My dream job doctor. My dream is to become a doctor 2022-10-16

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My dream job is to become a doctor. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the medical field and the idea of helping people in need. As I grew older and learned more about the profession, my interest only deepened.

To me, being a doctor is more than just a job. It is a calling to serve others and make a positive impact on the world. It requires a strong commitment to lifelong learning, as the field of medicine is constantly evolving and advancing. It also requires compassion, empathy, and a desire to truly listen to and understand the needs of patients.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a doctor is the opportunity to work with a diverse group of people and make a difference in their lives. No two patients are exactly alike, and each one presents a unique set of challenges and rewards. I believe that the ability to connect with patients on a personal level and provide them with the best possible care is what sets doctors apart.

To achieve my dream of becoming a doctor, I know that I will have to work hard and dedicate myself to my studies. I plan to attend a top medical school and complete a rigorous residency program, gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the highest level of care to my patients.

In the end, my hope is to make a meaningful contribution to the field of medicine and to the lives of those I serve. As a doctor, I know that I will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world, and that is a dream that I am truly passionate about pursuing.

Dreem Career: My Aspiration to Be a Doctor: [Essay Example], 486 words GradesFixer

my dream job doctor

Also the writer should make sure to discuss only one point per paragraph. External Medicine: A Career In Internal Medicine The motivation to pursue Medicine as a career is frequently presented as a few typical clichés. While some these things ring true of my own life experience, there were numerous, sometimes unrelated things, that have influenced my decision and fueled my desire to pursue Medicine. There was something special about the car that captured my interest. I bring relief and smile on their faces from my humorous jokes. However, there are several problems with sentence construction throughout the essay which need to be corrected. Furthermore, opening my own clinic would be one of my goals that I would really like to achieve.


My dream job is to become a doctor Free Essays

my dream job doctor

When Jessica begins applying to Pre-Medical programs one application asked about what kind of doctor she would like to be and why. Becoming a doctor was my dream since I can …show more content… In high school, this game developed into my passion for Biology. I can always associate with patients and treat them. How doctors treat people and have greater understanding of illnesses and their causes fascinates me to be part of this remarkable medical society. Everything related to medicine interests me.


My Dream To Become A Doctor

my dream job doctor

I think that I have the required skills and abilities which qualifies me to become a successful student and a future doctor. Family Medicine Personal Statement It all began when I was eight years, my father and I were waiting patiently in our community health center to see the doctor because I had a fever. To become a doctor I have to study hard and get good results. I learned from Dr. I am entirely flexible in my life, I can adapt with sudden changes that may occur.


My Dream To Become A Doctor Essay

my dream job doctor

My Motivations For Internal Medicine The motivation to pursue Medicine as a career have been frequently presented as a few typical clichés. I was going with Deca, a business club, to tour American Airlines stadium, and learn the marketing and sales behind the Dallas Mavs. Essay For Sop For Public Health The seed of serving people has been instilled in me during my early teens, raised by an uncle for couple of years who was a doctor, I was able to notice how much difference he was able to make in his community. There are several improvements that can be made to the first paragraph. Cancer in my family, unfortunately, is common. Furthermore, my career will be more stable, safer and socially appreciated.


My dream job doctor Free Essays

my dream job doctor

Having always been fascinated by science, pursuing this interest and practicing medicine became a passion to me. After graduating, I aim to be a successful doctor with great reputation. Diego suffered from a severe form of leukemia and had been hospitalized for nine months. . My parents migrated to Nigeria in the late 1960's when my father, an academician, decided to help educate children there. This can be done by adding subheadings such as self perseverance, hard work, and motivation to improve flow and enhance readability. Why I like to become a doctor is, it is a noble profession.


My dream is to become a doctor

my dream job doctor

I have finally decided that my dream job is to become a pre-k or kindergarten art teacher Premium Teacher Kindergarten Education My Dream Job participation in student organizations and activities - and what you have gained from your involvement. Still others wish to be lawyers, doctors, cricketers or superstars. As she left his room I noticed tears in her eyes because she knew he was not going to survive. Richard and Linda Cull were so happy to have gained another member of their family. As I move along in my career, I would like to work my way through the pathway so that I can expand my skills in healing others, such as diagnostic abilities, effectively giving treatment and so on. I had already had an uncle pass away from leukemia, so when my grandma was diagnosed with stomach cancer and then my uncle, it was a very difficult time for the family. Raj provided quality care to the poor, especially children, alongside his richer clients.


my dream job doctor

After that day I always said I wanted to become a pediatrician nurse because I rather work with kids then adults. My father told me only mechanical engineers are able to design machines that complex. Since I was a young, my mother kept motivating and encouraging me to become a doctor. Several years after my sister had her son, I found out that I was going to have a child of my own. I hope my dream comes true.


my dream job doctor

Furthermore, I am considerably empathetic and passionate into helping others. Amita Gupta and her team on a residual respiratory impairment following Pulmonary Tuberculosis; and b prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. It also have a great history of affording studies to international students from all over the planet. The Nursing and medical field has always fascinated me from a young age. He also explained my duties, which were attending and playing with the children. I have never been as intimidated as my first day, when I followed the attending oncologist, while he was showing me the pediatric unit. Organization of the essay may be improved.


my dream job doctor

Studying medicine is a heavy duty that a person could handle. In my free time I love to play football. Due to his poor health, he was unable to walk or even sit up in his bed. This experience opened up my dream to become a physician. It also included spreading awareness about the risks of several traditional medicine methods. In fact, some of my relatives were victims of this. They also let us visit a student that was in our class who had a broken leg.


my dream job doctor

By accompanying and talking to them, I get to share their problems. I hope to bring happiness to others and allowing people to live comfortably. Currently, I am working as an observer in Johns Hopkins Hospital in Infectious Diseases India, Nigeria and Internal Medicine My desire to become a physician dates way back into my childhood. Yet with a huge sparkle in his eyes, Diego shared with me his dreams of becoming a great soccer player. Chemistry and Biology are the most important subjects in medicine and my grades in these subjects are 99% and 97% respectively. Hence, he developed atrophy in his legs causing them to lose strength and mobility. Although I was nervous, the warmth of his expression gave me the confidence to walk towards his bed.
