incorporating these similarities into each story? While novels are 200-400 pages on average, short stories tell a complete story in 10,000 words or less. There, we meet the main character, understand she's in a new country, and will watch her push to overcome the trials and tribulations that come from each of these new elements. When citing or referencing a short story in an essay or other written work, you must include all relevant information about the author and title of the story as well as identifying any additional information specific to your usage.


10 Excellent Short Stories for High School Students

original short story examples

Short Stories for Children Please enjoy these great stories, fairy-tales, fables, and nursery rhymes for children. Because of this, it may be worth experimenting with a few short story types and learning more on the way. Just as there are many avenues for action and conflict, there are many ways to bring a story to a climax. Rising Action In the rising action, we watch a series of events unfold. As a literary form, this genre can be a little hard to pin down. Mystery writer Dan Rodriguez takes the subway every day. Or, with regard to her book, perhaps she submits it to her agent and it's torn to shreds.


Plot of a Story Examples

original short story examples

Does this collection ever take on any unexpected levels of depth or does it present everything in-between its covers clearly and concisely, while still making you think about them for hours after finishing each one? Although resolution is achieved when Harry secures the Stone, the series is able to continue on with six more books. You can leave some thoughts with your readers by adding an element of mystery, something that makes them think back on the entire narrative. The characters in a short story are not just going through their life as we did, but sometimes experience a drama within them. Then when your creativity is warmed up, you'll start to come up with your own ideas! My favorite version is, of course, O. This would be boring if the progression to the final conflict felt very linear. Our planet was wrecked in the great Crisis of 3500, and remaining human civilization survives only in a half dozen giant domed cities. Look, if you can, for Sharon Miles, visible only out of the corner of your eye or… in the Twilight Zone.
