Nicolas de ovando biography. The Early Trans 2022-10-22

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Nicolas de Ovando was a Spanish conquistador and colonial administrator who served as the Governor of Hispaniola (present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti) from 1502 to 1509. He is best known for his role in the colonization and exploitation of the New World, particularly in the Caribbean and Central and South America.

Born in Palencia, Spain in 1460, Ovando joined the military at a young age and participated in several campaigns in Europe before being appointed Governor of Hispaniola by King Ferdinand II of Aragon. He arrived in the New World in 1502 with a fleet of ships and a group of settlers, tasked with establishing a permanent Spanish settlement on the island.

During his tenure as Governor, Ovando implemented a number of measures aimed at consolidating Spanish control over the island and its resources. He established a system of encomiendas, which granted Spanish settlers the right to work indigenous people as forced labor on their estates, and implemented a policy of forced conversion to Christianity. Ovando also ordered the construction of a number of forts and other defensive structures to protect against attacks from indigenous groups and European rivals.

Despite his efforts to solidify Spanish control over Hispaniola, Ovando faced a number of challenges during his time as Governor. He struggled to maintain good relations with the indigenous population, who resisted Spanish attempts to convert them to Christianity and exploit their labor. Ovando also had to deal with frequent attacks from other European powers, including France and England, which sought to establish their own colonies in the region.

Despite these challenges, Ovando was able to establish a strong Spanish presence on the island, laying the foundation for further colonization and exploitation in the New World. He returned to Spain in 1509, where he was appointed to a number of high-ranking positions in the Spanish government. Ovando died in 1518, leaving behind a legacy as one of the key figures in the early years of Spanish colonization in the New World.

Nicolas de Ovando

nicolas de ovando biography

To become this site's editor or a contributor Nicolas de Ovando OVANDO, Nicolas de o-van'-do , Spanish soldier, born in Valladolid in 1460; died in Madrid in 1518. He was one of the first governors of colonized Hispaniola from 1502 until 1509. º 5814; Archivo General de Simancas, Estado, leg. Para lograrlo se adoptó el modelo castellano de la Baja Edad Media de hacer calles anchas, rectilíneas y perpendiculares. In 1509, Ovando went back to Spain where he was made Comendador Mayor "Head Commander" of the Order of Alcantara.


Nicolas de Ovando (1451 — May 29, 1511), Spanish governor

nicolas de ovando biography

He founded several cities, fostered the mining industry, introduced the cultivation of sugar-cane with plants that he brought from the Canary islands, and sent out expeditions of discovery. Ramírez, Cristian de la Oliva, Estrella Moreno y otros Website: Buscabiografias. In 1478, he was chosen as one of only ten men to accompany Prince Don Juan at the Court of Almazan. Esta iniciativa permitió que la expedición de Sebastián de Ocampo confirmara definitivamente la insularidad de Cuba. I, Madrid, Patronato de la Biblioteca Nacional, 1949, pág. After continuing to prove himself in service of the king, he was rewarded with a great honor in 1501. Ovando set his sail in 1502 with a fleet that is known to be the biggest ever to head for the New World.


Biografía de Nicolás de Ovando (Su vida, historia, bio resumida)

nicolas de ovando biography

Bush Republican Party Barack H. In 1501 he was chosen to supersede Bobadilla in the government of Hispaniola, trod on 13 February, 1502, he sailed from Spain with a fleet of thirty sail and 2,500 people, many of them persons of rank. Appleton and Company, 1887-1889 and 1999. En 1521, cuando volvió a Galicia, se casó con Isabel Cano Téllez, hija de Diego Cano, regidor cacereño. El resultado inmediato del repartimiento de indios en las Antillas no fue su cristianización, como denunció fray La labor colonizadora de Ovando fue evaluada en la época como innovadora y positiva, a pesar de las críticas de Bartolomé de las Casas, que acusaba al gobernador de haber promovido la destrucción de las Indias. The records state that there were about 500,000 Taino people residing in the area when Columbus had arrived in 1492, while the next census in 1507 shows that there were only about 60,000 of them. He was succeeded by Diego Columbus, but was permitted to retain possession of all his property.


Nicolás de Ovando — Wikipédia

nicolas de ovando biography

Para asegurar la dominación de aquella región, el Gobernador dispuso que en Higüey se fundaran las ciudades de Salvaleón y Santa Cruz de Aycayagua. Eisenhower Republican Party John F. He implemented encomienda system, where he was allegedly offering them protection and a chance to learn about the Christian civilization but was in fact brutally exploiting them. The records state that there were about 500,000 Taino people residing in the area when Columbus had arrived in 1492, while the next census in 1507 shows that there were only about 60,000 of them. . Kirkpatrick, Les Conquistadors espagnols, Éd.


Biografia de Nicolás de Ovando

nicolas de ovando biography

After numerous complaints and the scandalous arresting of Christopher Columbus, King Ferdinand decided to withdraw Francisco de Bobadilla from his position of the Governor of the Islands and the Mainland Tierra Firme in the Indies. A continuación, en la región de Jaragua, al suroeste, se crearon las ciudades de Santa María de la Vera Paz, Salvatierra de la Sabana, Santa María de la Yaguana, San Juan de la Maguana y Arzúa de Compostela. Views All actions that Ovando had done during his life were what he believed was the best for Spain. Nicolas de Ovando was a Spanish nobleman, soldier and a Governor of Hispaniola from 1502 to 1509. In 1503, Ovando even petitioned the Spanish government to ban the trans-Atlantic slave trade, arguing that if more black slaves escaped they might incite the Amerindians into open revolt. Truman Democratic Party Dwight D. Una de las primeras medidas dictadas por Ovando se orientó a contener a los indios que se habían rebelado en la región de Higüey en la época en que gobernaba Bobadilla.


The Early Trans

nicolas de ovando biography

El cacereño, Nicolás, terminó sus estudios en la Universidad de Salamanca, donde obtuvo el doctorado de Leyes. He also was a part of reforming and improving the stature of the order, becoming one of its Masters Maitre, Mestre. Se refundó la ciudad en la orilla derecha del río Ozama. Fueron escogidos por su importancia en la guerra, en los asuntos públicos, en las letras, en las artes y por su religiosidad. He decided to be merciless and suppress the rebellions by massacring the Taino natives. La actividad de su tío, su homónimo Nicolás, en América permitió que la familia se consolidase en Extremadura, donde el linaje próspero socialmente. Santiago, República Dominicana: Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra.


Nicolás de Ovando

nicolas de ovando biography

Un año después del enlace matrimonial y gracias al mismo, Ovando obtuvo un regimiento de carácter perpetuo en Cáceres. Any official or affiliated sites that are related to this subject will be hyper linked below upon © 2000 by Evisum Inc. Hoover Republican Party Franklin D. On one occasion he imprisoned 600 Indians of Saona in a dwelling and put them to the sword. La Corona confiaba cierto número de indígenas a los colonos españoles, convirtiéndolos de esta forma en encomenderos. Le hizo ver que el Emperador había hecho notar a su hija cuando le hizo merced de la fortaleza que si ésta había de quedar en pie, era él, Ovando, quien tenía preferencia en la confirmación en el cargo. Ovando at first resisted the trans-Atlantic slave trade.


Nicolás Ovando

nicolas de ovando biography

The king was even more ambitious than Ovando about using slave labor to increase gold production, and sent one hundred black slaves from Spain directly to the governor. He was of a noble family and knight of the order of Alcantara. The situation that Ovando found once he disembarked in Santo Domingo was not good as the natives were rebelling against the Spaniards. Nombrado gobernador de las Islas y Tierra Firme el 3 de septiembre de 1501. The permission to keep all his possessions from the Indies allowed Ovando to lead a nice life after getting back to Spain. A poco de llegar la flota, un huracán destruyó la vieja ciudad de Santo Domingo.


Nicolás de Ovando — Wikipedya

nicolas de ovando biography

Su abundante trabajo como alcalde y como oidor provocó que tuviera que abandonar el regimiento perpetuo que había obtenido gracias a su matrimonio. Así se reconstruyó la ciudad de Santo Domingo, que tras ser destruida por un huracán fue trasladada a la orilla derecha del río Ozama. The most famous name was probably Francisco Pizarro, known for his conquest of the Empire of Inca which was to follow. Poco después, sospechando un posible levantamiento en el sureste de La Española liderado por la cacica Anacaona, mandó apresarla, y posteriormente dispuso su ahorcamiento. Sin embargo no habría podido ocupar dicho puesto debido a su muerte el 1 de septiembre de 1565.


nicolas de ovando biography

Anacaona was taken to Santo Domingo city and hanged some time afterward. The administration of Ovando in Hispaniola was one of great cruelty toward the Indians. We rely on volunteers to edit the historic biographies on a continual basis. Ovando was recalled in 1509 by King Ferdinand, in performance of a promise that he had made to Queen Isabella on her death-bed. Ovando envió a la zona del conflicto una expedición militar compuesta por cuatrocientos soldados que, según relata fray Bartolomé de las Casas, dieron muerte a gran cantidad de indios y destruyeron sus poblados. He decided to be merciless and suppress the rebellions by massacring the Taino natives.
