Only a woman. Only a Woman (song) 2022-10-09

Only a woman Rating: 9,5/10 329 reviews

John Barth's "The Funhouse" is a postmodern novel that plays with the conventions of the traditional narrative structure and challenges the reader's expectations. The novel is structured as a series of interconnected stories that revolve around the theme of the funhouse, a place where reality is distorted and the boundaries between illusion and reality are blurred.

The novel follows the lives of a group of characters who are all connected to the funhouse in some way. There is the protagonist, Billy, who works as a carnival barker and is obsessed with the funhouse; his ex-girlfriend, Amy, who is a painter and has a tumultuous relationship with Billy; and a variety of other characters who work at or visit the funhouse.

One of the main themes of "The Funhouse" is the idea of identity and how it can be shaped and altered by external influences. The funhouse, with its distorted mirrors and trick doors, serves as a metaphor for the ways in which society and culture can distort our sense of self. The characters in the novel struggle with finding their own identities and often feel trapped by the roles that society has assigned to them.

Another theme of the novel is the role of storytelling and how it shapes our understanding of the world. The novel is full of stories within stories, as the characters recount their own experiences and interpret the events of their lives. These stories often contradict each other and blur the line between truth and fiction, challenging the reader to question the reliability of the narrators and the veracity of their tales.

Overall, "The Funhouse" is a complex and thought-provoking novel that invites the reader to consider the nature of reality and the power of storytelling. It is a testament to Barth's skill as a writer and his ability to craft a narrative that is both intellectually stimulating and highly entertaining.

Enrique Iglesias

only a woman

Peter won the fifth in eleven, and James the sixth in ten. And at various points within your line of vision are the third tee, the sixth tee, and the sinister bunkers about the eighth green--none of them lacking in food for the reflective mind. And once, at a picnic, I observed her killing wasps with a teaspoon, and was impressed by the freedom of the wrist-action of her back-swing. It presents no difficulties to the expert, but it has pitfalls for the novice. Involving herself in her patients love life add more complications.


Only a Woman (1962)

only a woman

My friends tell me that, when I am relating a story, my language is inclined at times a little to obscure my meaning; but, if you understand from what I have been saying that James Todd and Peter Willard both fell in love with the same woman--all right, let us carry on. Both men were thinking. Do not misunderstand me. If you want me, you'll find me somewhere about. We must find out definitely which of us is to have that sweater. But he did not waver.


A Woman is Only a Woman

only a woman

Beyond this, I can say little. It was during the long hours of the night, when ideas so often come to wakeful men, that James was struck by an admirable solution of his and Peter's difficulty. You might easily beat me. As it was, the two men staggered out on to the fairway again with a score of eight apiece. He was in no mood to read MacBean's masterpiece that night. MacBean driving would give him the mastery of the stroke and so enable him to win the match.


Only a Woman by Francis Carco

only a woman

What he felt was not altogether loathing and not wholly pity. Her eyes are blue. It is on this terrace that the Oldest Member sits, watching the younger generation knocking at the divot. Do not misunderstand me. Then, without a word, James Todd turned and tottered away. At present we've got each other stymied.


Only a Woman (song)

only a woman

The girl seemed to like them both equally. That is where the artist has the advantage over the historian. It is a vantage-point peculiarly fitted to the man of philosophic mind: for from it may be seen that varied, never-ending pageant, which men call Golf, in a number of its aspects. James asked how Peter's headache was, and Peter said it was a little better. Willard left me without a word in the middle of our conversation. How can I thank you? He mopped his forehead.


Mary Black

only a woman

They met at tea-time at Miss Forrester's house. The fact that James and Peter, lying side by side in the same bunker, had played respectively one and six shots, might have induced an unthinking observer to fancy the chances of the former. I've seen it in the movies. Now, how would it be," said Peter, abstractedly spreading marmalade on his bacon, "if we were to play an eighteen-hole match, the loser to leg out of the neighbourhood and stay away long enough to give the winner the chance to find out exactly how things stood? James, who had the honour, shook visibly as he addressed his ball. Who can trace to its first beginnings the love of Damon for Pythias, of David for Jonathan, of Swan for Edgar? What does it matter where a man lives? I have heard the point argued a hundred times without any conclusion being reached.


A Woman is Only a Woman

only a woman

We must find out definitely which of us is to have that sweater. Right at the beginning young Freddie Woosley had seemed attracted by the girl, and had called once or twice with flowers and chocolates, but Freddie's affections never centred themselves on one object for more than a few days, and he had dropped out after the first week. At your side is the ninth green, with its sinuous undulations which have so often wrecked the returning traveller in sight of home. This is the sort of thing you read about in books. That is precisely what I was driving at.


Mary Black

only a woman

James, who had the honour, shook visibly as he addressed his ball. I haven't had a good night's rest for weeks. Grace is not the woman to want me to drop my bachelor friends. I mean I did it in one better than even the finest player is supposed to do it. You didn't happen by any chance to be watching us? Peter, meanwhile, had popped up a lofty ball which came to rest behind a stone. I sha'n't waste any time proposing. That was the view that James Todd and Peter Willard took of it, and they used to call on Grace, watch her knitting, and come away with their heads full of complicated calculations.


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only a woman

Scott shoots him in long shots, lost almost in the lush production design, to maximize his isolation. She said she thought it was the silliest game ever invented. They watched each other like hawks. But she must have been attractive, for there can be no doubt of the earnestness with which both Peter and James fell in love with her. The whole thing hung on one point--to wit, what size the sweater was going to be. He just turned on his heel and swung off. If it was large, then it must be for Peter; if small, then James was the lucky man.
