Mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone. FREE Essay on Mary Louise Pratt's Essay, Arts of the Contact Zone 2022-10-23

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In her essay "Arts of the Contact Zone," Mary Louise Pratt discusses the concept of "contact zones," which she defines as "social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery, or their aftermaths as they are lived out in many parts of the world today" (Pratt, 1991). Pratt argues that these contact zones can serve as sites of both conflict and creativity, where individuals and groups with different cultural backgrounds and histories intersect and engage in dialogue and exchange.

One key aspect of contact zones is that they involve a significant power imbalance between the different cultural groups involved. This can take many forms, such as the colonialism and imperialism that Pratt references in her essay. In these cases, the dominant culture wields a great deal of power over the subordinate culture, and the contact zone becomes a site of conflict and resistance as the subordinate culture struggles to assert its own identity and autonomy.

However, Pratt also notes that contact zones can also be more subtle and less overtly oppressive. She uses the example of a classroom, where students from different cultural backgrounds come together to learn and interact. In this case, the power dynamic is not as clearly defined, but it can still be present in the way that certain cultural practices and values are privileged or marginalized.

Despite the challenges that can arise in contact zones, Pratt emphasizes that they also have the potential to be sites of creative and transformative exchange. She argues that individuals and groups can use the contact zone as a way to learn from and understand each other, and to create new forms of communication and understanding that bridge cultural divides.

In conclusion, Mary Louise Pratt's concept of the "arts of the contact zone" highlights the complex and often fraught nature of cultural interaction and exchange. While contact zones can be sites of conflict and power imbalances, they also have the potential to be spaces of creativity and transformation, where individuals and groups can learn from and engage with each other in meaningful ways.

Analysis Of Mary Louise Pratt's Arts Of The Contact Zone

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race. Pratt cites the manuscript as an example of autoethnography. Today, freedom in American is often taken for granted. I think a shot like this would be GRATE! As a replacement, another text, written by a Spanish, Andean citizen living in Spain colored the perspective in a Spanish positive light and was assumed to be the right perspective. She also uses the example of a text called "The First New Chronicle and Good Government" and makes the point that art is generally a depiction of oppressors from the perspective of the oppressed. The prototypical mani festation of language is generally taken to be the speech of individual adult native speakers face-to-face as in Saus sure's famous diagram in monolingual, even monodialec tal situations? Instead, one had to work in the knowledge that whatever one said was going to be systematically received in radically heterogeneous ways that we were neither able nor entitled to prescribe. In her essay Mary Louise Pratt talks about "transculturation" and "ethnography.


What is a summary for "Arts of the Contact Zone" by Mary Louise Pratt?

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

This requires correspondence and interaction between people. As scholars have realized only relatively recently, the transcultural character of Guaman Pomas text is intri cately apparent in its visual as well as its written compo nent. I propose immediately to head back several centuries to a text that has a few points in common with baseball cards and raises thoughts about what Tony Sarmiento, in his comments to the conference, called new visions of literacy. These projects focus on the design of games and toys to enhance science and engineering education for K-16 students. All express the effects of long-term contact and intractable, unequal conflict. The authors separate each of these into their own chapter for a certain reason, to show the treatment of colonized people.


Mary Louise Pratt's Rhetorical Analysis: Arts Of The...

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

Everybody had a stake in nearly everything we read, but the range and kind of stakes varied widely. Their reception is thus highly indeterminate. Gauman Poma wrote a letter as an Andean citizen to his Spanish King. Have you ever been so alone that there is nowhere to go but down? This gives people a way to talk and discuss certain aspects of history. How would it help you? Therefore, we all have the English language in common and it unifies us together. And, of course, all this time he was also playing baseball, struggling his way through the stages of the local Little League system, lucky enough to be a pretty good player, loving the game and coming to know deeply his strengths and weaknesses.


(PDF) Arts of the contact zone

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

The culture often takes on those stereotypes in some form of literary work and presents it to the dominant culture often trying to change their views or perspectives. One of the most damaging forces tearing at young black people in America today is the popular culture's image of what an "authentic" black person is supposed to look like and how that person is supposed to act. No one knew or knows how the manuscript got to the library in Copenhagen or how long it had been there. I learned a lot about them there, and I am thankful. The composition of the national collectivity is changing and so are the styles, as Anderson put it, in which it is being imagined. The piece concludes with Appleton claiming that body modification should only be for fashion, because bringing significance to it causes problems.


Mary Louis Pratt, Arts Of The Contact Zone Essay Online

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

It is a joy to be a part off group that shares your same interest and things you go through. It appears that Blacks will be acknowledged as being less important and treated with little respect in our western society. Pratt emphasizes that a contact zone allows people to interact between cultures and break the cultural boundary. If one does not think of cultures this way, then Guaman Pomas text is simply heterogeneous, as the Andean region was itself and remains today. Am talking about how we speak to one another.


Arts of the Contact Zone by Mary Louise Pratt

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

Talking to air traffic control is another contact zone, except this is not face to face. In the essay, Pratt also describes the literate arts that come out of the contact zone. Anderson proposes three features that characterize the style in which the modern nation is imagined. Following contact with the Incas, he writes, "In all Castille, there was a great commotion. We can set up neighbourhoods and institutions in which people commit them self to working to form strong relationship bonds and alliances with people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Despite whatever conflicts or sys tematic social differences might be in play, it is assumed that all participants are engaged in the same game and that the game is the same for all players.


Analysis Of Mary Louise Pratt's Art Of The Contact Zone

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

I had only met her days before moving in, but I was determined to make the most out of our relationship. This is especially true among young people involved in their education, says Pratt. These are only two of the many literate arts that precipitate out of the contact zone. For example, most of the community is men. In the first few paragraphs of this essay, the reader is introduced to a term coined and repeated by Pratt throughout the piece, "contact zones. Pratt claims, that if the receivers had observed the reading and pursued to learn from it, they would have stored a better understanding of what life was like for the Andean subjects. .


FREE Essay on Mary Louise Pratt's Essay, Arts of the Contact Zone

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

They all live among us today in the transnationalized metropolis of the United States and are becoming more widely visible, more pressing, and, like Guaman Poma's text, more decipherable to those who once would have ignored them in defense of a stable, centered sense of knowledge and reality. There are Chinese students that speak their own language but in school and in their flight training are forced to speak English. Fortunately, communities are exactly how Pratt describes them; they are an area where people with totally different backgrounds and beliefs come in contact with each other to create a puzzle that is sometimes referred to as a community. Anderson argues that European bourgeoisies were dis tinguished by their ability to "achieve solidarity on an essentially imagined basis" 74 on a scale far greater than that of elites of other times and places. The depictions resemble European man ners and customs description, but also reproduce the meticulous detail with which knowledge in Inca society was stored on quipusznd in the oral memories of elders.


Arts of the Contact Zone by Mary Louise Pratt

mary louise pratt arts of the contact zone

Her interest in my hair is what led to us talking about where I was from, which led to the subject of my culture and which community I identified myself with. It constituted one of the main official discourses. Now one could certainly imagine a theory that assumed different things? Royal Commentaries of the Incas. Often, as in Guaman Poma, it involves more than one language. He realizes that he and his typewriter are unique in the village; people see them as a natural wonder. Models involving games and moves are often used to describe interactions. The concept might help explain why some of the earliest published writing by Chicanas took the form of folkloric manners and customs sketches written in English and published in English-language newspapers or folklore magazines see Treviiio.
