Love and marriage in the victorian era. Roles of Husbands and Wives in Victorian Marriage, Duty of The Wife and Husband 2022-10-28

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Love and marriage in the Victorian era were seen as very important, as marriage was considered a moral and social obligation. Marriage was also seen as a means of securing a financially and socially stable future. In the upper and middle classes, marriages were often arranged by the couple's parents, who took into consideration the social standing, wealth, and reputation of the potential spouse.

Love and affection were not necessarily seen as necessary components of a successful marriage. Instead, couples were expected to develop love and affection for each other over time and through shared experiences. This approach to marriage was known as "companionate marriage."

However, this view of marriage was not shared by everyone in the Victorian era. Many people, especially in the working classes, married for love and saw marriage as a partnership based on mutual respect, affection, and companionship. These marriages were often seen as more egalitarian, as both partners were expected to contribute to the relationship and the household.

In the Victorian era, there were strict gender roles that dictated how men and women should behave in a marriage. Men were expected to be the breadwinners and provide for their families, while women were expected to be homemakers and caretakers. Women were also expected to be submissive to their husbands and were not allowed to pursue their own interests or have a voice in important decisions.

Overall, love and marriage in the Victorian era were complex and multifaceted, with different expectations and experiences depending on one's social class and personal beliefs. While some marriages were based on love and companionship, others were more practical and focused on financial and social stability. Despite these differences, marriage was seen as a crucial part of Victorian society and played a significant role in shaping the lives of individuals and families.

Marriage in the Victorian Era

love and marriage in the victorian era

As an honorable and principled man, Edward could not go back on his word about marrying. What you have said to me may have been in jest, or I may have misunderstood it. After the husband had confided to the wife about all his business affairs, she should talk with her about the income every year. How was dating in the Victorian era? It was unknown which guest was to receive which favor in which slice. A hand around the waist, a chaste kiss, a pressing of the hand, were allowed.


How did the Victorians get married? Love matches, dresses & honeymoons

love and marriage in the victorian era

T he husband presented his fiancée with a ring; the woman could give her fiancé a ring as well, but it was not required. According to Farahbakhsh and Ahmadi 33 , Money turned into an essential material factor in the eighteenth and nineteenth Victorian era. There were to be no weddings that day. Marriage was the only proper occupation for women and a virtual sentence to a legal and economic subjugation they could escape. The husband could be sure that she would not use the money unwisely if she was given full confidence. On the other hand, a civil ceremony did offer more privacy than one in church.


What was marriage like in the Victorian era?

love and marriage in the victorian era

For many brides this also meant discovering the joys, or terrors, of the marital bed. Pip like the title of the novel has great expectations that prompt him to work hard for Estella to accept him. Their marriage was finalized through letters rather than getting to know each other face to face. Wedding hours were extended to 3pm to reflect the working hours of the lower classes Sunday — the one day of leisure for workers — was the most usual one for weddings, particularly in urban areas. Was the Victorian era a romance? She looked back at Elizabeth who smiled encouragingly. He fears the scars in his soul cut so deeply that he may never be able to offer Alicia a love that is true.


Courtship and Weddings (Women and Marriage in the Victorian and Edwardian Eras

love and marriage in the victorian era

If she had progressed to the stage of courtship in which she walked out with a gentleman, they always walked apart. In the upper-class marriages, the wife often brought a generous Dowery and enticement for the marriage. They have a worth — so I have always believed; and if I cannot believe it now, it is because I am insane: with my veins running fire, and my heart beating faster than I can count its throbs. Beginning a love relationship in the 19th century was much more challenging than it is today. In the following pages, I wish to highlight the characteristics, form and the revolutionary aspects of the Victorian Novel, along with a brief analysis on three very important Victorian writers - William Makepeace Thakeray, Charles Dicken.


Victorian era courtship rules and marriage facts

love and marriage in the victorian era

The marriages in this story consisted of people from the upper classes. By the 1890s, brides wore a dress with large, puffed sleeves, a train and a long veil. Which begs the question; why were arranged marriages so common? Additionally, possible matches, engagement, and marriage are primary concepts that concern characters in the novel and the subject of most conversations. A wife was expected to give her husband children, to support him in every way and to ensure their home was his comfortable and tranquil retreat. Brides were superstitious about the day of the week they should be married.


Roles of Husbands and Wives in Victorian Marriage, Duty of The Wife and Husband

love and marriage in the victorian era

The Victorian era introduced the idea of romantic love and marriage among the upper classes Think of Queen Victoria; hers was a love match. . This would be improper! Therefore, I did a small a pilot study, searching a small corpus of the Browning love letters for words that, according to the OED, were used as terms of endearment in the nineteenth century: angel, baby, beloved, darling, dear, dearest, honey, heart, love, lover, precious, sweetheart, treasure. Humphry, Manners for Men 1897. Higher up the social scale, weddings were expected to be more lavish affairs.


Theme of Love and Money in Victorian Era Novels

love and marriage in the victorian era

Yet this was a common custom throughout history in nearly every country of the world. Escort cards were a popular novelty item during the latter part of the 19th century. Why was marriage important in Victorian era? When saying good night, the girl was never to go farther than the parlor door, instead, a servant would see her suitor out. Author of Historical Romance and Fantasy, award-winning author Donna Hatch is a sought-after speaker and workshop presenter. Unlike other contacts, courts could not enforce these contracts as they would not force people into marriages. In a 1995 article entitled Promises Broken: Courtship, Class, and gender in Victorian England, Ginger informs that in the nineteenth century, an engagement was a social contract and was legally binding for both parties. This thing of living in Springfield is rather a dull business after all, at least it is so to me.


Arranged Marriages and True Love

love and marriage in the victorian era

It would allow you to find your errors and the wife would find her when she is cooler. It depends on him to ensure whether her path would be strewn with roses or thorns. When did the Victorian era end? However, Bronte presents a character who manages to overcome female passivity to become a strong and independent woman who equals men and supports herself. Women were often married off to gain wealth and stability in society, while men, on the other hand, married for comfort and companionship and to fulfill the norm of society. Courtship A courting couple in a London park hold hands while a chaperone sits beside them reading a book, circa 1865.
