Nature versus nurture scholarly articles. The Role of Nature and Nurture for Individual Differences in Primary Emotional Systems: Evidence from a Twin Study 2022-10-15

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Nature versus nurture is a long-standing debate in the field of psychology that centers on the relative influence of genetics and the environment on human development and behavior. While it is now widely accepted that both nature and nurture play a role in shaping who we are, the specific ways in which they interact and contribute to our development and behavior are still the subject of much research and debate.

One of the main arguments in favor of the nature side of the debate is that genetics play a significant role in determining many aspects of our development and behavior. For example, research has shown that genetics can influence things like intelligence, personality, and even the likelihood of developing certain mental illnesses. This evidence suggests that our genes play a significant role in shaping who we are and how we behave.

On the other hand, proponents of the nurture side of the debate argue that the environment plays a crucial role in shaping who we are and how we behave. They point to research showing that experiences and exposures during critical periods of development can have long-lasting effects on brain development and behavior. For example, research has shown that children who grow up in disadvantaged environments or who experience abuse or neglect are at a higher risk for a variety of negative outcomes, including lower cognitive functioning and an increased risk of mental health problems.

Despite these competing arguments, it is now generally accepted that both nature and nurture play a role in human development and behavior. In fact, many researchers argue that the nature versus nurture debate is ultimately a false dichotomy, as it is likely that genetics and the environment interact in complex and nuanced ways to shape who we are.

One way that researchers have attempted to understand the interplay between nature and nurture is by studying twins. Twin studies allow researchers to compare the similarities and differences between identical twins, who share nearly all of their genetic material, and fraternal twins, who share only about half of their genetic material. By comparing the similarities and differences between these two groups of twins, researchers can begin to understand the relative influence of genetics and the environment on various traits and behaviors.

Overall, the nature versus nurture debate continues to be an important and active area of research in psychology. While it is clear that both nature and nurture play a role in human development and behavior, the specific ways in which they interact and contribute to our development and behavior are still the subject of much research and debate.

[PDF] Nature versus Nurture

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Early biological theories of crime were strongly influenced by Darwinian views of inheritance and natural selection and tended to ignore or downplay environmental influences. For the nature vs. Personality and Individual Differences, 21 5 , 803— 808. Remembered parental bonding in adult twins: Genetic and environmental influences. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 153 1 , 11— 20. Society as a whole would share the blame rather than the individual. Essentialist beliefs about homosexuality: Structure and implications for prejudice.


8 Nature vs. Nurture Articles to Support Your Persuasive Essay

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Academy of Management Journal, 34 3 , 487— 516. Genetic and environmental influences on trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: A twin study. Child Development, 54 2 , 424— 435. For simplicity, the model is shown only for one member of a pair. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Effective parenting during the early adolescent transition. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.


Full article: Nature vs. nurture is nonsense: On the necessity of an integrated genetic, social, developmental, and personality psychology

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Genetic effects on women's positive mental health: Do marital relationships and social support matter? Simulating the dynamics of genes and environment in development. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42 2 , 228— 235. A biometrical analysis of perceptions of family environment: A study of twin and singleton sibling kinships. All offspring were bears detected in Alberta. An emphasis on nature has practical detrimental consequences for individuals. American Journal of Psychiatry, 154 10 , 1398— 1404. The desire to leave a space for individual agency may be linked to the finding that emphasising nature, but never nurture, could be dangerous.


Nurtured by nature

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Influences policy profoundly and people have to be very careful. Journal of Public Health, 36 1 , 81— 91. Genes can also play a role in shaping our general life experiences. To some, these findings may seem so implausible that they call twin studies in general into question. What is the influence of nature and nurture? In the process, scientists are charting a course for policymakers and the public to better tap into the healing powers of Mother Nature.


Nature vs. nurture: Do genes influence our morals?

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Consequently, if a trait is completely heritable, we would expect MZ twins to correspond perfectly i. Choice and avoidance of everyday situations and affect congruence: Two models of reciprocal interactionism. The effect of unique experience is indicated through the degree of nonconcordance lack of similarity in both MZ and DZ twin pairs. The first two years of the project, 2011 and 2012, were primarily set-up years and included fewer visits to rub objects 2011: 2 visits Recovery Zone only, 2012: 8 visit Recovery Zone, 2 visits Support Zone. An older respondent reflects on personal experience of child rearing and asks whether nurture is influenced by nature; I think the nature nurture debate is very interesting. Development and Psychopathology, 8 4 , 667— 677. Life events, anxious depression and personality: A prospective and genetic study.


The Role of Nature and Nurture for Individual Differences in Primary Emotional Systems: Evidence from a Twin Study

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Much like the first pro-nature article above this article recognizes the interconnectedness of nature and nurture, but in this case, the environment of where a person lives is the underlying factor. To realize the twin sample, we reverted to contact information from twins who had participated in previous voluntary German twin studies e. Personality and Individual Differences, 16 4 , 571— 577. We evaluated 76 mother-offspring relationships and 119 father-offspring relationships. Like the studies quoted at the beginning of the article respondents often acknowledged the complexities as nature and nurture interact but separated them when explaining the causes of specific behaviours. Genetic and environmental influences on social support in later life: A longitudinal analysis.


Nature Versus Nurture

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Put very simply, a genetic effect is identified when there is a larger correlation in a trait between monozygotic twins compared to dizygotic twins. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 150 2 , 135— 145. Addictive Behaviors, 30 8 , 1479— 1495. American Journal of Sociology, 114 S1 , S233— S259. For most Americans, that number clocks in at more than 10 hours, according to a 2016 Nielsen Total Audience Report.


Perceptions of nature, nurture and behaviour

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

Psychological Bulletin, 126 1 , 78— 108. An effect of shared environment is found when both MZ and DZ twins have similarly strong correlations. We included in our total 28 mother-offspring and 31 father-offspring relationships after obtaining parent conflict history from Montana. Three laws of behavior genetics and what they mean. Psychological Medicine, 38 11 , 1557— 1565.


Nature vs. Nurture: Evidence for Social Learning of Conflict Behaviour in Grizzly Bears

nature versus nurture scholarly articles

The better angels of our nature: Why violence has declined. NBER working paper No. Child Development, 66 3 , 812— 829. In this article, I review research that reveals that genes affect not only our personalities, but the way that we understand and react to the social world. Nature Genetics, 45 9 , 984— 994. Consequently, it is sensible to ask how actual environments might appear heritable. Molecular Psychiatry, 12 5 , 432— 442.
