Jps 1917. Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon 2022-11-04

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The JPS 1917 is a translation of the Hebrew Bible into English, published by the Jewish Publication Society (JPS) in 1917. It is considered one of the most accurate and influential translations of the Hebrew Bible into English, and is still widely used by Jewish scholars and laypeople today.

The JPS 1917 translation was the first major English translation of the Hebrew Bible to be produced by Jewish scholars, rather than Christian scholars. This made it particularly significant for the Jewish community, as it provided an English translation that more accurately reflected the original Hebrew text and the Jewish perspective on the Bible.

The JPS 1917 translation was the result of a collaborative effort by a team of Jewish scholars and translators, led by Dr. Max Margolis, Professor of Semitic Languages at the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning in Philadelphia. The team worked for several years on the translation, using the Masoretic Text as their primary source, and consulting with other Jewish scholars and experts in biblical Hebrew to ensure the accuracy and fidelity of the translation.

One of the key features of the JPS 1917 translation is its use of modern English, which makes it more accessible and easier to understand for contemporary readers. It also includes helpful footnotes and annotations that provide additional context and information about the text.

The JPS 1917 translation has had a significant impact on the way the Hebrew Bible is studied and understood by both Jewish and non-Jewish readers. It has been widely praised for its accuracy and clarity, and has become a standard reference for scholars and laypeople alike.

In conclusion, the JPS 1917 translation of the Hebrew Bible is a highly respected and influential translation that has played a significant role in the study and understanding of the Hebrew Bible. Its accuracy, clarity, and modern English language make it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the Hebrew Bible and its teachings.

THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, Tanakh 1917 edition

jps 1917

With great effort I proved it was malicious and have restored the site. As to the text and order of the biblical books, the present translation follows Jewish tradition, the Sacred Scriptures having come down in a definite compass and in a definite text. Ecclesiastes, Gustav Gottheil deceased , New York. Firkovich was a Jewish businessman, a devoted Karaite Jews who follow only the Bible and reject oral or Talmudic tradition , an inveterate traveler and collector of Hebrew manuscripts. To date, I have not found any other source Jewish or Christian , including the Westminster Leningrad Codex WLC , that adheres to the structured order of the original Hebrew for the Ten Commandments as written by the Masroetes in the Leningrad Codex! This statement, with its universalistic tendency, is, of course, a reflex of later times, when the Hebrew Scriptures had become a subject of curiosity and perhaps also of anxiety to the pagan or semi-pagan world.


Jewish Publication Society Translation (1917)

jps 1917

They are separated into three divisions: Law Torah, Pentateuch , Prophets Nebi'im , Writings Ketubim. As noted above, both the Westminster Leningrad Codex WLC Hebrew and JPS 1917 English texts were modified to conform to the actual facsimile PDF File of the Leningrad Codex for Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. Moreover, the public reader is bound in certain cases to substitute mentally other consonants in the place of those found in the scrolls, in accordance with the marginal annotations in the copies intended for private use. The Pentateuch is divided into fifty-four sections; beginning with the Sabbath following the Feast of Tabernacles, the readings on the Sabbaths of the year are taken in their order from the Five Books of Moses. All this, however, is veiled in obscurity, as is the whole inner history of the Jews during the Persian rule. Qere and Ketiv are orthographic devices that were used by the i.



jps 1917

In the Prophets and the Writings the order of the books varies in manuscripts or among Jewish authorities; but there is absolute agreement as to the compass of these two divisions, and no book is transposed from the one into the other. In fact, as I understand it, rabbinic "scribes", in examining the actual Aleppo and Leningrad Codices, appear to have taken upon themselves to adding the consonant only Qere in the margins upon the original manuscripts, where, in their " infinite wisdom" they have presumed themselves to be the greater authority! TANAKH HEBREW SCRIPTURE PASSAGES Leningrad Codex Based Tanakh aka Hebrew Scriptures derived from: "Electronic" Leningrad Codex obtained from www. This itself was a huge programming effort, requiring the identification of no less than 15 different patterns in the production of that version of The—Iconoclast. JPS Secretary Henrietta Szold then went over the manuscript 12 times. Lost for centuries, the manuscript was eventually discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and became known as the Leningrad Codex. Not only does the text known as the masoretic represent the text current in the Synagogue with regard to consonants, but also with regard to its signs standing for vowels and accents, both of which embody the interpretation accepted by the Synagogue.


Jewish Bible (JPS 1917)

jps 1917

. Voorsanger deceased , San Francisco, California. Take the letters s, f, r, for example, which can variously be read as sefer, sapar nouns , siper, safar, saper verbs. Print editions of portions of the TANAKH are also available, such as The Torah, The Book of Psalms, and The Five Megilloth and Jonah. To that end, the Stone Edition of the Tanakh places the QERE before the KETIV, which they put in brackets, making it so that the reader automatically sees the QERE and only with difficulty will look at the bracketed KETIV what was actually written.


Jewish Publication Society of America Version

jps 1917

In each of those verses, the Hebrew word צַלְמָוֶת is usually translated, into English, as "Shadow of Death". Thus, this current version uses the Ketiv, what is written, as the predominant rendering, while making the Qere, what the "rabbis" have commanded as Must Be Read instead, to be a minimalist secondary format much as rabbis appear to have intended the Ketiv to be! תנך תורה—נביאים—כתובים Ta na kh Torah - Nevi'im - Ketuvim Book Order Follows The Leningrad Codex Order! The Pentateuchal readings are supplemented by readings from the Prophets known as Haftarot. THAT RESULTING COMPOUND WORD WOULD BE: צַלְ־מָוֶת. Mielziner deceased , Cincinnati, Ohio. Margolis was chosen as the seventh member, he to be the Editor-in-Chief of the work and Secretary to the Editorial Board, of which Doctor Cyrus Adler was elected Chairman. It aims to combine the spirit of Jewish tradition with the results of biblical scholarship, ancient, medieval, and modern.


Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon

jps 1917

The Rabbis perceived in this activity of the first generation of the Sopherim the origin of the Aramaic translation known as the Targum, first made orally and afterwards committed to writing, which was necessitated by the fact that Israel had forgotten the sacred language, and spoke the idiom current in a large part of western Asia. The 1917 edition, now in the public domain, is not available from JPS in print form. Though he edited the translation which had been prepared by 32 contributors in just 12 months, a remarkable accomplishment, it had to be reviewed by a board of editors so diverse that its members argued for years over minor details. Moreover, the public reader is bound in certain cases to substitute mentally other consonants in the place of those found in the scrolls, in accordance with the marginal annotations in the copies intended for private use. We have followed Baer's texta and for the parts not edited by him that of Ginsburg. It may be noted that within the structure of the WLC, the Qere— Ketiv patterns were designated by a single or double asterick within pattern groups; due to the complex nature of attempting to correctly collect the data, I had not been able to create a truly 100% correct rendering although I was close! Esther, William Rosenau, Baltimore, Md. By the favor of a gracious Providence the present company of Editors was permitted to finish the work which is now given to the public.


JPS Tanakh Customer Guide

jps 1917

Thus, this would make the text conform to the Masoretic original Leningrad Codex before those coming after ok, the rabbis decided "they knew better" and wanted to change over 1100 words. It is well worth a look. What is the JPS TANAKH? All this, however, is veiled in obscurity, as is the whole inner history of the Jews during the Persian rule. These translations are all historical products intimately connected with Israel's wanderings among the nations and with the great events of mankind in general. MH darkness in the Bible occurring only as the name of a mountain, Jud.


Download The Holy Scriptures, Tanakh 1917 edition

jps 1917

Available in rose and moss Pages: 1,104 Size: 4 x 6 Font size: 6 pt Weight: 11 oz The Torah: The Five Books of Moses — Print editions The Torah is the essence of Jewish tradition; it inspires each successive generation. However, I acknowledge that rabbis talmudists have expended much effort to obscure the written Torah as part of their regular practice; as they appear, to me, to view themselves collectively as אֱלֹהִ֔ים Elohim. In the prophetical writings, where the speech of the prophet imperceptibly glides into the words of the Deity, and in the legal portions of the Pentateuch, it has been thought best to use quotation marks sparingly. Exodus and Leviticus, L. II Samuel, Bernard Drachman, New York. In their stead, for the entire Tanakh, I am now using יה for the number 15 and יו for 16 everywhere that verse numbering appears, doing away with the rabbinic numbering scheme of טו tet-vav and טז tet-zayin , for numbers 15 and 16 respectively! Many visually-impaired readers find the option to enlarge text to be helpful.
