Google and china case study. Case Study: Google in China 2022-10-12

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Google is a multinational technology company that is known for its search engine and various other products and services. The company has faced numerous challenges and controversies throughout its history, but one particularly significant case study is its relationship with China.

In the early 2000s, Google entered the Chinese market and launched a version of its search engine, called, in order to tap into the country's rapidly growing internet population. However, the Chinese government heavily censors the internet, and as a result, Google was required to censor certain search results in order to comply with local regulations. This led to criticism from human rights groups and others who argued that Google was compromising its own values in order to enter the Chinese market.

In 2010, Google faced another major challenge when it announced that it had been the target of a cyber attack originating from China. The attack, which was later referred to as "Operation Aurora," targeted the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists and led to the theft of intellectual property from Google and other companies. As a result, Google announced that it would no longer censor search results in China and began redirecting users to its uncensored search engine in Hong Kong.

This decision was met with mixed reactions. Some praised Google for standing up for its values and refusing to censor its search results, while others argued that the company was sacrificing a significant market opportunity in order to take a moral stand. In the years following this decision, Google's market share in China declined significantly, and the company has struggled to regain a foothold in the country.

Today, Google remains a major player in the global technology industry, but its relationship with China remains a complex and often contentious one. While the company has continued to offer some of its products and services in the country, it has also faced numerous challenges and controversies, including allegations of unfair competition and concerns about data privacy. As the global technology landscape continues to evolve, it is likely that Google's relationship with China will continue to be a significant case study for those interested in the intersection of business, technology, and politics.

Google in China

google and china case study

Another issue arising is the storage of such user data, as this violates the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which states that organizations cannot mine user data within given safety reasons. Pest analysis is very important and informative. Compare Google position with the one of other companies in the internet-related industries. This agreement is a unique opportunity for Google to reach a goal that other online giants like Wikipedia have thus far failed to achieve. Not the questions you were looking for? With more than 200+ dedicated and professional writers for different levels who are ready to provide you the best essay writing services.


Case Study: Google in China

google and china case study

Publication Date: 01 May 2007. This report focuses on the development of a plan for negotiations between Google and the Chinese government, recognizing the main issues and assumptions for both parties, analyzing the most effective theories and approaches, and evaluating possible ethical dilemmas inherent to the situation. Therefore, the company needed to keep the trust of their users as an important asset. First, this approach helps to identify a framework for cross-cultural communication and compare the results between the countries. The site, however, was frequently unavailable or slow because of censoring by the Chinese government.


Google in China [10 Steps] Case Study Analysis & Solution

google and china case study

Search results were provided with the consideration of various restricted areas such as technologies, government policies as well as use of internet. Suddenly, in early September, computer users in China could not access Google. Negotiations should considerably enlarge the client database and open new aspects of communication and cultural diversity. Assignments: Google turns to you, how to develop brand communication strategy into the Chinese market? Also, manipulating different data and combining with other information available will give a new insight. Firstly, the introduction is written. The following will address these ethical dilemmas in detail and provide insight into their resolutions and implications.


Q1 Case Study 1 Google in China

google and china case study

It is better to provide information despite its limited availability. At the same time, the role of the government can be properly identified in this new code. Google passed this test and proved that it has been following the code of conduct. The Chinese government has already developed strong regulations for the operations of foreign companies. Chinese Companies will fail if they focus on the Chinese consumer rather than the American consumer. Google is an American organization where such issues as individualism, freedom of the press and media, and sustainable innovation play a crucial role. The door of Chiese market was gradually opened for multinational companies.


Google in china case study analysis answers

google and china case study

Therefore, it could be inferred that it was right decision to introduce Google. It is necessary to understand the type of content that can be defined as harmful or undesirable for the Chinese population as well as how to differentiate censored information without restricting human rights and freedoms. You have to recommend business unit level recommendations. Whereas, the opportunities and threats are generally related from external environment of organization. STEP 10: Evaluation Of Alternatives For Case Study Google In China Case Solution: If the selected alternative is fulfilling the above criteria, the decision should be taken straightforwardly.


Google and the Government of China: Cultural Negotiations

google and china case study

This leads to unstructured learning process resulting in missed details and at worse wrong conclusions. The Wal-Mart "Every Day Low Prices" has been deemed as cheap and unsafe in China. Google began offering services to the Chinese allowing them the ability to search In their own language. STEP 9: Selection Of Alternatives For Case Study Google In China Case Solution: It is very important to select the alternatives and then evaluate the best one as the company have limited choices and constraints. When the government later allowed access to Google, people found certain sites considered politically sensitive were not available. The company decided entering the market was the best decision, eventually moving its operations to China to better serve the market and manage the operations. Similarly, an adherence to the perspective of socialism, governmental morality and correctness were among the cultural values that Google needed to be sensitive too as they entered the Chinese market Sy, 2008.


Case Study of Google China

google and china case study

When Google decided to enter the Chinese market, the company did so because they knew how important the Chinese market was for their business. I found your course of action that suggested Google partner up with the other search engines in China as a good possible course of action since Google wishes to remain in China. The main concerns of the case include the cultural diversity of the parties, a variety of ethical issues including censorship and privacy rights, and governmental power. Current Situation Global Network Initiative GNI Google Inc. Google and the government of China: A case study in cross-cultural negotiations. Certain regulations have been imposed on foreign companies and information in the business sector. To my mind and from an ethical point of view, the actions taken by Google, Microsoft, In our digital world, these companies have the power to influence change and reduce suppression of the rights of freedom of speech and information.


Google and the Government of China: A Case Study

google and china case study

When the government did allowed Google servers to run they censored what the deemed subversive. Various Roles the Chinese Government Plays In 2010, Google discovered their website had been hacked into. As per July 2005, CNNIC estimated that country had 103 Million online users that is 11 % of World's online population. Strategic and Operational Challenges Because of these latest developments, Google found themselves in the position of needing to make some very difficult decisions. The question of whether or not such behavior is ethical is a complex one since, to remain relevant, a company must generate revenue while being ethically sound.


Google in China Case Solution And Analysis, HBR Case Study Solution & Analysis of Harvard Case Studies

google and china case study

In some cases you will able to find the central problem in the beginning itself while in others it may be in the end in form of questions. If the company holds some value then answer is yes. Google planned to exercise self-censorship, conform to Chinese laws, and be thoughtful about the services it provided. However, imitation is done in two ways. Moreover, internet content was also disseminated. The two parties each have their own interests and expectations for this new agreement. Plus Baidu provided its users to download mp3 music and movies for free, which were restricted for free access by Google.


Case Study Google In China Case Study Solution and Analysis of Harvard Case Studies

google and china case study

A significant point of contention that Google has faced is its targeted advertising based on content in their email service Gmail. Therefore, it is necessary to block the new entrants in the industry. Even, the competitive parity is not desired position, but the company should not lose its valuable resources, even they are common. Hence, people essentially and adequately utilized such information for their use. And what factors should Google have considered in reaching its decision on the new approach in China? It is very important to understand that in America one reputation-damaging mistake can put one out of business almost overnight.
