Critical analysis of such a long journey. Analysis Of Such A Long Journey By Rohinton Mistry 2022-11-06

Critical analysis of such a long journey Rating: 9,6/10 252 reviews

"Such a Long Journey" is a novel by Rohinton Mistry that tells the story of Gustad Noble, a middle-aged Parsi man living in Bombay in the 1970s. The book is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition, and offers a critical analysis of the social, political, and cultural forces that shape individuals and their communities.

One of the central themes of the novel is the idea of loyalty and betrayal. Gustad is a loyal and devoted husband, father, and friend, but he finds himself torn between his loyalty to his family and his loyalty to his country. On the one hand, he wants to do what is best for his wife and children, and protect them from the dangers and uncertainties of the world. On the other hand, he is fiercely patriotic and believes that it is his duty to defend his country against its enemies, no matter what the cost.

This conflict between personal and national loyalty is exacerbated by the political climate of the time. India is in the midst of a tumultuous period, with tensions between Hindus and Muslims threatening to boil over into violence. Gustad is caught in the middle of this tension, and is forced to choose between his loyalty to his family and his loyalty to his faith. The novel suggests that, in times of crisis, it is often difficult to navigate the complexities of personal and national loyalty, and that such choices can have far-reaching and unintended consequences.

Another theme of the novel is the idea of identity and belonging. Gustad is a Parsi, a minority group in India, and the novel explores the ways in which this identity shapes his experiences and relationships. The Parsis are a proud and distinguished community, but they are also a small and vulnerable minority, and Gustad grapples with the challenges and opportunities of being a member of this group.

One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its portrayal of the city of Bombay itself. Mistry paints a vivid and evocative portrait of the city, capturing its energy, its diversity, and its contradictions. The city is a melting pot of different cultures, religions, and languages, and Mistry shows how these differences can both enrich and divide its inhabitants.

Overall, "Such a Long Journey" is a rich and thought-provoking novel that offers a critical analysis of the social, political, and cultural forces that shape individuals and their communities. It is a powerful exploration of the human condition, and is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers.

An Analysis of Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry

critical analysis of such a long journey

For example, the mysterious parcel which he had received from his friend Major Jimmy, slowly pulled him into a government deception including threats, corruption, and robbery which turns his life into a great tragedy. The inhabitants of Khodadad building represents the unity among the Parsi community. It refers to the influence of colonialism on society and how that society dealt with the changes it experienced. Everything looked and sounded unreal. The shadowy lieutenant who serves as intermediary between Jimmy and Gustad makes clear Major Bilimoria's natural death in prison was a murder.


Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly— Views and News: ROHINTON MISTRY: Such A Long Journey (a critical study)

critical analysis of such a long journey

When James turns to go again, Mary asks him to stay since he will be leaving her for the night. In addition to this, the Khodadad building collapses. The Chapter Abstracts can be used to review what the students have read, or to prepare the students for what they will read. Such a Long Journey His first novel, Such a Long Journey portrays the common lifestyle and anxieties of the Parsi community during post-Independent India, it also explores the social, political, and cultural chaos during the early sixties and seventies. New Delhi: Sarup and Sons, 2005.


Such a Long Journey Summary & Study Guide

critical analysis of such a long journey

To God, if you to put it that way. She admits she offered it to Cathleen as thanks for accompanying her to the drugstore. Sohrab and Gustad embrace. And yet it was exactly the same kind of cheap quack who first gave you the medicine—and you never knew what it was until it was too late! However, after he died in 1953, Carlotta, claiming that her husband had orally withdrawn his prohibition shortly before his death, allowed the play to be staged by the Swedish Royal Dramatic Theatre in February 1956, to coincide with its American publication. India is like a heaven for them but they are subjected to marginalization. Canada's Best Features: Critical Essays on 15 Canadian Films. Edmund turns on his father in disgust but controls himself and asks about dinner.


An Analysis of Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry

critical analysis of such a long journey

Rohinton Mistry is one of the most prominent writers of Post-Independence India. Firstly, his friend Major Jimmy who is a gentleman and also philosopher to him, suddenly disappears from the Khodadad building. The method of presenting the subject matter by the PBD authors is systematic and simple, and the style adopted by them is lucid, flowing, facile and impeccable. He wants to confess something he should have told Edmund years before—that his inducting Edmund into his world of prostitutes, booze, and dark philosophy was a deliberate plan to destroy his one great competitor, along with the person responsible, if indirectly, for making his mother a morphine addict. He was imprisoned for four years. She renews her dreamy recollections, this time the night she first met James, the great matinee idol whom her father had befriended.


Critical Analysis of Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night

critical analysis of such a long journey

Tyrone stirs in his chair. Act 2, Scene 2 About half an hour later. Such a Long Journey. The journey of the three wise man who wants to visit the birthplace of Jesus Christ undertakes a hazardous journey and overcome many problems and difficulties in life. The shadow of the powerfully built army man who once lived in Khodadad building.


A Long Journey by Musaemura Zimunya

critical analysis of such a long journey

The brothers sit frozen in their seats. Mani Meitei notices that: though Mistry is highly imbued with an original writers imagination in the development of a flawless story in Such a Long Journey, his awareness of the contemporary social and political situation of India, particularly the period of the 1971 Indo-Pak war, is extremely exciting. Being the minority community, the Parsis feel insecured, alienated, nostalgic and feel threatened by the dominant Hindu culture. . In addition to this, the Khodadad building collapses. His writing concerns people who witness painful family dynamics and difficult social and political constraints.


Such a Long Journey Lesson Plans for Teachers

critical analysis of such a long journey

He was imprisoned for four years. Jamie inquires about the whereabouts of their mother, a topic that leads to backhanded accusations. Leaving the men instructions not to allow Edmund to exert himself, she exits to see their cook, Bridget, about dinner. Averting their eyes, Jamie and Edmund head in to the dining room. The decaying part must be removed.


Analysis Of Such A Long Journey By Rohinton Mistry

critical analysis of such a long journey

Then in the spring something happened to me. Stanza Five And now I am haunted by the cave dwelling in this the capital city of my mother country … threatened by wind and rain and cold The fifth stanza is the longest at nine lines. At fifty, Noble is healthy; his wife, Dilnavaz, is attractive, good-natured, and efficient; his son, Sohrab, has just been admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology ITT ; and both his younger son, Darius, and his daughter, Roshan, are intelligent, obedient children. The way Abbey writes only makes me want to just keep reading. Major Jimmy was arrested and tortured by the police.


Such A Long Journey Analysis

critical analysis of such a long journey

The regal handlebar mustache was no more. This pitiable condition of the Major in the novel is very painful. Noble being an ordinary middle-class man had to face many trials in life. Once it is destroyed, Noble feels that the security of the Parsi community is under threat. Keywords: Nostalgia, diaspora, alienation and politics Introduction Parsis are the small group of people described as an ethno-religious minority who are the faithful followers of Zoroastrianism. Neither nostalgia nor memory in itself can account for this rootedness and preoccupation with the homeland and the environment boundaries of the city of birth.


Such a Long Journey (film)

critical analysis of such a long journey

Retrieved 30 June 2019. Tell me SLJ 74. He studied English and Philosophy as a part-time scholar at the University of Toronto. Edmund warns that another drink will make him pass out; but then he suggests they both have a drink. A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey. As it is, I will always be a stranger who never feels at home, who does not really want and is not really wanted, who can never belong, who must always be a little in love with death! Years before, and during the creation of Pakistan, India was ruled by the British and Indians hated the way the British ruled their country.
