Mutah in shia. Is Mutah Halal or Haram? 2022-10-19

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Mutah, also known as temporary marriage, is a practice in Shia Islam that allows individuals to enter into a marriage contract for a fixed period of time. This practice has been controversial and is not recognized by all sects of Islam, including the majority Sunni sect.

In a mutah marriage, the duration of the marriage and the terms of the contract are agreed upon by the two parties involved and may be for a few hours, days, or even years. The couple may also agree on the amount of money or other assets that will be exchanged as part of the contract.

One of the main justifications for mutah in Shia Islam is that it allows individuals to fulfill their sexual desires in a way that is permissible within the teachings of Islam. It is believed that mutah can help to prevent adultery and other forms of extramarital sexual activity, which are considered sins in Islam.

However, mutah has been criticized by some as being a form of prostitution, as the marriage is based primarily on the exchange of money or other assets. Others argue that it is a way for men to exploit women by using the temporary marriage contract to take advantage of them sexually.

Despite these criticisms, mutah remains a controversial practice in Shia Islam and is not recognized by the majority of Muslims. It is important to note that the Islamic faith teaches respect and equality in relationships, and any marriage, whether temporary or permanent, should be based on mutual love and respect.

Let's Talk About Mutah, or Temporary Marriage in Islam

mutah in shia

It seems that Mutah might have occurred long before and releasing might have been done to those women. The word musafiheen refers to prostitution or fornication. The Mahr is a gift the man will give to his wife and can be anything you and your potential spouse agree on. Even Imam Muslim has quoted this narration from the chain of Imam Zuhri about the prohibition in Khyber only and it is true. And the people of today, are not the Sahaba who were blessed to have the prophet in their presence to guide them. However, more and more people are becoming open to it, understanding the responsibility that comes along with the contract. You can enjoy a woman by giving her Maher.


Temporary Marriage

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Hence, there is no need to be surprised if he guided them in their private matters. However, we would have to then ask: Which benefit? Were the sahabs pathetic when they practiced it? Also that proof should fulfill all the conditions. Your half husband seems extremely immature in my opinion and clearly is dishonest. I think forget this Muslim guy and if he really is serious about you then marry you. THE PURPOSE OF THIS VERSE IN THEREFORE, TO CLARIFY THE OBLIGATION OF THE HUSBAND IN CASE THE MARRIAGE IS EONSUMATED BY SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.


What is Mut’ah?

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He the Holy Prophet forbade us to do so. He has asked me to enter into Mutah if that is the proper way of specifying it and I am a bit confused and nervous. All the Muslims agreed on this point that Mutah was permitted at the beginning of Islam by Prophet Muhammad PBUH. We read in Tahufa Ithna Ashari p. Im embarassed to call him or anyone like him a muslim. Would he reject that boy? We will discuss this further in our appendix. If the readers permit I would quote some paragraphs of our scholars, which would shed light on the terms and conditions described by me and those who are really involved in a misunderstanding about Mutah would be reassured.



mutah in shia

Allamah Ibn Sabaki has regarded this saying correct in Jameul Jawama and Sharh Mukhtasar. Forget self control, go find someone to get naked with. It is proved from them that seven different occasions of prohibition are present in the traditions. Marriage isnt about just sex. Sorry but this just seems ridiculous. It was permitted before Khayber, then prohibited, then permitted on the day of liberation, the day of Awtas, then prohibited forever after three days of the event.


Mutah in Shia Fiqh

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You may aslo like; SHARE THIS:. Allamah Ibn Qayyim Jawzi says: The abrogation of a command depends on four conditions and those who consider that Mutah of Hajj is abrogated cannot fulfill even a single condition. If you have concern with the use of a photo, please contact administrator. Misyar Marriage or a marriage with the intention to divorce the wife is allowed by Sunni scholars in order to curtail sexual lust even if your objective is to deceive the woman as you actually intend on divorcing her later. The community is already facing a tough time due to child sex grooming and other such cases.


Quranic evidences for the legitimacy of Mut’ah

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The Shia community thinks that Mutah is halal, legal, and permitted in Islam. Its proof is that inheritance is a religious command and its right is based on some religious proofs. Thus, it is proved that neither this verse which is called abrogator was revealed after the verse of Mutah nor does it oppose the order of Mutah. Muslim women are honoured and to be used as sex or being flaky is not needed. One thinks it is halal and the other thinks, it is haram. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3979; Muslim, 1407. While Imam Shafei and others believe that this order was abrogated only by another verse.


Is Mutah Halal or Haram?

mutah in shia

Question: I am married to woman that lives by her self and she is completely dependent on her self. Also, what about the issue of children? For example, a killer of husband is deprived of the right to inheritance. This in itself is the best proof that permanent marriage cannot fulfill the instinctive sexual desires of everyone and that a solution must be sought for the problem. It is permissible to have a representative to pronounce the formula of Mutah like it is done in other marriages. Mutah informs the woman from the beginning what the relationship is and to a degree prevents a man from pretending to marry the woman permanently, and then divorcing her or not even going ahead with marriage, which can scar a woman psychologically! This is a support for dowry being a recompense. This objection can surely be raised only when a category of permanent wives is deprived of the right to inheritance. People should seek to get married, not have mutahs.


Verse of Mutah in the Quran

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It may be valid or invalid according to the circumstances. Apart from the prohibition of Mutah, he had once again explained the permissible and prohibited acts on that day. The answer provided by Al-Milani is a desperate attempt to make mutah permissible, and by doing this he was pushed into claiming that the Quran has been tampered with. I was seeing someone who used this on me but I then found out after 3 yrs later he was in several other mutas with girls. It is also narrated from Sabrah that Mutah was legalized at the time of the Farewell Hajj.


Mutah Or Temporary Marriage

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. Then what is the difference between this and going to a brothel? If the Wahabi author chooses to disagree, then let him reference the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir: Allah said, those who do not have, the means , financial capability Wherewith to wed free believing women meaning, free faithful, chaste women. Because according to that school a contract of marriage should not be restricted in a specific duration. You can do all of this orally or through text messages. It is thus clear that since temporary marriage was not forbidden by the Prophet it was a legitimate marriage and not a form of adultery. So how does that fit in with the world today? One day with their mum and the next with their dad. Life isnt about just sex.
