Microeconomics articles 2017. American Economic Association 2022-10-26

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Microeconomics is the study of individual economic units, such as households and firms, and how they make decisions and interact with one another in markets. It is a branch of economics that focuses on the behavior of small units and how they are influenced by various factors, including prices, resource availability, and government policies.

In 2017, there were numerous articles published on microeconomic topics. Some of the key issues that were discussed in these articles included the role of government intervention in markets, the effects of globalization on firms and households, and the impact of technological change on the economy.

One key area of discussion in microeconomics articles in 2017 was the role of government intervention in markets. Many economists and policymakers debated the appropriate level of government involvement in the economy, with some arguing for more intervention to address market failures and others advocating for a hands-off approach. For example, some argued that government intervention was necessary to address externalities, such as pollution, while others argued that it was best to allow markets to function freely without interference.

Another major issue that was addressed in microeconomics articles in 2017 was the impact of globalization on firms and households. As the global economy becomes more interconnected, firms have increasingly been able to access new markets and sources of labor, leading to increased international trade and investment. However, globalization has also led to concerns about job loss and income inequality, as some workers may be left behind in the face of increased competition from abroad.

Finally, the impact of technological change on the economy was another key topic that was covered in microeconomics articles in 2017. The rapid pace of technological innovation has led to significant changes in the way firms operate and compete, as well as how households make decisions about consumption and saving. Some economists have argued that technological change can lead to increased productivity and economic growth, while others have raised concerns about the potential for technological disruption to lead to job loss and income inequality.

Overall, the microeconomics articles published in 2017 covered a wide range of important topics that continue to be relevant to understanding and addressing economic challenges today.

Microeconomics « The New York Times in Education

microeconomics articles 2017

While these types of systems deal with different aspects of economic behavior, many of the basic problems that are solved by economics are the same … News Articles About Microeconomics Read More. And you might even have wondered whether Google should be regulated, or how it can evade antitrust laws. Is it really important? Or would it scare them away? Much of the cost savings that U. With Microeconomics, you will have the option to completely acknowledge how a cutting edge economy capacities. When supply is restricted, prices tend to increase.


Common Ownership in America: 1980

microeconomics articles 2017

The discipline also involves the formulation of policies for stabilizing a national economy, including spending, taxing, and monetary policy actions by the central bank. Although they are able to smooth the swings of their activities more than for-profit organizations, nonprofits exhibit substantial sensitivity to economic cycles. The COVID-19 crisis has put the relationship between Google and Washington to the test. An elastic product or service is sensitive to price variations whereas an inelastic commodity is insensitive to price changes. From game hypothesis and serious technique, to the jobs of vulnerability and data, and the investigation of estimating by firms with advertise power, the content encourages you comprehend what's happening in the realm of business.


American Economic Association

microeconomics articles 2017

However, the cost to hire an experienced drilling crew and source critical oil-field supplies, in- cluding the sand used in hydraulic fracturing, has surged between 10% and 20% this winter, ex- perts say. The additional American production is more than the volume that Saudi Ara- bia committed to stop producing to help shore up global crude prices. That is threatening to wipe out some of the savings the industry gained by belt- tightening during the bust. History of Microeconomic Study The first record of a text explaining the complex web of consumer and decision making was perhaps that of the Swiss mathematician Nicholas Bernoulli 1695-1726. In response, Google avoided financial penalties and pledged to change its business practices. In calculating the moving wall, the current year is not counted. Technology here is either a form of fixed capital or circulating capital.


Microeconomics Article Assignment 2 webapi.bu.edu

microeconomics articles 2017

For example, when the manufacturer raises the price of a commodity, consumers tend to buy less of that commodity. In a "Monopoly", only one supplier provides the needed commodity and in a "Monopsony" there is only one buyer. The journal publishes theoretical work as well as both empirical and experimental work with a theoretical framework. Relevance of Microeconomics Microeconomics does not proffer market ultimatums. The building blocks of an economy include land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.


Micro Archives

microeconomics articles 2017

This branch of economics studies the overall functioning of an economy and the relationships among various agents, such as firms, governments, and households. An "Oligopsony" has many sellers with few buyers. Well, microeconomics is the study of individual consumer behavior and business behavior. Berndt We analyze total United States advertising spending from 1960 to 2018. We also show that the theory predicts incentives for expropriation of undiversified shareholders via tunneling, even in the Berle and Means 1932 world of the widely held firm.


American Economic Association

microeconomics articles 2017

These resources include manufacturing, packaging, storing and shipping. In the meantime, read on for a few articles about microeconomics in the news. Well, microeconomics is the study of individual consumer behavior and business behavior. Microeconomics takes a close look at the individual components of a larger economy and their behaviors. In perfect competition, there is "an absolute elastic demand curve.


Economics: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Economics

microeconomics articles 2017

Microeconomics covers factors that affect individual economic choices, how change affects these factors, and how individual markets determine prices and demand. Despite the current political climate, big tech companies have been in the doghouse in Washington for months. It also examines how the economy reacts to short-term deviations from equilibrium. Microeconomics is also relevant in industries looking for an entry, or competition. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics publishes papers focusing on microeconomic theory, industrial organization and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. Just as physicists study the big picture of nature and atoms, economists examine the interactions between various components of an economy. Preview links indicate that draft versions of full-text articles are available for AEA members only.


American Economic Journal: Microeconomics on JSTOR

microeconomics articles 2017

The study of economics focuses on the theory of demand, the theory of the firm, demand for labor, and factors of production. Even when the prices go up, the demand is still vital. Businesses and investors prefer inelastic goods as they are less affected by demand and supply. It also examines how the economy reacts to short-term deviations from equilibrium. Transaction Cost Economics theory is a useful lens to understand firm organization and possibly guide policy and regulation. Resources are vital when creating a good or service.


microeconomics articles for students

microeconomics articles 2017

Inelastic goods and commodities may include electricity and medicines. We show that the dramatic rise in common ownership in the time series is driven primarily by the rise of indexing and diversification and, in the cross section, by investor concentration, which the theory presumes to drive a wedge between cash flow rights and control. Such market structures include monopolies, oligopolies, competitive markets, and perfect competitions. In the political arena it is used when evaluating the role of political institutions and parties in determining policy outcomes, and in law firms to assess the efficiency of competing regimes, and in public affairs to determine government tax and expenditure policies needed by the economy of a country. It examines how different factors affect prices, production, and capacity.


What Is Microeconomics?

microeconomics articles 2017

In addition, macroeconomists study the impact of international trade on economies, as well as the relationship between wages and employment. It was evidence that autonomous robots could help protect civilian and service member lives. Elasticity Elasticity is the degree of change in consumer demand when placed in context of a change in a given commodity's price. In the 1950s, Herbert A. It also looks at how economic phenomena affect an economy, such as unemployment rates and net exports.
